The material about an interesting and undeservedly forgotten dish of traditional Russian cuisine is presented to your attention. From this article you can find out what a kulebyaka is, how it differs from a regular closed cake, with what fillings it is baked and what are the main secrets of cooking.

What is kulebyaka?

Once a kulebyak was considered a festive dish, not a single feast was complete without it. It was customary to invite guests to a kulebyaku, she served in the best catering establishments.

The dish was common among all segments of the population. It was prepared both in poor peasant homes and in wealthy families.

Kulebyak well reflects the features of national cuisine. This is a satisfying, very high-calorie, closed, unsweetened pie with a lot of filling. It has an elongated elongated shape, cut across in wide slices. Kulebyaku is still eaten hot, with hands, with tea or broth. The dish is served at the end of the meal or instead of hot.

The main difference between kulebyaki and ordinary pie is the amount of filling. It should be a lot, much more than a test.

The latter serves only as a shell.

The subtleties of cooking

The filling is prepared from cereals, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, eggs. It is laid in layers, forming a high hill. On top of the cake, it is decorated with dough ornaments and smeared with an egg, and during baking it becomes golden with a delicious crust.

The filling can be placed in different ways: in tiers or corners, with or without a layer of thin pancakes.

If the cake is small, it contains only 2-3 layers, then each next type of filling can be simply distributed over the previous layer. If the kulebyak is very high, consists of many tiers, then without layers it will simply fall apart, so each new row needs to be laid with thin pancakes.

How to lay out parallel layers of minced meat, it’s clear to everyone. But what is the distribution of the filling in the corners, not everyone knows.

According to this method, minced meat is not laid out in layers, but in sausages. From one type of filling, a mound is formed along the entire pie. Cover it with pancakes. They press it a little, make one side beveled and lay the next sausage from another type of minced meat parallel to it. Each mound should go a little to the previous one.

In the section you can see all kinds of stuffing. Layers of the filling in the pie will not be placed horizontally, but diagonally.

The dish is very difficult to perform. Layering and an abundance of filling impose special requirements. The cake must be baked so that it remains juicy inside and does not burn out on the outside.

The lower layer of dough is rolled thinly so that it is well-fried.

Juices and fat from the filling are drained onto it. If the dough is thick, it will not bake, but will become sticky. The shell should be flexible enough and resilient so that the cake does not fall apart.

Stuffing is brought to readiness or semi-preparedness in advance. In fresh form, only fish is placed in the coulebyak. Put her on the top tier of the pie. There she manages to prepare perfectly.

Down put some not juicy stuffing, for example, cereal. It will be able to absorb excess moisture and prevent the spreading of juices on a baking sheet.

Hot stuffing can precipitate the dough, so the filling is always allowed to cool. Only then tiers are formed from it.

Cooking dough for kulebyaki

How to cook kulebyaku? It can not be attributed to everyday dishes. It takes a lot of time. Therefore, either a special case or a great desire is needed here. But if you divide the cooking into several stages, the process will not seem so complicated.

First of all, it is necessary:

  • knead the dough;
  • bake some thin pancakes;
  • cook the stuffing.

After that it will be possible to start forming a cake, decorating and baking.

We will consider the stages of preparation in more detail. Kulebyaku wrapped in a yeast pastry. We advise you not to buy it, but to cook it yourself. If you are not at all friends with the dough, or are very limited in time, you can take a ready-made frozen puff mass, thaw it and roll it out.

For those who want to do everything themselves, we offer the following variations of the dough. For the dish in question, it is cooked a little steeper and less rich than usual.

Yeast-free dough

It is prepared on the basis of dry yeast. They do not need to be activated in advance. This will save a little time.

Pour two teaspoons of yeast with one glass of warm water and a glass of warmed, not hot milk. Sweeten with granulated sugar (2.5 tablespoons).

Let the yeast stand for about 5 minutes. Then add 700 grams of sifted premium flour to them. Everything should be gently mixed with a silicone spatula or spoon, movements from bottom to top. You get a sticky, heterogeneous flocculent mass.

Salt it quite a bit and mix again. Add 60 grams of vegetable oil. Mix everything again. Let's collect the dough in one lump and set it aside for a quarter of an hour.

During this time, gluten will swell, and the mass will become more pliable, it will be easier to knead.

Put the rested dough on a flat surface.You can apply a silicone mat. If the dough is kneaded on a table, it should be sprinkled with flour.

Knead the dough for several minutes. It will become soft and tender, stop sticking to the fingers, will be elastic, smooth, shiny.

We will form a ball and put it for an hour in a warm place, after covering it with a film or a napkin. You can put the dough in a cooled oven and turn on the light there. The heat from the lamp will be enough to create the necessary conditions.

After 40 minutes we take out the dough, knead it and put it back in heat for about the same time. After 40 minutes, it will be completely ready. At this point, its initial volume will increase 2.5-3 times.

Baked yeast dough

Dough on dough can also be prepared using dry yeast. For kneading, take a deep container, pour half a glass of warm water into it, in which we dissolve one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast. To revive the yeast, add to them a tablespoon of sugar and a glass of sifted flour.

Mix everything thoroughly. It will make a sticky, not very thick dough. This is the couple. She needs to be allowed to breathe for 10-15 minutes so that she is saturated with oxygen. Then cover and put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

During this time, it will "grow up", significantly increase in volume, completely covered with bursting bubbles and begin to fall. Opara began to deflate, which means she’s ready and you can knead the dough out of it.

In a separate container, prepare baking. Mix:

  • egg;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pour the pastry into a container with dough, stir well, and gradually add the flour. In total, about 600 grams should go to the dough with the dough. In many respects, the quality of the dish depends on the main indicators of flour, its gluten, humidity, smell and taste.

While the dough is liquid, we can knead it with a spoon directly in the container, adding several times about half a cup of sifted flour. When it becomes dense, put it on a powder-dusted table and begin to knead with our hands. After about 10 minutes, it will become smooth, elastic and stop sticking.

We round it, leave it in the container, covering it with a film or a napkin, and put it in the heat. The dough should come up and double in volume. This will take about two hours. At the end of the process, it will be possible to form a cake from the mass.


If you are planning on tasting a real, juicy, stuffed cake filled with burgers, you will also have to bake pancakes, which in a traditional multi-layer pie share different types of minced meat. They not only collect the pie, do not let it fall apart, but also keep the juices secreted by the filling inside.

Fresh pancakes are cooked very quickly.

Products for their preparation:

  • premium flour (glass or 180 grams);
  • one egg;
  • ghee or vegetable oil (3 tablespoons).

All this will need to be mixed by adding two glasses of cool filtered water.

Leave the dough to infuse, heat the pan on the stove, grease it with oil. In the process of frying it is no longer added.

Pour the dough into the middle of the pan with a scoop, slightly lifting it, distribute the mass over the entire surface, tilting it from side to side. Fry each pancake on both sides, stack them in a pile.

How to collect kulebyaku

When the dough, pancakes and filling will be ready will remain to combine them into a single whole. There are two ways to do this.

First way:

  • roll out a long layer of dough 1 cm thick from dough;
  • put the stuffing;
  • connect the two opposite edges of the base, pinch;
  • to make a seam along the whole pie;
  • turn the kulebyak seam down.

The second way:

  • divide the dough into two pieces, one more, the other less;
  • from a smaller roll out a layer 0.7-1 cm wide;
  • put the filling on it;
  • close the pie with a large piece of dough (the upper layer should be wider and slightly thicker);
  • blind the edges of the upper and lower layers of the dough, wrap them in a pigtail.

From the remnants of the dough make decorations to decorate the cake.Before laying in the oven, the kulebyak is allowed to stand for a bit so that it rests, the dough rises and restores shape.

Before baking, the surface of the cake is greased with an egg. The top layer of dough is pierced in several places with a knife or fork. This is done so that in the process the steam can freely escape without damaging the surface of the cake.

Kulebyaku is kept in the oven at 200-220 ° C for half an hour. Baking time depends on the size of the cake. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.

Hot cake can be greased with butter so that its crust remains soft longer. Ready baked goods need to be covered with a towel and let it stand for a while, and then still warm, cut into portions and serve.

Kulebyaka with meat

To collect a multi-tiered kulebyak, you need to spend a lot of time. Therefore, modern housewives often cook it with two or three types of filling. And, of course, meat is favorite. With it they bake a dish as often as with fish.

More materials: recipe kulebyaki with meat

We will not indicate the number of products that will be needed to prepare the filling. Add ingredients as you like. The size of the future pie will depend on the volume of minced meat.

Classic recipe coulibiacs with meat


Baking with one type of filling will not be considered a full-fledged dish called "Kulebyaka". However, this simple recipe will help you take the first steps of a novice housewife on the path to mastering a complex dish.

To prepare the meat filling, you can take ready-made minced meat. The most delicious will be considered a volume consisting of half pork and beef. Pure ground beef will also do.

Meat can be chopped on its own. It is enough to buy a piece of pork or beef, free of veins, cartilage and bones, or both. Trim all fat and mince.

For the filling, fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan in oil, sprinkle it with sugar slightly, bring to a transparent state. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to let it burn. Sweet onions go very well with meat.

Fry the minced meat separately from the onion, knead all the lumps and simmer a little under the lid. Wait until it becomes a uniform gray color, and all moisture evaporates from the bottom of the pan.

Mix meat with fried onions, salt and pepper. Pass through the meat grinder again to get a homogeneous paste-like mass. It is advisable to add a little meat or vegetable broth, from which the filling will become juicier.

Put the composition prepared in this way onto the workpiece, sprinkle with chopped boiled egg on top and pinch the edges of the formation. Turn the kulebyak so that the egg is at the bottom.

Recipe Kulebyaki with meat and potatoes

Boiled potatoes with juicy minced meat under a thin layer of lush homemade dough - a celebration for the stomach and soul. This stuffing is no harder to cook than a regular lunch.

Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into small cubes, no larger than 2cm × 2cm. Boil in salted water until tender.

Prepare minced meat from meat, fry until color changes, and combine with golden onions in a pan.

Stuffing salt. Mix with boiled potatoes. Place the filling on the dough and form a pie.

Kulebyaka with meat and rice


Kulebyaka with any kind of cereal is very juicy and tasty. Rice is cooked separately until cooked. It is advisable to choose round-grain varieties of cereals such as "Krasnodar", which is suitable for cereals.

Mix one part of rice with two parts of water in a ratio of 1: 2, adding a little salt. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Remove the finished cereal from the fire, leaving it under the lid until it cools.

At this time, fry the minced meat with onions in a saucepan, salt, add pepper to taste. At the end, combine with rice filling. Now the mince is ready, you can complete the preparation of the main dish.

Kulebyaka with meat and cheese

Cheese gives the dish a certain pungency and piquancy, and it is also a good binder.Quite a lot of toppings are put in the kulebyaku, the pie is high, so that the stuffing does not fall apart on the cut, it must have an adhesive base.

You can add any kind of hard cheese chopped with a coarse grater to the filling. They are sprinkled on top of the ready-made minced meat mixed with fried onions.

Kulebyak with meat and mushrooms


From meat and mushrooms you can collect a dense, satisfying and tasty filling. Both fresh and frozen foods are used. Wanting to simplify her task, the hostess has the right to buy ordinary mushrooms.

Forest mushrooms must be scraped with a knife and rinse. Champignons do not need to be soaked in water, they are so well cleaned. It is enough to clean the place of cut, scraping the leg with a knife.

Large forest mushrooms cut into cubes. Honey mushrooms can be fried whole. It is desirable to grind champignon into thin plates.

Stew salted mushrooms until tender. Combine them with minced minced meat and onions. There should be twice as much meat as mushrooms. To fix the filling, sprinkle it with flour a little and mix thoroughly.

Kulebyak with two fillings

Kulebyak with two fillings looks more elegant. It is more interesting to cut, bite, having tried from different sides. As a rule, more juicy or fluid filling is placed upstairs. The lower one, like a sponge, absorbs all the juices, and holds the magical aromas inside.

The filling for kulebyaki can be formed from rice and minced meat. Porridge need to lay out the bottom layer, and the top meat. The cut will be the fault of both fillings. Rice is saturated with meat aroma and it will turn out very tasty.

For the filling, you can also take minced meat and fried mushrooms. In them, during cooking, you need to add a little flour, pouring it into the pan, stirring.

Put meat down. Cover this layer with pancakes. Top the fried mushrooms. Thanks to flour, they must stick together and keep their shape well.

Kulebyak with a bird

With poultry, kulebyaka is not particularly oily. For the filling, the loin portion of the chicken or turkey breast is taken. Raw meat is not put, it is brought to readiness in advance, previously boiled, or fried.

Kulebyaka with chicken

Prepare a filling of chicken and fresh champignons. Finely chop the onion head and fry it in oil in a saucepan. Add to it the diced chicken fillet. We will cook without a lid, constantly stirring with a spatula, slightly pressing on the base.

When the meat turns white on all sides and ceases to secrete juice, add fresh mushrooms, peeled and sliced. Then a spoonful of sour cream, salt, crushed clove of garlic and a little ground pepper.

Put the finished filling on the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese. We bake a pie and send it to the oven for half an hour, applying a temperature of 200 degrees.

Kulebyaka with turkey and stewed cabbage

The turkey fillet for the filling can be boiled, but we recommend cutting into small cubes and sauté in oil. So it will be tastier. The cake should not be fresh. The real kulebyaka is fat and juicy.

Read also: turkey filet in the oven

Cut fresh white cabbage into squares and simmer with a minimum amount of oil over low heat until almost ready. At the end of frying, add the finished turkey fillet and mix. Salt the filling to taste and add pepper if desired. Extinguish a little more time over low heat.

Put the prepared minced meat and vegetables on the dough. Lay it with pancakes, pressing it lightly with your hands. Lay on top hard-boiled chicken eggs, finely chopped into cubes and seasoned with herbs. Fasten the layer again with pancakes and close the kulebyak.

Kulebyaka with fish

Fish kulebyaka - the most that neither is a real snack. There is even a version that the name of the dish comes from the Finnish word "kala", which means fish.

Raw fillet is put in the filling, whole or cut into slices, mixing several types of minced meat from river and sea fish at once.

Kulebyaka fish

The fish in the filling goes well with rice, which is pre-cooked in salted water. By adding a little seasoning and curry during cooking, it will become tastier, acquire a characteristic color and aroma.

Rice should be put in the bottom layer of the pie. Lay this tier, and squeeze pancakes. Lay on it the mushrooms fried with onions, mixed with a small amount of sour cream and flour. Lay this layer with pancakes too.

Place fish on the upper tier. Take fillet, for example, boneless cod. Cut it into large pieces, mix with chopped green onions and smooth over the rest of the filling. Fix this tier with pancakes and cover the pie.

Kulebyaka with salmon

We offer not quite a traditional recipe for a delicious dish. The filling is prepared from salmon fillet, fried champignons and cream cheese, which is sold in the form of plates.

Place the cheese on the dough, then a layer of fried mushrooms. In the middle, a salmon fillet, slightly steamed on both sides in a pan, is a whole piece or, if it is very large, cut into large pieces. Smooth out the mushroom layer again. At the end, cover all with cheese squares.

The filling is ready. It remains to seal the cake and send it to the oven.

Fish kulebyaka with potatoes


To prepare the filling, you will have to boil the potatoes in salted water and fry the onions until golden. Crush boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes and season with butter (a quarter of a packet for a whole potato pot). Take a salt sample, if not enough, add salt. Combine and stir with fried onions.

Put mashed potatoes in the lower layer of kulebyaki, a whole piece of raw fish fillet on it. Top out a layer of fried mushrooms. Sprinkle with grated cheese and close the cake.

Kulebyaka with puff pastry fish


Ready-made puff pastry can be bought at any store. Before using in business, it should be thawed. Then divide into two layers and roll to a predetermined thickness.

Prepared layer of puff pastry should be covered with pancakes. They can already be laid out stuffing.

Boiled rice, hard-boiled eggs, green onions, salmon fillet and mushrooms fried with flour will be used.

Dice eggs, mix with rice and chopped green onions. Place the first filling on the dough, covered with pancakes. They will fasten the whole dish and will not let it fall apart. They also lay each row of filling. Puff pastry is too fragile, so the cake needs additional support.

To put mushrooms on a row of rice and eggs, and on them a whole salmon fillet. Cover the kulebyak with a second layer of dough, connecting the edges. We will braid the “pigtail” and put the pie in the oven.

Kulebyaka with salmon, mushrooms and spinach

Pour a little oil into the preheated pan, put the chopped onion in cubes and fry until golden brown. Add to it peeled and chopped mushrooms. Simmer until tender.

A fresh bunch of spinach should be taken apart, washed and dried.

Put the spinach in a pan to the mushrooms, stir quickly and immediately remove from heat.

Cut salmon fillet into small cubes. Combine with mushroom and spinach filling. Put on the dough and seal in the pie.

Different recipes

There are many options for filling for couleby. The higher the cake and the more goodies it has, the better. They say that in a kulebyaku you can put everything that is in the refrigerator.

There is a tradition of inviting guests to a coulebyak. Everyone brings something for the filling and gathers a big cake. And then they eat it at the same table, share their impressions and enjoy the process.

Kulebyak in Chekhov's “Feast for the whole world”

Kulebyak “Feast for the whole world” is prepared from seven layers. She will become the center of the holiday. The guests will eat plenty of it and ask them to wrap the rest with them.

The filling for kulebyaki is made from different types of meat and offal. This feast is diluted with rice and mushrooms.


  • beef;
  • pork
  • chicken heart and liver;
  • pork liver.

We grind all meat separately in a meat grinder.We make the frying of onions, carrots and garlic. We add this dressing to each type of forcemeat. For all meat fillings, a raw chicken egg is broken for juiciness.

Fry mushrooms (champignons) in a frying pan, and then pass them through a meat grinder.

In a small saucepan, cook sticky rice, such as for risotto or porridge.

We make one more filling of boiled eggs and green onions slightly stewed in butter. Crush the eggs and mix with herbs.

Let's collect coulibiacs. Lay the bottom layer of dough with pancakes. We put boiled rice on it. Pancakes will lay each layer kulebyaki.

We put the filling in the following order:

  • rice
  • liver;
  • offal chicken;
  • boiled eggs with onions;
  • pork;
  • mushrooms;
  • beef.

Cover a huge pie with a second layer of dough. You do not need to tamp heavily so that the stuffing does not leak. Bake the cake until cooked.

Kulebyak princely, multilayer

A multi-layer kulebyak is prepared from several types of filling, shifting layers with pancakes. Boiled rice is usually placed in the lower tier; you can replace it with buckwheat. To make paste from buckwheat, it can be scrolled in a meat grinder and seasoned for juiciness by frying onions and carrots.

Kulebyaki put minced meat in the middle. It is made from boiled beef. Finished meat is ground in a meat grinder, mixed with a raw egg, seasoned with nutmeg, ground pepper and fried onions.

In the upper tier lay chopped boiled eggs with greens: onions, dill and parsley. The layers are pressed together, covered with dough and sent to the oven.

Kulebyaka in Russian

A real Russian couleby is cooking with fish. For the filling, two types of fillet are taken: one fatter (halibut, salmon), the other by land (pike, cod). Fatty fillet is cut into pieces, while dry is passed through a meat grinder. The base is mixed with a raw egg, a spoonful of sour cream and a pinch of flour for stickiness.

Boiled round rice. Then, placing it on greased dishes, bake until golden brown in the oven.

We will lay layers alternately on the dough layer:

  • minced fish;
  • rice
  • fish slices.

Make the layers thin, laying with pancakes and repeating until the filling is over. After a quarter of an hour, send the collected coulibia to the oven, baking at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Kulebyaka "Fast"

Let's try to make a somewhat unusual, fast and very tasty cake-roll using classic thin pita bread. According to this recipe, you don’t even have to knead the dough.

The filling can be any of the options above. For example, take boiled rice. Fry it a little in a pan with onions in a small amount of vegetable oil. Supplement the composition with chopped boiled eggs and green onions.

You can also cook kulebyaku with minced meat. To do this, boil a piece of beef, pass it through a meat grinder and dilute with a small amount of broth. Salt and mix with fried onions.

We will form a kulebyaku: cut a piece of pita bread 20 cm wide. On the edge, next to the short side, lay out the filling: rice, meat on top.

Wrap, twisting pita bread into a roll. Lubricate the surface of the pie with vegetable oil. Put in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. It will turn out quickly a very satisfying, crunchy, mouth-watering snack.

Kulebyaka with vegetables, lean recipes


Fish kulebyaka claims to be the traditional, the very first and real dish. They began to put the meat in the pie later. The lean kulebyak existed at all times. And now, as before, it is customary to prepare a pie with what is in stock: with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, etc. Even a lean kulebyak can conquer the heart of a gourmet.

Potato Kulebyaka

For the filling, boil the potatoes, salt, mash it in mashed potatoes.

Stir chopped mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil in a stew-pan. At the end of frying, add a little sour cream (for 6 large mushrooms a tablespoon).

Place the potato filling on the dough. Top out the mushrooms. Cover with sheets of cream cheese. Allow the cake to rest for 15 minutes and send to bake.

Kulebyaka with mushrooms

Let's make a filling of two layers. In the first row we put boiled buckwheat, seasoned with fried onions.

For the second row, prepare minced meat from mushrooms. Peel and cut the mushrooms. Add them to the pan, add oil, fry until half cooked. Season with onions, salt and ground pepper. We bring the refueling to readiness.

Lay out the fillings one by one, sharing pancakes. First a row of buckwheat, then a row of mushrooms, alternating sequentially, sealing the cake before baking.

Kulebyak with forest mushrooms

Forest mushrooms are best paired with potatoes. We clean out a few tubers and thinly cut into circles, laying out the lower tier of the filling.

We clean forest mushrooms, rinse and cut into cubes. Add to the stewpan. Stew in a small amount of oil until cooked, adding a spoonful of sour cream and onions.

Place the mushroom filling on top of the potatoes. We bake Kulebyak a little longer than usual so that the potatoes have time to cook. We monitor the process, excluding the moment of burning. Cover the hot cake with a towel and let it brew a little.

Kulebyaki Recipe with Cabbage


Lean kulebyaka with cabbage turns out not worse than meat. Let's cook a vegetable fry. We put in a frying pan chopped onions and grated carrots on a coarse grater. Instead of salt, add a little sugar.

Finely chop the cabbage. Put it in a saucepan to the vegetable fry and add tomato juice (half a cup per half kilogram of cabbage). Add salt and pepper. Put it out until the cabbage is soft.

We bake a kulebyak with a lean filling. Serve for tea, soups or borsch.

Cabbage and eggs

For the filling you will need onions and green onions. Together with onions, fry diced cabbage, and chop green and mix with chopped boiled eggs.

Add two toppings one on one, down cabbage, on top of the egg. Let's bake a coulibia. We will serve it as a savory cake.

Kulebyaka with cabbage and mushrooms


We chop on a grater or manually small forks of cabbage. Cut the onions in half rings. Squeeze medium carrots. Clean and chop fresh champignons. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic.

Combine all the ingredients in a pan, adding frying oil. Add salt and pepper. Add a spoonful of 25% sour cream. We extinguish the filling until cooked. After it cools, we will form a cake.

Kulebyaka with cabbage, tomatoes and dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms can be purchased at any time of the year. In this form, they completely retain their aroma, taste and saturate the finished dish with it. Mushrooms need to be soaked in advance. Pour them with hot water and let stand for 30 minutes.

In an oiled deep frying pan, put onions, grated carrots and chopped cabbage. Squeeze the garlic into vegetables. Season with dried basil, bay leaf, finely chopped dried mushrooms. Mushrooms need to be added a little bit, just for flavor.

Remove the peel from the tomatoes. This will be easier to do if you pour them over with boiling water and immediately lower them into cold water. Coarsely chop the tomatoes, put them in the dishes for the rest of the vegetables. Tomatoes need a little. Two pounds are enough for a pound of cabbage.

Stew vegetables until cooked. When they cool, we will use them as a filling.

Cabbage and fish

Very tasty is the filling of cabbage, eggs and fish fillets. And she is preparing very simply.

Finely chop the cabbage, season with salt and simmer with oil until tender.

The cabbage layer will be the first filling. Put the chopped boiled eggs in the second layer. On top we put pieces of fish fillet (you can take, for example, cod).

Bake kulebyaku as usual. A very satisfying pie can be served instead of a hot dish.

Kulebyaki Recipe with Cabbage and Chicken

Grind cabbage, cut into small squares, add crushed garlic and chopped onions. Simmer all together with a small amount of oil until tender.

In another pan, fry onions, mushrooms and minced chicken. We put the ingredients in this sequence. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of fat cream. Stew until thick.

We put the cooled cabbage on the dough, then the minced chicken. Sprinkle with chopped eggs. We send the cake to bake.

Cabbage and meat filling

As a meat filling, we take minced beef and pork. Salt, pepper and fry in a pan. When it is completely ready, remove from the stove and cool.

Cut the cabbage, chop the carrots with a grater, chop the onions into cubes.

Put onions with carrots in a pan. Lightly powder with sugar and fry in oil until golden brown. Add chopped cabbage and crushed garlic. Put it out under the lid until the cabbage is cooked.

Mix vegetables with minced meat. Place the cooled filling in the pie.

Kulebyaka with sauerkraut

From sauerkraut, you can cook a very simple filling without spending a lot of time. Agree, this is in the hands of modern housewives.

From the cabbage you need to drain the brine. If it is too acidic, rinse. Dry so that there is no excess moisture left in it.

Heat oil in a pan. Fry onions and add cabbage. Simmer all together until tender. After the filling cools down to form a cake.

Keeping tradition is good. Cooking complicated national dishes is also wonderful. But, unfortunately, there is not always time for this. Therefore, now the housewives are adapting recipes to modern realities. And it is right! Start small. Try baking a kulebyak with a simple filling. Gradually, improving your skills, you can learn how to bake a multi-layer cake.