The cardiovascular system ensures the coordinated work of all organs, supplying them with oxygen and necessary substances. Violation of its work entails problems in the functioning of many systems.

Curantyl is often prescribed by gynecologists to prevent these pathological processes in the body of the expectant mother. However, it is used in other situations. Consider why Curantil is prescribed and how to take it correctly.

The composition of the drug

The tool is available in the form of dragees and tablets.

The main constituent of the drug is dipyridamole. It increases the amount of protein (interferon) that helps fight viral diseases. That is why the medicine can be drunk to improve the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Excipients include starch, gelatin and lactose, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Why is Curantil prescribed

According to the indications for use, the drug is prescribed for angina pectoris, a risk of blood clots, as well as to protect thin vessels in the heart. Accepted in significant quantities, the drug helps to reduce blood pressure.

Its effect is due to the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which the circulation of oxygen entering the important organs increases, and the risk of myocardial infarction decreases. Curantyl during pregnancy regulates blood circulation inside the placenta.

Thus, the tool is effective for achieving such goals:

  • treatment of ischemia;
  • recovery after a heart attack;
  • prevention of blood clots in arteries and veins after surgery;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, heart or placental insufficiency;
  • increased immunity with influenza and SARS.

With cardiological problems, the drug is used throughout life. As a result, venous blood does not stagnate, workarounds appear along which it can circulate freely.

How to take pills, dosage

Capsules are taken before meals or an hour and a half after it. The tablet does not need to be chewed, it is better to swallow with plenty of clean water. The maximum norm per day is 600 mg, it is prescribed by the attending physician for serious complications. In case of use in combination with other drugs, the dosage is reduced.

The norm varies depending on the disease itself:

  • For the prevention of ARVI pathologies and with regular colds, Curantil 25 mg tablets are used at 100 mg per day.
  • For ischemic heart problems, take 225 mg per day, divided into 2 parts.
  • To restore cerebral circulation, 75 mg is prescribed up to 6 times a day.
  • During influenza and SARS, the dose is 1-2 tablets every 7 days for 1.5-2 months.

To increase weak immunity, it is enough to drink 100 mg per week for several months in a row.

When planning pregnancy and early pregnancy

It is permissible to use Curantil during pregnancy, since it does not affect the development of the fetus. But in the second and third semester, admission should be limited, using it in case of emergency.

An agent is prescribed for placental insufficiency or its aging, as well as toxicosis.

In the presence of diseases of a viral nature, for example, genital herpes, Curantil is also prescribed.

Before using the drug (during pregnancy planning), you need to donate blood for analysis, after which the attending physician will determine the permissible dosage.

Gynecologists advise starting taking the medicine a couple of months before conception in order to prepare the body for the upcoming load.

Due to increased blood coagulation, some girls find it difficult to get pregnant. Chimes stimulates blood flow to the pelvic area and improves blood flow.

Often the medicine is credited with the ability to thicken the endometrial layer, thereby increasing the chances of conception. However, this information has not yet received scientific confirmation.

Despite the beneficial effect of the drug, Curantil should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and in accordance with his prescribed schedule.

Compatibility with other drugs

It is important to consider the rules for taking the medication with other medicines.

The drug can enhance the action of antihypertensive drugs while using.

Joint use with acetylsalicylic acid provokes the development of hemorrhagic pathologies and internal bleeding.

It is undesirable during the period of admission to drink beverages that contain caffeine, as it reduces or eliminates the completely positive properties of Curantyl.

The medicine improves the effect of drugs that lower blood pressure in the arteries.

Means for the gastrointestinal tract can worsen the vasodilating effect of Curantyl.

It is unacceptable to use the drug in conjunction with drugs for injection.

Contraindications and side effects


Curantyl is contraindicated in such conditions:

  • aortic stenosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • sensitivity to the composition - you can notice it by the occurrence of side effects;
  • heart attack;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases that cause internal bleeding.

Side effects are rare, they include:

  • In the digestive area - diarrhea and nausea.
  • From the side of the central nervous system - headaches and dizziness, myalgia and redness of the skin of the face.
  • In the cardiovascular system, some changes may occur that can cause tachycardia and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Usually the use of the drug does not cause problems. In rare cases, intestinal upsets and skin reactions may appear. With strict observance of the instructions, the risk of side effects is minimized.

In case of an overdose, weakness and dizziness appear. Angina pectoris, tachycardia, and a sharp decrease in pressure may occur. When observing such symptoms, it is urgent to induce vomiting to remove excess substances and be sure to consult a doctor.

The dilating effect of the drug is eliminated by the very slow introduction of aminophylline (50-100 mg) into the vein. With persistent signs of angina, nitroglycerin taken under the tongue will help.

What are the analogues

The price of the drug in a dosage of 75 mg is rather big, in connection with which some patients choose domestic analogues. Instead of Curantil, you can use Parcedil, Apricor, Anginal.

Parsedil is used for heart attack and its prevention, for the treatment of thrombosis, suppression of platelets.

Aprikor is a remedy for neuralgia, headache and migraines, but it cannot be taken at certain periods of pregnancy.

Anginal is a vasodilator drug that prevents the formation of blood clots.

However, replacement can only be done by a specialist after studying the entire clinical picture and conducting the necessary diagnostic measures.

With proper use and observance of special instructions, side effects are not observed.

It is best to use Curantil, because cheap analogs are inferior in certain criteria and are worse tolerated by the body.

To avoid a heart attack and clogging of blood vessels, it is necessary to take medicine as a prophylaxis, of course, not forgetting a balanced diet rich in minerals and vitamins, as well as moderate physical activity.