Yoga classes are one of the most effective ways to achieve harmony between the body and mind. There are several areas in yoga, pursuing various goals. Kundalini yoga is an interesting direction from the point of view of spiritual and physical development, which is gaining more and more popularity every year.
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What is kundalini yoga, history
This practice is characterized by the fastest result. Just a few months of regular classes is enough to learn how to manage the energy of kundalini, and in 2 - 3 years you can become a real master. At the same time, this area is considered the most difficult for independent study, so beginners are advised to seek help from an instructor.
The main goal of this direction is to awaken the energy of kundalini and learn how to manage it. The word "kundalini" itself is translated from Sanskrit as "secret power, curled up like a snake." Each person has it and is in a dormant state, located at the base of the spine. The purpose of the practice is to awaken the latent power and make it rise up the spinal column, filling and opening all the chakras.
Kundalini yoga, in fact, is not a separate direction, but is a combination of all 22 yoga practices, which makes it unique, but very difficult.
This technique gained fame in the late 60s and since then has only gained popularity.However, according to some reports, the first references to this direction are found in ancient manuscripts, whose age is thousands of years old.
The purpose of the practice is to wake up and raise energy, "pulling" it from the roots into space. The method helps in the shortest possible time to find harmony between the external and the internal, the body and the mind. To get a general idea of this practice, you need to familiarize yourself with its main features and benefits.
The awakening of kundalini helps:
- find harmony;
- open your subconscious;
- awaken sexual energy;
- increase the tone of the body.
From a spiritual point of view, this practice is aimed at awakening Divine energy in order to break the circle of samsara.
A person who has comprehended the essence of this sacrament, finds unity with the world and interrupts an endless series of rebirths.
What is a turban and a spiritual name for?
The attributes of kundalini yoga are a turban and white cotton clothes. A turban is a piece of fabric, specially wound around the head.
This accessory performs several functions at once:
- helps to tune in to work with spiritual energy;
- improves concentration;
- prevents the leakage of energy into space.
Practice is aimed at raising the kundalini in all chakras, its movement should end in the head of a person. However, inexperienced beginners cannot fully manage the energy, so there is a risk of it leaving the body. It is for this that we need a turban that helps to close the energy flows on the human body. In yoga centers, a turban is usually worn by a teacher, and students are limited to thin white hats.
White clothes have a beneficial effect on the aura of a person. This color symbolizes purity and the beginning of everything, as other colors and shades arise from white. Clothing for yoga should be free and flowing, so as not to hamper movement and not interfere with the circulation of energy.
Another important component is the spiritual name. It is not given just like that, but is the result of lengthy calculations according to numerological formulas. This name is designed to create positive vibrations that will help to quickly open the chakras and raise the kundalini.
Basic concepts
Before moving on to the practical part, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory.
Pillars of Kundalini Yoga are four concepts:
- nadi - the channels through which spiritual energy flows;
- chakras - energy centers, or nuclei located in the human body;
- prana - the "breath of life", the energy of all that exists in everyone;
- kriya is a special sequence of exercises (asanas) that pursue a specific goal.
Each lesson consists of four cycles or exercises. Kundalini Yoga necessarily includes meditation - an exercise to gain control over your consciousness or a way to clear your mind.
Practice is accompanied by pranayama - a special breathing technique aimed at controlling prana. Beginners in kundalini yoga will have to learn asanas - body postures in which the best control of prana is performed and kundalini is gradually awakened.
To facilitate the work with energy, mantras are used. They are melodious sounds and words in Sanskrit that create positive vibrations, adjusting to work with spiritual energy.
What is the use of popular practice
If we discard the spiritual component, we can distinguish the following positive aspects of kundalini yoga:
- effective stress relief;
- improving sleep quality, eliminating insomnia;
- saturation of tissues of organs with oxygen;
- lymph flow improvement;
- normalization of the hormonal background.
In addition, kundalini yoga allows you to get rid of the inner duality, which is manifested by the conflict between their own desires and responsibilities. Practice strengthens the psyche, helps to tune in to achieve the goal, improves concentration and perception of new information.
This direction of yoga is especially recommended for residents of large cities who lose their self in the cycle of daily problems and responsibilities. Kundalini yoga will help to achieve inner harmony and reduce psycho-emotional stress.
The "side" effect of the classes is the disclosure of one's sexual potential.
This is largely due to the fact that the kundalini energy is initially concentrated slightly below the second chakra, which is responsible for the human sexual potential. In men, the awakening of this chakra by raising the kundalini is manifested by an increase in potency, and in women, sensitivity and sexuality increase.
Beginner Exercises
Kundalini Yoga for beginners should be mastered with an experienced instructor. This is due to the risk of injury and improper performance of asanas.
Awakening of the kundalini energy during the lesson occurs in several stages:
- singing of an initiating and protective mantra;
- kriya fulfillment;
- breathing exercises;
- meditation and pranayama;
- singing the mantra "Sat Nam."
The opening of the chakras is not carried out during the performance of asanas of kriya, but after, during relaxation and meditation. The problem of self-mastering this direction is that there are a lot of kriyas and they are aimed at achieving various goals - from losing weight to strengthening back muscles or improving well-being during pregnancy.
A yoga instructor will help you choose the optimal sequence of asanas and awaken the kundalini.
In general, the universal method is the consistent execution of asanas, helping to open each of the seven chakras. Beginners can be recommended to start with the asana of the Muladhara. Further, it all depends on well-being. During the first lesson, you can restrict yourself to working with only one chakra (for example, the heart chakra), or you can work out all the energy centers in sequence, using the appropriate asanas.
Beginners are recommended to start with Surya Namaskar asana. This simple exercise will help strengthen your back and relax your entire body. To perform it is necessary to inhale slowly and deeply, then raise straight, relaxed hands to the sky and make a slow exhale. After taking your arms and head back, take a breath, and lean forward with your whole body.
What can be dangerous kundalini yoga
Kundalini yoga classes do not require special physical preparation, but the practice is unsafe and has a number of limitations.
Contraindications are the following conditions and diseases:
- hypertonic disease;
- epilepsy;
- heart disease;
- a recent stroke or heart attack;
- severe depression;
- heat;
- acute infectious diseases.
Women are not recommended to do kundalini yoga during menstruation. During this period, classes will not bring benefits, but can worsen well-being.
The process of awakening kundalini may be accompanied by physical ailment. This is manifested by fever, cramps, muscle pain, tremors and heart palpitations. Some people experience feelings at that moment similar to a panic attack.
Many well-known doctors claim that sensations of awakening of the kundalini are a signal of a disruption in the functioning of the body, in particular, the metabolic processes of the brain. According to them, the awakening of kundalini is the intentional introduction of a person into a state of hypertensive crisis or panic attack, by stimulating the release of norepinephrine. Despite criticism, kundalini yoga remains one of the most popular trends in yoga. Beginners are still advised to trust an experienced instructor and take into account contraindications, and not try to master the complex technique on their own.