In our technological time, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that any product contains chemistry. But there are natural, without any additives, while very tasty, containing many essential elements for health, grain products. These include, for example, corn porridge, the benefits and dangers of which will be discussed later.
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What is in the composition and what is the nutritional value?
Taco porridge refers to a healthy diet, and it can be cooked on any composition - milk, water or broth.
Important: heat treatment does not destroy a single beneficial substance.
Groats for cereal are produced by crushing grains, while the final product is of different sizes, being divided into 5 types. The 1st class is considered the finest grinding and it is suitable for preparing a delicate dish of viscous consistency. Everyone makes their favorite corn sticks from it.
The main feature of this cereal is the absence of gluten, which is abundant in cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and rye.
Corn and any products from it are very high-calorie - 330 Kcal per 100 g, so people who monitor their weight should use them with caution. Croup contains 8.3 g of protein, up to 75 carbohydrates and only 1 gram of fat, 80% of which are unsaturated. Even in porridge there are amino acids represented by tryptophan, lysine, histirine, cysteine and arginine, which is responsible for the synthesis of protein in our body.
The wealth of cereals does not end there:
- fiber, B vitamins, retinol and tocopherol;
- folic acid;
- disaccharides and ash substances;
- trace elements - zinc, iron, manganese, copper, tin, molybdenum, boron, nickel, cobalt and aluminum;
- macronutrients - calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and silicon.
I want to say about the last in this list that it is very important for teeth, having a positive effect on enamel.
About useful properties
The use of corn porridge for the body is due, naturally, to its composition. Your body with the regular use of the dish will receive a lot of positive, and this applies to both adults and children.
Benefits for adults
Excellent ability to quickly digest in the digestive tract, even with existing problems in this area, as well as:
- Disposal of toxins and toxins.
- With regular use of porridge, immunity will strengthen.
- The structure of hair and nails will improve, filling them with strength and beauty.
- The absence of allergens in the composition allows meals to be consumed even by small children.
- Despite the high nutritional value, it contributes to weight loss due to fiber.
- Improves intestinal motility, relieving constipation.
- It prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots with plaques, effectively coping with "bad" cholesterol.
- A large amount of folic acid fills the corn porridge with benefits during pregnancy.
- It has a preventive effect against the appearance of various kinds of neoplasms. Scientifically proven this action of all cereals of orange and yellow.
- The dish also positively affects the hematopoietic system due to the iron and copper contained in the composition, which is responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood and protects against anemia.
All of the above gives reason to introduce corn porridge into your weekly diet and enjoy the benefits with an exquisite taste.
Important: corn porridge is an excellent antidepressant, which relieves muscle tension.
Benefits for children
The beneficial effect of corn porridge extends to the children's body, helping a small person to grow and develop normally.
Such a dish is allowed to enter the baby’s menu from the age of 7 months, since it is considered heavy for the digestive system of the child.
And here is what it is useful for:
- the ability to gently cleanse the intestines from the products of fermentation and rot;
- healthy carbohydrates fill the growing body with energy, which is necessary for its activity;
- silicon in the composition is good for the teeth.
Introducing corn porridge to the child’s diet up to 2 times a week, you will strengthen the immune system, protecting it from gaining excess weight, which happens when using, for example, semolina.
Read also:spelled beneficial properties and harm
About the benefits and harms of pregnancy and lactation
Porridge from corn grits is also shown during pregnancy, which is explained by its rich vitamin and mineral composition and nutritional value. In order to provide your body and little man inside with the necessary elements, it is enough to include this dish in the diet twice a week.
And the absence of gluten will protect the expectant mother from possible allergic reactions. And if you are accustomed to limiting yourself in many ways, then porridge from corn grits will make up for the lack of important substances.
It is not recommended to eat the dish for pregnant women with a tendency to thrombosis and those who have high blood viscosity.
When breastfeeding, corn porridge is recommended for the same reasons as all other categories of people living on our planet. Do not use it only with existing ailments of the digestive system, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation.
Slimming and corn porridge
Due to the high ability of corn grits to absorb water, the energy value of the finished dish decreases several times - from 80 to 100 Kcal, which depends on the density. And this gives reason to consider it useful for getting rid of extra pounds. Only use it is necessary for these purposes correctly.
For example, applying the following diet, you can lose up to 3 kg in 4 days:
- For breakfast, eat corn porridge on the water and any fruit - an orange, apple or grapefruit.
- At lunch, porridge again with a piece of boiled chicken breast.
- For a midday snack, buy a tomato.
- And for dinner, a portion of corn porridge with fresh cucumber will be enough.
If you need to quickly lose 1 kg of excess weight, make yourself a fasting day, consuming 200 g of cereal porridge from it without adding spices and fats. You can eat up to 2 apples and up to 400 ml of kefir with 0 fat content during this day.
Serving sizes should always be the same, and meals every 3 hours, drinking up to 2 liters of water (tea, coffee or herbal drinks without sugar).
Popular recipes - top 5
The most important thing is to master the preparation of corn porridge so that it does not burn and turn out to be as tasty, fragrant and healthy as possible.
Here are the most popular and affordable recipes:
- pour 250 ml of water into the cooked dishes with a thick bottom, boil and salt; Pour 100 g of pre-washed cereals into boiling water and mix, add 40 g of sugar and reduce heat to a minimum; cooking time - about 20 minutes with constant stirring. Having laid the dish on a plate, add, if desired, 10 grams of butter;
- porridge is quickly prepared in a slow cooker - pour a glass of corn grits into the bowl, pour 2 and a half glasses of water into it. Set the "Croup" mode. At the end of cooking, if your oven has a cooking time of half an hour, cook another 10 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. This will make the porridge crisp and soft;
- The following recipe is also suitable for baby food, too - preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour water and milk in equal amounts (100 ml) into a glass dish or a pot, add 2 tablespoons of cereal, immediately add salt to taste, then 20 g of washed raisins and a little sugar, mixing everything well. In the oven, porridge is cooked for 30 minutes, after which it must be stirred and another 15 minutes;
- maize porridge with apples in milk - boil a glass of water with 2 milk, add a glass of clean cereal there and cook for 15 minutes with constant stirring. Now salt and sweeten with ordinary and vanilla sugar in a pinch, leaving it to burn for another 15 minutes. Two apples without a peel are grated and added to the already prepared porridge, after which the pan can be removed from the heat.
- this recipe is suitable for those who want to lose weight - mix a glass of cereal with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 100 grams of pre-washed and soaked raisins in a baking dish, add sugar and salt to taste, fill in with 2.5 glasses of water and put in the oven . Roasting lasts 30-40 minutes, where the readiness is determined by a golden crust. Instead of raisins, you can take cranberries, which will add a piquant dish.
At the end of cooking according to any of the above recipes, it is advisable to let the dish stand for 20 minutes before use, after which it can be laid out on plates, adding a little butter for taste.
When can corn porridge be harmful?
Corn porridge, as you already understood, is very useful, but at the same time it can also harm the body in some cases:
- This primarily concerns people with individual intolerance to corn itself.
- It is also not indicated for diabetics because of the high glycemic index, which increases with heat treatment.
- It is not recommended to use a dish with existing ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Anorexia is also on the list of contraindications.
As you can see, it gives much more benefit than harm, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, safely include porridge from corn in your weekly diet. Health to you and your loved ones!