Corn is considered a unique product that has not only taste and is often used in cooking, but is also very useful for the human body from a medical point of view. Of particular value are not the grains of the fruit themselves, but the fibers that grow around the corn column - "stigmas". They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.
Material Content:
Corn stigmas: healing and beneficial properties
Corn stigmas, due to the saturation with useful components, are widely used in cosmetology, traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals. With proper use and adherence to the regimen, stigmas of corn are used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of a number of diseases.
Corn stigma contains a complex of vitamins (B5, B8, C, K1), stearin, alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids and tannins, as well as a set of trace elements - manganese, iron, selenium, zinc, calcium. With timely harvesting and observing technical points in processing, all constituent elements in full retain their useful properties. The concentration level is within the normal range for human use not only as a therapeutic agent, but also for preventive measures, or as a vitamin complex.
Useful properties of corn stigmas:
- A high concentration of vitamin B8 in the composition of this product has a strengthening and regenerating effect on the nervous system. Often prescribed for sleep disturbance and constant emotional outbreaks.
- Due to the saturation of tannins, they increase the level of blood coagulability, are useful for intestinal disorders and hemorrhoids. The presence of the same element contributes to the removal of toxic substances from the body.
- Due to flavonoids, stigmas of corn are a weak natural antibiotic, in addition, they strengthen the circulatory system.
- They are used for diseases of the genitourinary system, namely, for inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and kidneys. For women, they are prescribed for diseases such as nephritis and cystitis.
- Recommended for use in liver diseases, namely to thin the bile and to cleanse this organ. Also used in the treatment of jaundice, as an additional adjuvant.
- With diabetes, they are prescribed to normalize blood sugar levels. They also help with other metabolic disorders. Also used in weight loss programs.
- They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for external treatment of purulent wounds and burns. In addition, they are prescribed for inflammatory processes of the walls of the digestive tract, for rinsing the nasopharynx and oral cavity with purulent tonsillitis and prolonged runny nose.
- Corn stigmas are also used for oncological diseases in the initial stages, but only in conjunction with other drugs and under the supervision of a treating doctor.
- They are a component in recipes for infertility and male impotence.
- They belong to diuretics and are prescribed for the purpose of removing sand and stones from the body, but only with the participation of a qualified specialist, since they can lead to the withdrawal of useful substances.
The effectiveness of the use of this herbal product allows its use not only in traditional medicine, but also as part of pharmacological preparations.
What diseases do they help with?
Corn stigmas are multifunctional and effective in use during many diseases:
- Inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys (pyelonephritis, cystitis);
- Cholecystitis;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Obesity;
- Glaucoma
- Prostate;
- Pancreatitis;
- Uterine bleeding;
- Gallstone disease;
- Hepatitis and cirrhosis;
- Stones in the genitourinary system;
- Hemorrhagic diathesis;
- Edema of various etiologies.
Corn stigmas have a large list of useful qualities, among which are sedative ability, which allows them to be prescribed for nervous breakdowns and sleep problems. This product can be prepared in the form of tinctures, decoctions, infusions and even oil, and it is also used in combination with other ingredients of plant nature.
The benefits and harms of pregnancy
Reception of corn stigmas during pregnancy is not only not forbidden, like most medical products, but also has great benefits. The use of decoctions in the first trimester allows you to fight toxicosis and remove toxins from the body. In the third trimester, the use of the same decoction is useful in the event of puffiness, both for internal and external use.
Often, during pregnancy, women are faced with the problem of inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract. In these cases, corn stigmas will also help normalize the condition and eliminate the ailment. Their reception will be useful to both mother and baby. But the use of this tool is best started after consultation with the observed gynecologist, since excessive consumption can cause unpleasant side effects.
Instructions for use corn stigmas
For the most effective effect of the stigma as medicines, they are prepared in the form of infusions and decoctions. For the preparation of infusion, it is better to use enameled dishes. Pour 200 ml of boiled water 15 grams of dry raw materials, leave to infuse in a water bath for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Then leave to cool, about 40 minutes, then strain and squeeze, add up to 200 ml of chilled boiled water.The infusion is allowed to be stored for no more than two days from the date of preparation at a temperature of between 8-15 ℃.
This infusion is recommended for use in 100 ml for diseases such as atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, edema and other pathologies.
To prevent the development of diabetes mellitus, the infusion must be prepared according to the following scheme: pour 20 ml of boiled water over 20 grams of dry raw materials and let it brew for 5 hours in an airtight container. You can take this infusion for two days, 100-150 ml at a time.
Another way to prepare a decoction: one tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then let it brew and strain, supplement the missing volume of up to 200 ml with the addition of boiled water. One dose is 10-30 ml per day, no more than three times.
Corn stigmas for weight loss
The healing properties of corn stigmas help to reduce appetite and help cope with being overweight.
Most often, with this problem, decoctions are used. They are prepared in the following ways:
- In 200 ml of water, add 3-5 grams of dry raw corn stigmas. Boil one minute and remove for an hour in a dark place, having previously covered with a lid, and then filtered. Consume 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals. Every day it is necessary to prepare a fresh broth, since when idle, useful properties are lost.
- 20 grams of dry raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for three hours in a dark place, best in a thermos, then strain the drink. It is necessary to take 5 grams 30 minutes before eating. Such a decoction can be used for several days, but subject to storage in the refrigerator.
The use of decoctions of corn stigmas not only reduces appetite, but also speeds up metabolism, so that the process of losing weight does not require great physical exertion and exhausting workouts. The duration of the course for weight loss is 2-4 weeks, between the courses you must observe a break of the same duration.
Corn stigmas have not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. The use of this product has limitations in use for people suffering from a deficiency of magnesium and potassium, since due to the diuretic effect of the stigmas of corn, they affect the excretion of these components together with the liquid. Also, it is neatly worth using for those who have problems with blood coagulation. In the absence of appetite, you can not use decoctions or infusions from corn stigmas, as they only exacerbate the situation. In addition to the above reasons, individual intolerance of the components contained in the composition is also possible, which can affect the use of this drug.