Kvass from birch sap with raisins is a healthy drink of natural origin, which has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the human body. Promotes the cure and prevention of various diseases of the digestive system, quenching thirst.
Material Content:
Classic kvass from birch juice and raisins
To make kvass from birch sap, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. The set of components is also small.
The following ingredients will be required:
- 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
- 0.5 kg of granulated sugar;
- 50-60 dried raisins.
Classical recipe:
- Wort collected from birch must be cleaned of debris by filtering with several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.
- Wash and dry the raisins.
- Mix sugar with raisins, add to the liquid. Stir until sand is completely dissolved.
- Cover the container with a clean cloth.
- Put infused for 3 days in a warm room to ensure the fermentation process.
- Filter the finished product carefully.
- Pour the drink into a glass container.
For 4-5 months, the drink can be stored in a cold room.
Cooking with bread
It is also easy to make kvass based on birch juice with bread.
To do this, you need to purchase the following products:
- 3000 ml of juice;
- 0.3 kg of bread products;
- 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
- a handful of raisins.
Phased recipe:
- Using a sieve or several layers of gauze, filter the liquid. Freshly picked juice is recommended to insist 1-2 days in the cold before creating kvass.
- Cut the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven on a baking sheet or fry in a skillet without using oil.
- Place sugar and crackers in a glass container at the bottom.
- Pour in slightly warmed juice, stir.
- Cover the dishes or tie a cloth on top.
- Leave to roam in a warm room for 4-5 days.
- Strain the drink, pour into bottles convenient for use.
The product can be kept cold for up to 6 months.
Based on taste preferences, dried raisins can be replaced with leaves of mint, blackcurrant, barley or coffee grains in the same amount.
The recipe for a drink with honey at home
To create birch kvass with honey on yeast, you must:
- 10 l of birch sap;
- raisins (for each liter of liquid 3 fruits);
- 3 lemons;
- 45 g of yeast;
- 0.2 kg of honey.
Step-by-step preparation:
- Boil strained birch sap for 1 minute so that the excess water evaporates.
- Squeeze juice from lemons.
- Combine with raisins, honey.
- Add yeast previously dissolved in warm water.
- Leave the fermentation process for 2-3 days warm.
It is customary to use a sour-tasting drink in a cooled form to eliminate thirst and obtain a useful complex of elements for the body.
It is not recommended to use aluminum or plastic utensils in the preparation of kvass to avoid disturbances in the fermentation process.
To make a drink with honey without yeast you need to use:
- 2 tsp honey;
- 4 tsp sourdough;
- 3000 ml of birch liquid;
- raisins by the number of containers.
Step by step recipe:
- Combine the juice with honey and sourdough, wait until it is completely dissolved in the liquid.
- Insist 3-4 days.
- When bottling, add 3 raisins to each bottle.
- Leave to infuse for 14-20 days.
How to make kvass from birch sap and barley
Thanks to the addition of barley to the drink, tastes similar to the usual yeast are revealed.
To prepare kvass, you need:
- 3 liters of fresh juice;
- 1 tbsp. barley grains.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Filter the birch liquid in order to clean it of impurities, bark residues, chips.
- Leave to infuse in a cold room for 1-2 days.
- Fry barley without oil until golden. This will give kvass a soft taste. The main thing is not to overdo it; when roasted to a dark shade, the drink will gain bitterness.
- Combine the liquid with barley. You can tie the grains in a bag of gauze and dip into a container with kvass.
- It is recommended to insist a drink for 3-4 days in a cool dark place, stir occasionally.
- After 4-5 days, strain the finished liquid, pour into a glass container.
- Store up to 6 months in a cellar or other cool room.
You can season homemade traditional okroshka with such natural birch-barley kvass. It gives notes of birch freshness and sourness with barley bitterness.
With wild rose
Thanks to the addition of barley during the preparation of the drink, home-made birch kvass gives off in semitones that are present when using yeast in the composition.
Necessary components:
- 3 liters of juice;
- 1 tbsp. barley grains;
- a handful of rose hips.
Step by step cooking:
- Filter freshly extracted juice.
- Pour into large containers.
- Lightly fry the barley in a pan until a pleasant golden crust.
- Pour the fried component into the liquid.
- Add berries.
- Insist 4-5 days in a warm place, mixing the composition.
- Filter the drink through a fine sieve, pour into a glass container.
Drinking is recommended chilled to quench your thirst.
With lemon
To get the spicy taste of the drink, it is recommended to prepare it with lemon and honey.
Components for the execution of the recipe:
- 300 g of barley grains;
- 30 g of honey;
- 4 lemons;
- 10 liters of birch sap;
- raisins.
Step by Step:
- Strain thoroughly the "nectar" of birch.
- Make freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Lightly fry the barley grains.
- Connect all the components.
- Pour the drink into a glass container, place 3-4 raisins in each.
- Cover tightly.
- Leave for 3 days to insist.
- Filter through gauze or sieve.
This product can only be stored in a cold place.
With dried fruit
To create a drink you need to use:
- 60 g of barley grains;
- 20 g of a mixture of dried fruits;
- honey;
- juice from birch - 3 l.
Phased recipe:
- Rinse the dried fruit well.
- Dry on a towel.
- Pour into dishes (but not plastic).
- Add the barley grains fried in a dry pan.
- Cover with liquid preforms.
- Leave warm for 2-3 days, covered with a lid.
- Strain with a sieve.
Cooking technology with raisins and yeast
To create a tonic kvass, you need to use high-quality fresh juice. When mining it, the following nuances should be taken into account:
- the tree is chosen middle-aged;
- collecting early in the morning;
- barrel diameter should be at least 250 mm.
To prepare a refined and healthy drink, you must use the components:
- birch sap - 3000 ml;
- dark large raisins - 25 pcs.;
- 10 g dry yeast.
The phased production of the drink:
- Wash under cool water and dry the raisins.
- Filter the juice with a sieve or gauze to purify.
- Dilute the yeast in the purified liquid.
- Add dried grapes. Cork with a lid.
- Insist for 3 months in a cold room.
A slight smell of fermentation when using yeast usually appears simultaneously with foam and hiss. When such signs appear, the leaven can be considered finished. If mold and notes of an unpleasant odor appear, this indicates the absence of wild yeast on raisins due to processing with preservatives. Because of this, the product cannot be used. The procedure for creating a drink should be repeated again based on new components. Ready kvass should also be filtered using gauze folded in several layers.