Lactofiltrum is an enterosorbent that binds toxins and easily removes them from the body through the intestines.
Now in pharmacies you can find a large number of such funds. However, Lactofiltrum is a unique drug that can complexly affect the body, eliminating several problems at once.
Material Content:
- 1 Release forms and composition
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 Why is Lactofiltrum prescribed?
- 4 Instructions for use and dosage
- 5 During pregnancy and breastfeeding
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 How to take for weight loss
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Analogues of the drug
- 10 Comparative characteristics with Enterosgel and Polysorb
Release forms and composition
Active ingredients - hydrolytic lignin, which in one tablet contains 355 mg, and lactulose, respectively, 120 mg. Additionally, there is magnesium stearate and sodium crosscarmellose, used as excipients.
Lactofiltrum is produced in the form of dark brown pills exclusively for oral use. Their shape is slightly oblong, both sides are slightly convex. Each tablet is divided by risk.
Lactofiltrum is packaged in blisters and plastic bottles. One blister pack contains 10 tablets, and in one container there are usually 30 tablets, but sometimes packs of 60 pieces are found.
Blisters and bottles, in turn, are packed in cardboard boxes. In each of them is from 1 to 4 blisters or one bottle.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Lactofiltrum has a complex therapeutic effect on the human body, which is provided by active substances. The pharmacological effect of this drug is determined by the properties of its components:
- Hydrolytic lignin is a natural substance. It is obtained as a result of the hydrolysis of some plant components, in particular wood fibers. It is capable of absorbing various chemical compounds, and above all, toxins. Additionally it has light disinfecting properties. This substance perfectly binds various poisons directly in the intestine, for example, heavy metals, ethanol. It is able to absorb and remove “bad” cholesterol, excess fats, and bilirubin from the body, freeing the liver from increased stress. Lignin also absorbs biological compounds such as histamine, which means it can relieve allergic reactions. It also has other beneficial properties - it can stop diarrhea, and also fights free radicals, because it has antioxidant properties. Since the substance contains the smallest plant fibers, it normalizes the intestinal flora, due to which immunity is restored.
- Lactulose is a compound that contains molecules of fructose and galactose. Once in the large intestine, the substance breaks down due to the active work of bacteria, and useful organic acids are formed - formic, lactic, and acetic. They stop the growth of microorganisms dangerous to humans, normalize peristalsis, and help absorb water. In fact, lactulose is a prebiotic.
These substances enhance the beneficial effect of each other, because at the same time there is a decrease in toxins in the intestine and its microflora is restored. Due to which immunity increases, which means that a person recovers faster.
All the "work" of hydrolytic lignin and lactulose, as active substances, occurs directly in the intestine, they do not enter the circulatory system. Lignin is excreted after 24 hours. Lactulose is completely processed by microorganisms of beneficial microflora in the large intestine.
Why is Lactofiltrum prescribed?
Lactofiltrum is prescribed when it is necessary to cleanse the body, detoxify the intestines, and at the same time restore its normal functioning, increase the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Instructions for use of the drug prescribe its purpose in the following cases:
- Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. In the intestine, substances accumulate that are not able to properly process the liver. These are bilirubin, bile acids, fats, cholesterol. They must be removed from the body in order to facilitate the work of this important organ.
- Dysbacteriosis Often, a decrease in the level of normal microflora in the intestine occurs with prolonged use of certain drugs, especially antibiotics. Since, together with pathogens, they destroy those beneficial bacteria that live in the intestinal mucosa and help digest food. When the amount of beneficial microflora decreases, a very unpleasant sensation arises - a change in stool, excessive gas formation, deterioration of appetite and pain in the abdomen. In addition, the immune system weakens, and the body's ability to receive the substances necessary for it from food decreases. Lactofiltrum is able to stop these unwanted processes.
- Food and chemical poisoning, overdose of drugs. In combination with other necessary medical preparations, Lactofiltrum is able to significantly improve the patient's condition and significantly accelerate his recovery.
- Allergic reactions. It is known that allergens can accumulate in the body. They provoke an increase in histamine levels, contributing to the occurrence of serious allergic reactions. Lactofiltrum helps to simultaneously get rid of allergens and excess of this substance.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. This condition can occur as a result of certain pathological processes in the body with certain diseases or malnutrition. Lactofiltrum quickly removes this undesirable phenomenon.
Lactofiltrum is sometimes prescribed prophylactically to prevent the occurrence of certain pathological conditions. Often it is prescribed to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions or at the same time as taking potent antibiotics.
Instructions for use and dosage
Lactofiltrum should be drunk 60 minutes before a meal or other medicines, 3 times a day. In the event that there is a need to grind the pill to facilitate swallowing, this is quite acceptable. The duration of the drug is determined by the instruction in 3 weeks. The dosage of how to take Lactofiltrum is determined according to age.
- up to three years - half a tablet;
- up to seven years - 1 tablet;
- up to 12 years - up to 2 tablets.
Adults and children who are already over 12 years old can drink up to 3 tablets at a time.
The drug does not have a pronounced bitter taste, so there will be no difficulty in swallowing in young children.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
You need to know that the special clinical trials of the drug Lactofiltrum during pregnancy were not carried out by pharmacists. But this does not mean that this natural organic preparation should in no case be taken during the period of bearing a child or breastfeeding.
Nevertheless, since there are no reliable results, and nothing can be said about the safety or effectiveness of this drug for the health of women and children, it is worth approaching its use with caution. It is not known how the active ingredients of Lactofiltrum affect the fetus and whether they penetrate into breast milk.
However, there is evidence that similar tests were conducted on animals. The effect of this drug on the fetus was monitored. It turned out that the main substances were not absorbed into the blood. They were completely excreted from experimental animals. Safety for pregnant female animals has been proven.
Based on medical practice, some doctors prescribe Lactrofiltrum during pregnancy, although the manufacturer does not recommend this in the instructions. Here, doctors are balanced, assessing the possible benefits and harms.
Practice has shown that no adverse reactions have been noticed. On the contrary, this drug helps relieve symptoms of toxicosis. It works very well with intestinal infections and various types of poisoning.
Moreover, the dietary fiber contained in Lactofiltrum helps the intestines to function properly. This is a wonderful prevention of constipation, an undesirable phenomenon that often occurs in expectant mothers.
At the same time, the dose of the drug remained the same, as recommended in the instructions for an adult. However, it is worth noting especially that the use of Lactofiltrum during pregnancy is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.
Drug interaction
Lactofiltrum is successfully prescribed to patients in combination with other drugs to eliminate problems of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, etc. It can be taken with drugs of other pharmaceutical groups. It is only necessary to observe the regime, making an interval between medicines of sixty minutes.
How to take for weight loss
Lactofiltrum is able to cleanse the body of some of the fats that come with food and remove toxins. It is not able to break down fat cells. This means that you can use Lactrofiltrum for weight loss, but only as an adjuvant, acting as a sorbent.
When working on weight loss, it is important to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins that have accumulated as a result of insufficient digestion of food. Lactofiltrum will do just fine with this.
It is also necessary to improve digestion, normal functioning of the intestines, increase peristalsis and restore stool. Often during dieting, dysbiosis occurs, but it can be easily eliminated with this composition.
It is worth noting especially that the drug is able to significantly improve the condition of the skin. Clean it and remove all kinds of inflammation and suppuration. Lactofiltrum eliminates acne quite effectively, since cleansing the intestines helps to eliminate toxins from the blood, decay products. This favorably affects the condition of the skin. A significant improvement in peristalsis, digestion in general, has a positive effect on the absorption of nutrients from food and vitamins, which are necessary for healthy skin nutrition. And strengthened immunity helps to eliminate small inflammatory foci.
A clear regimen for taking this drug specifically for weight loss does not exist. It should be drunk according to the instructions for an adult.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The use of Lactofiltrum is completely contraindicated in the following cases:
- Bowel obstruction, in which there is a violation of the movement of food.
- Any bleeding that occurs in the stomach and intestines.
- A metabolic disorder when the body is unable to break down galactose and turn it into glucose. This condition is called galactosemia.
- Allergic reactions to the composition of the active or auxiliary substances present in the drug.
With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer and a decrease in intestinal tone, the drug is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, and very carefully.
Side effects are rare, as constipation, bloating and flatulence.
If the usual dose was significantly exceeded, unpleasant sensations and even pains localized in the abdomen may occur and constipation may appear. The complete abolition of Lactofiltrum will solve this problem.
Analogues of the drug
Full analogues of the drug Lactofiltrum do not exist. Not a single medicine, except for it, contains lignin (sorbent) and lactulose (prebiotic) at the same time.
However, to some extent, other formulations will be able to replace it, which have a similar effect on the body. Lactofiltrum analogues are selected according to the patient's condition and age.
All drugs that are indirect analogues of Lactofiltrum are exclusively sorbents. Prebiotics in their composition are absent. They can be divided into the following groups:
- The main active substance is lignin. These drugs include Lignosorb, Polypefan, Filtrum-sti, Entegnin.
- Another substance is active. These drugs include activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, Ultrafiltrum, Polysorb.
If necessary, you can take two drugs at a time - a sorbent and a prebiotic to achieve a similar effect. The right choice of medicinal formulations that could completely replace its effect can only be a doctor.
Comparative characteristics with Enterosgel and Polysorb
Lactofiltrum stands out among analogues, Enterosgel and Polysorb, with its complex effect. It simultaneously binds and cleanses the body of toxins, enhancing intestinal motility, helps restore microflora, boosts immunity. Enterosgel and Polysorb do not have such a wide range of actions.
To achieve the complex effect characteristic of Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel will have to be supplemented with another drug. For example, Linex.
In their effect, Lactofiltrum and Enterosgel are similar. They perfectly sorb poisons, quickly remove them from the body. The active substances of these two drugs are not absorbed into the blood.
There is some advantage only in that Enterosgel relieves nausea, because it is prescribed for expectant mothers and cancer patients after chemotherapy.
The main difference between these two sorbents is the duration of their intake. Lactofiltrum is drunk without any consequences for the body for only 3 weeks. And Enterosgel has no limitations on the duration of administration.Moreover, after Lactofiltrum sometimes you also have to drink vitamins, the level of which decreases somewhat after using this drug. Enterosgel has no such effect.
An important difference between Lactofiltrum and Polysorb is that the latter is an inorganic drug. By its chemical composition, polysorb is silicon dioxide. It is capable of adsorption of a wide variety of pathogens, toxins, including radionuclides.
Lactofiltrum is more easily perceived by the body, as it is an organic preparation. But at the same time it has a similar, but slightly limited range of sorption abilities compared to Polysorb.
However, the advantage of Lactofiltrum here is that it has biological activity and is able to perfectly "work" with microflora. This property is completely absent from Polysorb.
In general, Lactofiltrum is able to replace the effect of several drugs at once, significantly alleviate the patient's condition and shorten the recovery period. It is well tolerated by both young children and the elderly.