Today, the number of adherents of a healthy lifestyle is growing every day, as is the popularity of corn syrup. This healthy sweet allows you to cook homemade desserts that do not harm the figure and health. You can make a solution of corn with your own hands at home.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The energy value of the product is 286 kcal per 100 grams. It immediately contains 77.6 grams of carbohydrates. These indicators may vary depending on the method of preparation of the product and the presence of additional additives in it.

In the composition of such a syrup, you can find many useful substances and vitamins. Among them, for example, iron, phosphorus, calcium, choline, B vitamins.

The use of corn syrup in cooking

Corn starch syrup is especially used by cooks. It is a thickener and sweetener. Most often it is added to desserts.


Interestingly, unlike beet sugar and bee honey, the product under discussion does not sugary for a long time. In its composition, moisture is excellent under any conditions. This allows the delicacies on the syrup to have a more delicate structure and remain appetizing, attractive in appearance for a long time. In addition, the product increases the volume of the dish, makes its taste brighter.

How can I replace the product

Many housewives are looking for the answer to the question: how to replace corn syrup? It is difficult to find a complete replacement for this unique product. But if there is no time for its independent preparation, you can get by with quick (classic) sugar syrup or its variation with the addition of citric acid. To replace the discussed syrup in desserts, you can use natural bee honey. The main thing is to take a high-quality liquid product. If it is sugared, a water bath will help to solve the problem.

How to make classic corn syrup

If you wish, you can make corn syrup with your own hands. The easiest way to do this is according to the classic recipe.


  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ordinary beet sugar - 950 g;
  • ripe corn cobs - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • purified drinking water - 1.2 l;
  • vanilla extract - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • table salt - 2 mal. spoons.


Having decided to use such a recipe, you must definitely arm yourself with a food thermometer.

If you do not strictly adhere to the temperature indicated in the recipe, you will not succeed in preparing the correct syrup.

  1. First of all, you need to clean the corn cobs of all unnecessary - to remove leaves, stigmas. Rinse. Cut the remaining parts into 4-5 parts, add water and send to the stove.
  2. Boil the contents of the pan over low heat until the amount of liquid has evaporated to half.
  3. Strain the resulting broth thoroughly through several layers of gauze.
  4. Dissolve all loose ingredients in a slightly cooled liquid. Including add vanilla extract. The last component is optional, it is added as desired for a more pleasant aroma of the finished product.
  5. Stir the contents of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula until all sweet and salty grains are completely dissolved. Metal cutlery is not used.
  6. Return the still hot liquid to the fire. Boil the mass to a soft ball at a temperature of 235 degrees. Readiness is checked by a drop. It should be sent to a glass plate, slightly cooled and try to roll your finger into a soft ball.
  7. Remove the resulting syrup from the heat and cool.

It is very important to properly store the sweet product. It is best to pour it into a clean, sealed glass container. For example, a small jar of baby food. If during storage the syrup begins to crystallize, it will be enough to heat it with a small amount of warm clean water.

DIY invert syrup

You can make corn syrup according to the second recipe. Despite the name, it turned out even easier than the classic. The prefix “invert” implies the breakdown of sucrose during frying into fructose and glucose.

The composition of the components:

  • beet sugar - 280 g;
  • corn broth - 70 ml;
  • pure boiled water - 60 ml;
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp

Order of execution:

  1. Corn broth is prepared according to the scheme of the classic recipe. First, the ears of fruit are cleaned of all unnecessary, and then they are cut into medium-sized pieces, filled with water and sent to the stove. You need to cook the mixture until the amount of liquid is halved. From the resulting broth, it is required to pour 70 ml through clean gauze.
  2. Mix the liquid with the declared amount of water in the recipe. Add beet sugar.
  3. Stir the ingredients with a wooden spoon or spatula until all sweet crystals have dissolved.
  4. Only then can you add a lemon.
  5. Send the resulting mixture to the stove. Cook the syrup for 30 to 35 minutes. In the process, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature of the liquid. It is 108 ° C. At this stage, a special thermometer will be needed.
  6. If the syrup is prepared correctly, it should be stretched with a thin thread during cooling. To check, it will be enough to drop a small amount of mass on a flat plate.

The resulting product can be used for 3 weeks.It should be stored in a tightly closed glass container. You can leave corn syrup prepared according to this recipe, even at room temperature.

Where is corn syrup sold

If there is no desire and time to cook the product under discussion on your own, you can purchase it in the shopping center. True, you will not find him in every supermarket.


It is better to go in search of corn syrup at points of sale with goods for baking and confectionery products. For example, shops for professional confectioners, as well as points with ingredients for homemade bread. They will be able to find both liquid and dry corn syrup.

Often comes across such a product in stores with products for wholesome nutrition. For example, in various eco-shops. True, the cost of store corn syrup is unpleasantly surprising. It is much more profitable to do it yourself.

The benefits and harms of corn syrup

If you use corn syrup in moderation, it can favorably affect human metabolism. In addition, the unrefined product contains a large amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances, which were mentioned above.

We should also talk about the dangers of the product. Regular consumption of fructose corn syrup interferes with sugar absorption. It can trigger the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

We must not forget about the presence of leptin in the composition of the product. This is the hormone responsible for satiety. A person can eat a much larger amount of dessert with corn syrup in the composition. Fructose is in no hurry to form a saturation signal and send it to the brain. All this as a result can lead to serious problems with the figure.