Any woman dreams of luxurious well-groomed hair, because they are the key to attractiveness and high self-esteem. However, not everyone has good health and the opportunity to purchase expensive hair care products. In this situation, help out methods available for home use, and one of them is lamination of hair with gelatin.

Lamination is a comfortable and reliable way to “renew” hair, making it shiny and silky. The procedure consists in applying substances to the hair, enveloping the hairs with a light film. Lamination is carried out both by professional means and gelatin. This procedure can be easily and safely done at home.

The benefits of the procedure

Since gelatin is a fully natural product, the procedure with its use not only does no harm, but also benefits. As a result of lamination:

  • hair is no longer thin and weak;
  • become stronger, brittleness disappears;
  • deep hydration occurs;
  • dyed hair retains saturated color longer;
  • damage to hair is reduced after drying with a hairdryer, straightening, curling, etc.

Pros and cons of home treatment

Laminating hair with gelatin is an economical and safe way to improve the condition of the hair, because the sticky substance reliably hides the damage and cracks of each hair.

With obvious advantages, home hair lamination has disadvantages, which, however, are not particularly critical.

  1. The process will take one to two hours and require patience to achieve the desired result.
  2. The procedure has a cumulative effect, and it must be repeated once every few weeks.
  3. With hair in an overdried and severely damaged condition, the result may be insignificant. In this case, the procedure will have to be done several times.
  4. It is undesirable to color the strands after applying the lamination, since the paint will most likely lie unevenly on the gelatin film, and the hair will become dull.
  5. Hair after the procedure can become oily faster than usual, therefore, when applying gelatin to oily hair, you need to be careful.

Gelatin Lamination - A Classic Recipe

Coating hair with gelatin masks is a popular method, and there are many recipes for laminating. Below is the simplest of them - the classic.

For the procedure, you need a bag of gelatin, any hair balm, boiled water and a special hat. The application process takes place in several stages.

  1. Bring the water to a boil, cool for a while. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of gelatin in a glass bowl and pour 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of warm water. With long and voluminous hair, it is worthwhile to slightly increase the proportions.
  2. After half an hour, add a little conditioner or balm to the bowl (half a tablespoon will be enough) and mix thoroughly again. You can cover the mixture with a saucer so that it does not have time to freeze. Leave to insist for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Gelatin is applied to clean hair, so you need to wash your hair, if necessary, using balm.
  4. Having dried your hair with a towel, carefully cover it with a prepared mask. The mixture is applied to the hair very easily. It is highly recommended not to rub gelatin into the hair roots, since the substance will begin to tighten the skin, and peeling may begin.
  5. Having carefully distributed the mask along the entire length of the hair, we put on a head a bag of polyethylene or a hat and wind a towel on top. Now it is necessary to warm the head with a hairdryer for 5-10 minutes, so that the substance is activated and absorbed into the strands.
  6. The mask should stay on the head for at least 40-45 minutes. Rinse it off best with cool water so as not to disrupt the integrity of the gelatinous film.

Do not use a hairdryer to dry; to dry hair after laminating hair with gelatin is possible only in a natural way.

The result will be noticeable after the first application - after drying, the hair will acquire a natural shine and silkiness, pleasant to the touch.

Gelatin Hair Masks

The hair of each person is individual, and the method of lamination described above may not be suitable for everyone. Given your hair type, you can turn to different recipes, it is useful to alternate them between each other.

Mask for dry and damaged hair

The gelatin mask itself is great for dry hair, however, if you want to enhance the effect and maximize the healing of damage, refer to the following methods.

You can apply the mask with a decoction of chamomile. Try replacing it with water in the usual recipe. To prepare the broth, pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers ½ cup boiled water and leave the liquid to infuse for twenty minutes.

Brittle hair will help to reduce kefir, giving it elasticity and volume. To use this method, mix the cooked mask with one tablespoon of kefir.

Damaged hair can provide the necessary protein for a chicken egg. Before applying, add one egg white to the mask and mix.

With oily hair

Owners of hair suffering from high fat content can also turn to hair lamination. The procedure can aggravate fat content if used incorrectly, however, this method is universal and special recipes are also suitable for this type of hair.

The method is simple - after preparing the gelatin mask, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the mixture and mix. Lemon juice will not only dilute and refresh the mask, but also contribute to additional hair strengthening.

Also, diluted vinegar or an egg is suitable for a mask for oily hair. To use the latter method, in addition to the egg, you will need a shampoo designed for oily hair.After making the mask, add one egg yolk to it and pour in a little shampoo, mixing thoroughly. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath.


Black bread with lemon also copes well with oily hair. Pour 100 grams of black bread ½ cup warmed milk, pour 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of gelatin mixture and do not forget to mix gently. After application, the mask must be held on the head for 40 minutes.

Masks for growth

Gelatin lamination can provide not only beautiful, but also fast-growing hair. For this effect, try applying a mask with oils. Add 1 tablespoon of castor and burdock oils to the gelatin mixture, then, after mixing the ingredients, bring them to a warm temperature.

Another ingredient that will allow a gelatin mask to accelerate hair growth is ordinary henna. After diluting the gelatin with warm water in the same proportions, add one tablespoon of henna to the mixture. Keeping the mask on your hair is recommended for 20-30 minutes.

For basal volume

A stunning effect on lifeless hair is the addition of honey to a gelatin mask. This natural product is very nutritious and enriches the chemical composition of the mask. Add one tablespoon of honey to the prepared mixture, mix gently and leave to insist. After half an hour, the resulting mask must be distributed over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the scalp so that the gelatin can strengthen the roots. Hold the mask for about half an hour.

For straightening

To straighten hair so that it looks natural, different ingredients will help. For example, you can add castor oil in the amount of ½ tablespoon to the mask instead of water, observing the same application steps.

Make hair straight and a decoction of chamomile or nettle. In addition to herbs, add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture.

Instead of water, you can add milk to the mask, whose special properties will help straighten naughty locks.
Try also adding an egg (protein and yolk) to the gelatin mixture without making other changes to the recipe.

How often can the procedure be performed?


The result of lamination in each woman is different depending on the initial condition of the hair. Weakened injured hair, transformed after the procedure, may be unable to maintain the effect, and repeated care will be required after 1-2 weeks. If the hair did not have such a quantity of damage, it is enough to laminate every 3-5 weeks.