Cuperosis is an unpleasant cosmetic defect associated with a violation of the microcirculation of blood in the upper layers of the skin. The treatment of this disease must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, but something can be done at home. About what constitutes rosacea on the face, the causes and treatment of pathology, and much more will be told by the proposed material.
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Causes of rosacea on the face
Cuperosis can be either congenital or acquired. The congenital form of the disease is poorly treated and the main measures are aimed at the maximum elimination of external manifestations.
The reasons for the acquired form of rosacea are diverse and often associated with a lifestyle:
- unbalanced diet, a lot of coffee, chocolate, spicy foods in the diet;
- smoking
- frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
- abuse of ultraviolet - a natural or artificial tan.
Couperosis and some diseases provoke: cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension, endocrine disorders, skin diseases.
Additional factors that give impetus to the development of pathology are frequent stresses or hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy or menopause.
Symptoms and signs
In fact, rosacea is a pathological expansion of small vessels and capillaries of the skin whose walls have lost elasticity. As a result, characteristic features are observed on the face - red spots, nets and "stars". More often, signs of rosacea are visible on the cheeks and wings of the nose. Less commonly, on the forehead or chin.
It is interesting: red spots on the face
The course of rosacea is usually divided by degrees of severity:
Severity | Symptoms |
I (erythrosis) | Redness and hypersensitivity of the skin on the cheeks, chin or wings of the nose, sometimes passing to the neck. Accompanied by tingling, fever, or itching. The condition occurs sporadically and lasts up to 2 hours. |
II | Redness does not go away, it becomes stable, the vascular network appears. |
III | Infiltrates, pustular rash appear on the affected areas. The skin around becomes grayish, flabby. |
IV | The affected skin coarsens, becomes thick, facial features are deformed, “swell”. |
With a mild course, rosacea does not pose a threat to health. But severe lesions affect larger, deeper lying vessels, and this begins to negatively affect tissue nutrition. Therefore, when the first signs of rosacea appear, you need to visit not only a cosmetologist, but also a dermatologist.
Cuperosis: how to get rid of at home?
Treatment of rosacea on the face is possible with the help of medical ointments and supporting procedures from the arsenal of traditional medicine. The best effect is the simultaneous application of several methods.
Creams and ointments for treatment
The right cream for rosacea should perform the following tasks:
- protect the skin from external irritants - cold, sun, hot dry air;
- give skin nourishment;
- restore the water balance of the skin;
- strengthen the small vessels of the skin and restore the elasticity of their walls.
Cosmetic creams are on sale, the manufacturers of which declare the ability of their products to cope with rosacea.
But in practice, only pharmaceutical creams and ointments can provide real help.
Title | Application | Contraindications |
Dr. Tuffy, Calendula Cream | Apply to cleansed skin with light massage movements 2 times a day. | An allergy to calendula and other components of the drug. |
Heparin ointment | Apply to the affected areas with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. | • ulcers and violation of the integrity of the skin; • thrombocytopenia; • hypocoagulation; • individual intolerance. |
Troxevasin ointment | Rub lightly into the affected areas 2 times a day. | • wounds, ulcers and other violations of the integrity of the skin; • individual intolerance. |
These funds do well with the initial manifestations of rosacea. They are relatively safe, but you should still consult your doctor before using them.
Traditional medicine is of great help to medications.
To improve the condition of the skin with rosacea, it is useful to prepare the following masks and compresses:
- Potato mask. Grate a small raw potato on a fine grater and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to cleansed skin and rinse off after 10 minutes.
- Berry mask. Knead a little black currant or strawberry or grind it into a pulp in a blender. Add sour cream to the mass in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply mask on face for 15 minutes.
- Starchy oil mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of lanolin. Stir a little dry starch into the mixture to form a slurry. Hold the mask on your face for 15 minutes.
- Compress of chamomile and calendula. 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile and 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers to brew 1 cup boiling water. Insist under cover until cool, strain. Dampen a tissue towel in the infusion and apply a compress to the face for 10 minutes.
Sometimes essential oils are used to treat rosacea - peppermint, thyme, rosemary. But it is impossible to use such means without preliminary testing for an allergic reaction.
Face massage
Massage has an intense effect on the vessels of the skin. When their walls are not strong enough and resilient, such manipulation can damage them.
Therefore, massage with rosacea is contraindicated.
An alternative to conventional massage can be hemolymphatic drainage facial massage.However, at home, you can’t do it yourself. This is a rather complicated technique that can only be carried out by an experienced specialist.
Proper nutrition
It will be difficult to get rid of rosacea without certain dietary restrictions.
With this pathology, the following products should be strictly excluded:
- alcohol, including beer and other low alcohol drinks;
- coffee and all products with caffeine (chocolate, ice cream and other confectionery products with fillers);
- salty and spicy dishes and sauces;
- canned food and marinades;
- fatty foods, mayonnaise.
With rosacea, foods that have a strengthening effect on blood vessels should prevail in the diet.
These are berries, vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamin C, as well as nuts and cereals. Extra virgin olive oil and fish, which contain a lot of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Cosmetic procedures for rosacea
The following hardware cosmetic procedures help to remove the manifestations of rosacea at the initial stage:
Procedure | Description |
Electrocoagulation | With the help of an electrical impulse, a diseased vessel is pointwise destroyed. The procedure is indicated for small manifestations of rosacea. Extensive lesions require multiple visits, after which marks may remain on the skin. |
Laser therapy | The essence of the method is laser sealing of the walls of diseased capillaries. The dilated vessels cease to function and become discolored. One of the most progressive and effective methods, but has a number of contraindications: epilepsy, oncology, cardiovascular pathology, pregnancy and lactation. |
Ozone therapy | A microneedle is inserted under the skin into the lumen of a diseased vessel, through which an ozone-oxygen mixture penetrates into the vessel. The deformation of the walls of the vessel decreases or disappears. A safe but slightly painful procedure requiring rehabilitation within 2-3 days. |
Photosclerosis | Under a beam of pulsed light, local coagulation of blood occurs in the damaged vessel and its blockage. The metabolic processes in the skin are quickly restored and the manifestations of rosacea disappear. The procedure is painless, effective and does not require rehabilitation. |
For the treatment of extensive injuries, it is better to use the method of vascular sclerosis, combining it with drug therapy. Alone with the help of ointments or home masks with a severe form of rosacea can not cope.
Preventive actions
When a tendency to rosacea is detected, it is important to do two things: adjust the lifestyle and establish the cause of the pathology.
To prevent the disease from progressing, the following measures must be taken:
- adjust the diet;
- eliminate bad habits;
- normalize the emotional background and sleep patterns;
- change cosmetic care products, excluding alcohol and acid;
- refuse tanning, use products with a UV filter;
- refuse to visit bathhouses and saunas, limit your stay in frost and cold winds;
- abandon hormonal contraceptives.
Next, you should undergo a medical examination. If it reveals any disease that affects the state of the vessels of the skin, the main efforts should be directed to its treatment. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations, the use of special creams and home masks will stop the progression of rosacea and reduce the risk of more complex vascular pathologies.