Chicken dishes are the most popular. The chicken is distinguished by the most delicate taste, belongs to dietary products, is available financially. One of the cooking options is chicken in foil in the oven, made in the best tradition. Having come up with a lot of combinations of chicken meat with other ingredients, for example, mushrooms, vegetables or exotic fruits, you can quickly and easily prepare a full dinner or the main dish for the festive table.
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Foil baked chicken - step by step recipe
A very simple recipe for a delicious chicken with a minimum of ingredients:
- boneless chicken breasts - about 500 g;
- soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l .;
- olive or sesame oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- a set of dried herbs (oregano, rosemary, thyme);
- a pair of bay leaves;
- black pepper.
We form envelopes from foil. We lay out the halves of the sirloin in them, fill with oil and sauce, cover with herbs. Leave for a third of an hour to marinate, pack well, so that the foil fits snugly on the meat. In the oven at 200 degrees, bake for about half an hour. Serve can be cut into slices or whole immediately after cooking. The dish does not need additional sauce - it turns out juicy and very fragrant.
With potato
Chicken with potatoes in the oven in foil - this dish can be prepared for going on a picnic or on the road. Advantage: products will not lose their taste even when chilled.
For 4 small servings, take:
- 2 chicken fillets;
- 3 large potatoes;
- some garlic cloves;
- a pair of small onions;
- 150-170 grams of hard cheese;
- 3 eggs;
- 4-6 table. l sour cream;
- salt and spices for chicken;
- French and regular mustard;
- oil;
- 3-4 tomatoes.
Cut the fillet into small cubes, season with pepper, salt and mustard. Mix and leave for ten minutes to marinate.
While the meat is pickled, cut the potatoes into bars, squeeze the garlic, cut the onions and tomatoes into rings. Preparing the fill: sour cream, eggs, spices, salt, mix well. We begin to fill out the foil molds: grease with oil, lay the potatoes (salt), onions, meat cubes, pour over the fill, spread the tomatoes, sprinkle with garlic and cheese.
We cook for 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees, without closing the form - so the cheese forms a delicious cheese crust.
On a note. To make the dish tastier, you must first fry all the ingredients slightly.
Bake whole in foil
- chicken carcass;
- salt 1 tbsp. l .;
- ground pepper 2 tsp;
- mustard ordinary 1 tbsp. l .;
- sour cream 200 ml.
The recipe is unrealistically simple - mix spices and sour cream well and grate the main component from all sides and inside the carcass. Leave in a container under a film or a lid for an hour in the refrigerator, marinate, then wrap in 2-3 sheets of foil and put in a mold with water (up to 1 cm). Bake a little over an hour at 200 degrees. Garnish with mashed potatoes or fresh vegetables.
Original recipe with oranges
Orange juice gives chicken an interesting sweetish flavor.
- chicken carcass;
- a pair of small oranges;
- couple table. l vegetable oil;
- 1 tbsp. l Paprika
- salt.
Cut citrus without peel. Separately combine paprika, oil and salt. Place the pieces of fruit in the washed chicken carcass, fasten the edges of the skin with toothpicks so as not to disperse. Grate the carcass with the prepared spicy mixture, wrap in several layers of foil and bake for about an hour. At the end, cut and open the edges of the foil. Cook until a light appetizing crust is formed.
With apples
Chicken baked in foil always turns juicy, refuting the widespread belief about the dryness of baked chicken meat. The recipe with apples is similar to the previous method of cooking with oranges. Fruits are put inside the carcass, where they release juice and saturate the chicken meat with an unusual flavor. The dish is suitable for a variety of family menus or for diet food. In this case, only the breast is used (where white muscle fibers predominate, which are more easily absorbed by the body), lined with slices of sweet and sour apples. An important condition: the meat must be fresh, sound, preferably poultry.
Savory Chicken Leg Recipe
Spicy, juicy and piquant in taste, the legs are obtained according to this recipe.
- 1 kg of chicken legs;
- ketchup 100-150 gr;
- paprika, curry, ginger;
- light mayonnaise or sour cream 100 ml.
Mix all the spices and sauces, rub the washed chicken drumsticks. We put everything in a foil mold, tightly close and pickle for 30 minutes. After baking for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
With vegetables
In this recipe, it is advisable to use chicken thighs or drumsticks. In this way, a full dinner or lunch is obtained - the meat portion and side dish at the same time.
- 1 kg of meat product;
- 0.5 kg of bell pepper;
- 0.3 kg of carrots;
- 0.4 kg of tomatoes;
- 0.25 kg of onions;
- garlic head;
- salt, pepper, a set of spices.
The thighs are washed and rubbed with salt and spices, leaving at least a third of the hour. Meanwhile, vegetables are chopped: onion rings, tomatoes and pepper cube, carrots in circles, garlic slices. Next, the sheets of foil are folded in 2-3 layers and a thigh is placed on the middle of each, and all vegetables are layered on top. Tightly wrapped and laid out on a baking sheet. Bake for an hour at 180 degrees.
The recipe can be called dietary - poultry and vegetables are not flavored with fatty sauces, but languish in their own juice. Of course, chicken breast without skin is considered more useful in losing weight. However, this cooking option is also low in calories.