Many women consider laminating hair exclusively as expensive salon pleasure. However, this procedure can be carried out at home, without spending a lot of money and time. It became interesting how to organize this? Read our article!

What is hair lamination?

Under this name is a simple procedure for applying a special composition along the entire length of the hair. The mixture interacts with each hair, wrapping it with a protective film. It retains moisture, restores structure and protects from harmful external influences.

After lamination, you will become the owner of smooth, shiny, healthy and well-groomed hair, their color will become more saturated.

The quality and appearance of the curls directly depends on the frequency of the repetition of the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of a home procedure

Advantages of independent lamination:

  • components are inexpensive and publicly available;
  • safe recovery;
  • noticeable positive effect.

Most recipes for conducting the procedure at home are based on the use of edible gelatin. This powder can be easily purchased at any grocery store, and its cost is indecently ridiculous. Most of the time will be spent on applying the mixture, because its mixing is quite quick and easy, and the wait can be spent on homework or your favorite pastime.

Natural gelatin has no contraindications, therefore it is allowed to everyone who wants to transform their strands.

The lamination procedure is recommended in the presence of the following problems:

  • the ends are damaged and split;
  • brittle hair;
  • strands are rare, without shine and elasticity.

It would seem that the advantages of carrying out a home procedure are incontrovertible, and there is no point in giving considerable funds for salon lamination. However, independent experiments also have their drawbacks, since there is a possibility of spoiling everything and not getting the expected effect.

So that the procedure does not disappoint you, pay attention to its shortcomings:

  • only you are responsible for the poor result;
  • if you have long hair, then it will not be easy to apply the mixture on your head yourself, someone will need to help;
  • unpleasant side effect after the procedure - the head will be quickly and very dirty.

In addition, lamination with gelatin is not as harmless and unique as it might seem at first glance. It is not suitable for every person.

Too stiff, dry and damaged hair can get worse.

In general, such a home procedure is quite widespread among women, and most of them are satisfied with the result. With the correct conduct of all manipulations, many problems with the hair are solved - they become healthier, gain volume and a pleasant shine.

Which is better, lamination or botox

We already know what lamination is. Now we will analyze another, no less popular procedure, as well as determine which is better: botox or lamination for hair.

Botox is a process of applying a gentle composition, consisting of 2 stages. The bottom line is in the treatment of curls from the inside with the help of a vitamin complex that penetrates the hair structure.

The result - the hair will be silky and shiny, their structure will be restored, split ends and brittleness will disappear. The result lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Both Botox and lamination are by no means cheap salon procedures. Therefore, we must compare the effects of them.


  1. Keeps saturated color after coloring. Due to the special composition, the pigment of the paint lasts longer.
  2. Gives smoothness, shine, strength and volume to curls.
  3. Will make hair thick.


  1. A similar effect of softness, elasticity and silkiness of curls.
  2. Strong hair without split ends.
  3. Bonus - treatment of curls from the inside.

Each of the proposed procedures has a positive effect on the structure of the hair. Choosing the right care depends on their condition. Lifeless hair requiring immediate restoration will look better after applying Botox. But if you only want to heal curls a little and give them shine, think about lamination.

Thinking about what is better: lamination of hair or keratin straightening, many are also guided by the cost of a salon procedure, and are also guided by the feedback of more experienced users. Those who are going to conduct such manipulations for the first time, it is better to approach the issue comprehensively and to study all the nuances.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure during pregnancy

Lamination and pregnancy are completely compatible things. The expectant mother can enjoy her soft, supple and shiny curls all 9 months.


All recipes are based on natural ingredients (extract of wheat protein, extract of dandelion leaf or young zucchini). They will not affect a child badly. The only limitation is the individual intolerance to the mixture.

To prevent allergies, you must first conduct a skin test.

A couple of drops of the composition should be applied to the outside of the elbow and wait half an hour. If during this time there is no irritation, and the smell does not cause negative feelings, then you can carry out the procedure without fear.

When applying masks, it is better to choose formulations with natural ingredients. However, in this case, it is not recommended to use hair growth stimulating agents that contain pepper tincture, mustard powder, onion or garlic juice, and alcohol-containing components.

Read also:gelatin hair lamination

How long does the effect of hair lamination last?

Lamination is performed on all types of hair. In particular, it is recommended for weak hair that lacks volume and strength. However, there are some nuances that are worth considering.

  • Normal and dry hair keeps the effect of lamination for a long time - up to 3 weeks.
  • Oily hair due to increased production of sebum, which contributes to the detachment of the film, retain the results of the procedure a little less - up to 2 weeks.
  • Too dry hair with severe damage may not respond to the gelatin treatment, and the effect will be imperceptible.
  • Thick hard hair of the Asian type, having a dense structure, should not be subjected to lamination. The strands will gain even more volume, as a result of which the hairstyle will look like a pile of hay on the head.

Tools and materials for home lamination

Before the procedure at home, you need to prepare:

  • gelatin;
  • filtered water at room temperature;
  • any branded mask based on natural ingredients.

A step-by-step guide on how to carry out the procedure at home

Having understood the principle of the procedure, it is time to move on to practice.

Consider what it is like laminating hair with gelatin step by step:

  1. Boil and cool the water.
  2. Pour it with gelatin in a ratio of 1: 3. Knead better in a glass bowl.
  3. Cover the container and wait for the gelatin to swell.
  4. Peel the scalp and wash it off. So the pores open, and the mixture is better absorbed. You can apply the branded composition or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix table salt in warm water until a mixture of a thick consistency is obtained.
  5. Wash your hair with any usual shampoo.
  6. Apply conditioner and rinse off after a few minutes.
  7. Dry the curls with a towel so that they remain slightly moist.

Items 4 to 8 should take about half an hour. During this time, gelatin swells and reaches the required consistency.

It is time to move on to lamination itself:

  1. Enter ½ tbsp in gelatin l masks and mix well.
  2. Distribute the resulting composition through the hair without treating the scalp.
  3. Put on a plastic hat, wrap your head in a towel and wait an hour. You can enhance the thermal effect by using a hairdryer.
  4. After the designated time, wash off the gelatin mass from the hair with running water.

Hair Care after Lamination

To maintain the effect, it is necessary to properly care for hair after lamination.

It is possible to extend the result and eliminate possible negative consequences by ensuring proper care.

  • It is better to comb locks with tools from natural materials. For example, it can be gentle natural bristles on the accessory.
  • Attitude to hair after the procedure should be very careful. You should not pull the tangled curls with force.
  • Washing should be no less delicate, otherwise it could damage the hair. Do not pull them too hard, do not squeeze or twist. Just massage the curls with shampoo, rinse with warm water and remove excess moisture with a towel.
  • Do not wash your hair too often, this should be done as necessary.
  • Get minimal alkaline detergents. Ideally, products for colored hair.
  • Of course, it is advisable to protect laminated hair from exposure to high temperatures (hair dryer, iron, curling iron), since they burn the protective shell, which will lead to the disappearance of the result of the procedure.

Drying of the head should take place naturally - so the effect will last longer. But if there is an urgent need to use devices, then they must be turned on at minimum power. In order not to damage the hair structure, it is necessary to keep the hair dryer 30 cm from the head. For curling, it is better to use heat curlers instead of a curling iron.

Common mistakes and consequences

To avoid the negative effects of lamination, familiarize yourself with the intricacies of this procedure:

  • It is necessary to prepare for it first.For 15 - 20 days, it is necessary to moisturize, strengthen and restore the damaged structure of the hair, saturating them with nutrients. The same food should be given immediately before the procedure itself. It is important that lamination does not produce the opposite effect.
  • Some people have an allergic reaction to gelatin, so be sure to conduct a test check on your wrist.
  • How to do everything right and avoid hair loss, peeling and itching? Do not apply the mixture to the first 1.5 cm of hair from the roots so that the scalp can breathe.
  • The next lamination can be done no earlier than after 2 months.
  • The procedure should be carried out only with quality cosmetic preparations.
  • It is very important to follow the recipe and observe the exact dosage of the ingredients so as not to dry the tips.

The issue of the procedure should be considered carefully. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances and warnings, because otherwise the results may disappoint. For example, if the condition of the hair is very poor, it is better not to start such an event at all.