Despite the variety of ingredients, chicken soup with noodles and potatoes is quite simple to prepare. Be sure to try one of the selected recipes.
Material Content:
Simple Chicken Vermicelli and Potato Soup
A basic recipe, without frills, an ideal option for lunch for the whole family.
Required Products:
- 300 grams of chicken;
- spices to your taste;
- four large spoons of vermicelli;
- onion and carrot;
- five potatoes.
Cooking process:
- Pour water into the pan, put the chicken there and boil it for 30 minutes, and then get it if you have a carcass with bones. If fillet, then you can leave it.
- Cut the potatoes into small squares, put in the broth, bring to a boil.
- At this time, grind onions and carrots, fry in a pan and put in soup, when the potatoes are almost ready. At the same stage, we fall asleep seasonings.
- Five minutes later, add the indicated amount of vermicelli, cook for a couple of minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes.
Noodle recipe
Another easy recipe in which noodles can be either ready-made or home-made.
Required Products:
- carrots and onions;
- two cloves of garlic;
- 100 grams of noodles;
- about 400 grams of chicken;
- herbs and other spices to your taste.
Cooking process:
- Cut the meat into small pieces, put it in a pan with water and cook for about 30 minutes, constantly removing foam flakes.
- During this time, you need to chop all the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the soup. Rub carrots, turn onions and garlic into small squares. If desired, they can be fried or immediately spread into the broth when the potatoes are already soft.Remember to add spices to taste.
- The last is the noodles, kept on the fire for about two minutes, after which the dish should be infused for a while and it can be served, decorated with fresh herbs.
In a slow cooker
Chicken soup with vermicelli and potatoes can be made in a slow cooker. The taste is completely different.
Required Products:
- four tablespoons of vermicelli;
- three potatoes;
- onion and carrot;
- seasonings optional;
- approximately 300 grams of chicken.
The cooking process:
- All vegetables are peeled, washed, cut into small pieces and put in a multicooker bowl.
- We do the same with chicken, chop and add to vegetables.
- All components must be sprinkled with selected spices, it is desirable that among them was salt and black pepper, mix well.
- Fill the contents with water, set the device to "Soup" or "Stew" for an hour.
- When the time has almost come to an end, you need to pour in vermicelli, about 5 minutes before readiness.
With mushrooms
You can diversify a familiar dish with other ingredients, such as mushrooms.
Required Products:
- 300 grams of chicken;
- seasonings to your taste;
- four potatoes;
- 200 grams of mushrooms;
- carrot and bulb;
- three tablespoons of vermicelli.
Cooking process:
- We put a pot of water on the stove and place the chopped chicken in it, leave it for 30 minutes to make a broth.
- Grate carrots, grind mushrooms and onions. First, lightly fry the onions in a pan, then spread the mushrooms, wait until all the liquid has gone, and at the end add the carrots. Keep on the stove until all the vegetables are soft.
- We turn the potatoes into cubes and put them into the broth after the indicated time, wait for the boil and pour the fried vegetables, seasonings, mix.
- When the potatoes are almost ready, add the vermicelli, bring to a few more minutes and remove from the stove.
Tomato Soup with Chicken and Vermicelli
A terrific soup recipe that is cooked with a minimum of foods.
Essential Ingredients:
- seasonings to your taste;
- 300 grams of tomatoes in their own juice;
- two potatoes;
- 250 grams of chicken;
- 50 grams of vermicelli;
- fresh greens.
Cooking process:
- We put the broth to cook. To do this, put chopped chicken in cold water and cook for about 30 minutes
- Turn potatoes, onions and tomatoes into small cubes. We spread the potatoes in the soup immediately after cooking the broth, and fry the onions with tomatoes and spices in a pan.
- Combine the resulting frying with chicken stock, pour in vermicelli, cook for another three minutes, let it brew. When serving, decorate with green mass.
Smoked chicken
You can make the dish more saturated due to smoked meat. Be sure to try this recipe.
Required Products:
- onion and carrots;
- 50 grams of vermicelli;
- smoked chicken weighing 300 grams;
- two potatoes;
- seasonings optional.
Cooking process:
- Boil smoked meat for about 20 minutes. During this time, we prepare the remaining products.
- Grind onions and carrots, fry a little in a pan. We cut the potatoes into cubes and dip them into the soup as soon as the specified time passes. Add the selected spices to your taste.
- After another 10 minutes, when the potatoes become soft, we add the roasting, and then the vermicelli. Cook over low heat for about five minutes and the dish is ready.
Chicken Soup with Vermicelli, Potatoes and Egg
Tasty, simple, and hearty soup will provide the body with not only good nutrition, but also help diversify the menu.
Required Products:
- approximately 350 grams of chicken;
- three potatoes;
- one onion and carrot;
- seasonings to your taste;
- egg.
The cooking process:
- Place the meat in a pan, fill it with water and cook for 60 minutes, constantly removing excess foam.After the broth is ready, the chicken needs to be taken out, chopped and placed back.
- Grind the potatoes into cubes and put in a pan.
- While the potatoes are boiling, we prepare the carrots and onions: we cut them, fry them in a pan and combine with the rest of the products.
- After 2-3 minutes, add spices and vermicelli.
- It remains only to add the egg and the soup is almost ready. We drive it into a bowl, mix well until smooth and pour into the soup. We wait until the contents boil again, keep on fire for about two minutes and remove. You can serve with herbs and sour cream.