The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are contained in a complex rich in nutrients, indispensable for our body. It is a combination of vitamins and minerals that makes it one of the most healthy foods in the world. Sesame adds a special crunch to many Asian and Middle Eastern dishes - both of these races are known for their longevity.

Sesame Seed Health Benefits

Sesame is an African plant, well known for its oil-rich seeds, which were of great importance to ancient civilizations. Sesame oil has a significant content of omega-6 fats, as well as sesamine and sesamoline lignans, which have various biologically active and health-promoting effects. In addition, sesame oil has anti-inflammatory activity and therapeutic effect on cancer cells.

The most prominent health benefits:

  1. A high protein vegetarian diet. High-quality amino acids make up 20% of seeds and are ideal for building a high-protein vegetarian diet. Just sprinkle them with salads, favorite vegetables or pasta.
  2. Sesame seed oil contains an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound called sesamoline, which improves the cardiovascular system.
  3. Grains support the health of the digestive system and colon because they are rich in fiber. Useful fibers help in good bowel function.
  4. Hygiene of the oral cavity due to the antibacterial effect and the elimination of streptococcus from the teeth, tongue, gums.
  5. Elimination of post-alcohol syndrome by stimulating the liver.
  6. Elimination of anxiety due to trace elements in the composition with stress-resistant properties (magnesium, calcium, thiamine, tryptophan).
  7. Benefits for skin and hair due to the content of zinc, which is involved in the production of collagen, necessary for beautiful elastic skin, healthy hair and strong nails.
  8. Extension of youth and improvement of immunity due to antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral activity.
  9. Antibacterial properties also help get rid of skin pathogens such as staphylococcus and streptococcus, as well as various skin fungi, such as the “athlete’s foot fungus”. Sesame oil mixed with warm water can control vaginal yeast infections.
  10. Sunburn treatment. If the oil is used after exposure to wind or the sun, it can prevent damage from harmful ultraviolet rays, the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation against this background. Regular use of this oil significantly reduces the risk of developing skin cancer and prevents exposure to skin chlorine from water.
  11. Sesame nourishes, conditions and promotes healthy scalp. He struggles with dryness, peeling and clogged scalp pores. In addition, it has antifungal and antibacterial activity and helps in the treatment of infections of the scalp, dandruff and soothe irritated skin.
  12. Sesame seed oil acts as a deep conditioning for dry, damaged, chemically treated hair. It restores lost moisture and strengthens the structure, enhances shine, elasticity and softness.
  13. Sesame seed oil is known for its darkening properties, which make it effective for people with premature gray hair. It can be used with carrier oils, such as olive or almond oil, for maximum benefits.

Seeds benefit the body as a whole, especially the liver, kidneys, spleen, and stomach. The high oil content in the seed lubricates the intestines and nourishes all internal organs. Sesame oil is also used to improve lactation, in case of constipation, and to treat intestinal worms such as roundworms, tapeworms, etc.

Useful properties of black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are more spicy and have a stronger flavor than white or brown seeds, and they are preferably used in medicines. They contain 60% more calcium than white ones.

The cosmetic properties of black sesame seeds are free radical blocking, active hydration, nutrition and recovery.

For medicinal purposes, black sesame is used for the following disorders:

  • general weakness and weakness;
  • constipation
  • dizziness;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • chronic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa) and runny nose;
  • toothache;
  • weak lactation;
  • poor eyesight;
  • early gray hair due to lack of blood in the liver and kidneys;
  • with baldness.

Black sesame also increases breast size by stimulating estrogen secretion. The antioxidant in sesame emits strong anti-aging effects and is beneficial for women's health and youth.

Lower cholesterol

Seeds contain two substances called sesamine and sesamoline, which belong to a group of fibers called lignans. Lignans lower cholesterol because they are rich in fiber.

Black sesame seeds also contain plant compounds called phytosterols, which have a structure similar to that of cholesterol. Their consumption not only lowers blood cholesterol, but also reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Organ Nutrition

It was found that black sesame seeds increase energy, nourish the brain and slow down aging, help reduce the symptoms of back pain, soreness and weakness of the joints.

Lowering blood pressure

Hypertension is currently a common health problem among women and men from different age groups, and sesame seeds help reduce hypertension. The wide range of minerals and vitamins in this oil helps boost immunity. Its antioxidants and these nutrients help the body fight cancer. The phytates present in these seeds are also known for their cancer prevention properties.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Sesame oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and has excellent healing properties.

The use of black sesame oil, both topically and internally, can help reduce various inflammatory processes. A large amount of copper in this oil helps to better cope with inflammation caused by conditions affecting the joints.


The benefits of sesame for women have been known since ancient times. These are flowering plants belonging to the Pedaliaceae family. Seeds can be consumed in raw or dried form, or even as fried snacks. They are used in several kitchens.

Dry fried sesame seeds are crushed with olive oil into a light brown paste known as Tahini, which is a popular Middle Eastern treat. To prepare this dish, you can use ready-made sesame flour or grind the seeds in a blender. In Europe, grains are commonly used in margarine production.

Some helpful tips on how to take sesame seed:

  1. The antioxidants found in sesame seed oils help in skin detoxification. When applied to the skin, the molecules of this oil attract oil-soluble toxins, which can be washed off with hot water and soap. Mix half a cup of sesame seed oil with half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a quarter cup of water. The mixture should be applied to the face before bedtime after washing.
  2. Children's skin, especially the area under the diaper, often gets enough sleep due to the acidity of body waste. Sesame oil protects their delicate skin from these rashes. Application for nose and ears provides protection against skin pathogens. It also fights against dry skin.
  3. Sesame oil can make skin radiant. It keeps the skin soft and supple, and promotes the healing of small cuts, scratches and abrasions.
  4. Sesame oil also tightens the pores on the face, controls acne and neutralizes toxins that develop on the surface and in the pores. Massage your face thoroughly with sesame seed oil and then wipe it with rice or a bezel, then rinse with warm and then cold water to close the pores.
  5. Treatment of cracked heels. Apply sesame seed oil every night, covering your feet with cotton socks. After a few treatments, you will get soft and supple legs.

All varieties of sesame seeds are extremely nutritious. They have a high oil content of 40% to 60%. They are a rich source of minerals such as copper and manganese. They also contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, vitamin B1 and zinc and are rich in fiber and monounsaturated fats.


Contraindication to the use of sesame seeds is individual hypersensitivity. The rich composition of this ingredient implies high sensitivity in people prone to various kinds of allergies.

In addition, it cannot be used under the following conditions:

  • thrombocytosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • individual intolerance.

In all other cases, you can safely apply sesame seeds, adding it to your favorite dishes to get healthy nails, radiant skin and beautiful hair.