In the modern language there are many words that originally had a different meaning. And few people already remember what kind of meaning people invested in this or that statement before. In this section, we will analyze who such a hypocrite is in the modern sense, and what this word meant in former times.
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The origin and interpretation in the dictionaries of the concept of "hypocrite"
The word denoting hypocrisy first appeared in ancient Rome. So called actors who performed in masks with the image of joyful, sad or evil grimaces. It was understood that such a person was able to “change face” depending on the circumstances.
In Russian, in addition to the word “hypocrite”, literally meaning “to try on faces”, another form was used with respect to actors - “hypocrites”. This name reflected the ability to portray the necessary emotions, namely “make a face”, depending on the circumstances.
They began to put a slightly different meaning in this word during the Middle Ages. It was at this time that the well-known picture dates back - it depicts hypocrisy in the form of a poorly dressed woman who asks for alms. Despite the fact that her expression is meek and gracious, wolf legs are visible from under her skirt.
In simple words, we can conclude that at that far time the initial meaning of the word has already undergone changes, and so they called people who could pretend and deceive, pursuing their own, not at all good, goals. In the Russian language for such personalities there is another definition, often used by the people, - "a wolf in sheep's clothing."
In the modern sense, the word "hypocrite" is a characteristic for an insincere person who is capable of flattery and toadiness in order to make the best impression.
Who is a hypocrite, tell in simple words
Nowadays, the answer to the question of what “hypocrite” means is more likely to be given by a professional psychologist than a philologist. This quality is considered a negative personality trait, and the reasons for the lack lie in the emotional state and psychological characteristics of a person.
Such people try to seem better than they are. Often, under the guise of a friendly and affable person, pettiness, envy and anger are hidden. Such a person can smile and give compliments to the interlocutor, and then “throw mud” and make meanness for his own benefit. For him, there are no particular moral restrictions, the hypocrite is sure that all means are good to achieve the goal, and does not shun slander, treachery and other unseemly acts.
Such people do not have to promise anything to do something for another person, but at the last moment refuse him assistance. Moreover, he always invents an excuse for himself, hiding behind “slogans” and sublime motives.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize a hypocrite at once. The true essence of such people is hidden behind imaginary kindness and nobility.
Understanding what they actually represent comes, in most cases, after the hypocrite has deceived his confidence and made him experience bitter disappointment.
Actions characterizing hypocrisy in a person
To understand at a glance that a hypocritical person met on the way is rather difficult, but still possible.
There are characteristic features of this type of personality:
- Deceit. Such people are regularly caught in fraud, both in serious matters and in small things.
- Unwillingness to keep my word. The hypocrite is able to deliver promises to the right and left, without having the intention to fulfill them.
- Perfidy. In another way, such actions can be called betrayal, when a person consciously deceives others.
- Fawning. Such people try to please those who are stronger than them or occupy a higher position. They in every possible way demonstrate respect on the verge of worship to the authorities and other "significant" people.
- Love for gossip. In conversation, hypocrites often condemn others, and do it only behind their backs, not stingy with criticism and rarely shy in expressions.
You can suspect a hypocrite in a practically unfamiliar person, often they give out little things.
As a rule, such persons have an unnatural smile, make long pauses in the conversation and often stammer, as if choosing the most convenient expressions.
How to get rid of a negative trait
If a person is able to notice his shortcomings and is ready to fight them, initially you need to figure out the reasons.
As for hypocrisy, they can be:
- Fear when a person is afraid to be himself, and forced to pretend.
- The desire to seem better, often due to complexes.
- The absence of life principles, when their own views on life have not yet been formed, and a person hides it under the mask.
Having understood the reasons, it will be much easier to deal with a negative trait.
To be the winner, you must adhere to the following rules:
- recognize the problem and recognize your lack;
- to understand that being yourself is not a shame, each person is unique and has the right to do so;
- work to increase self-esteem;
- monitor your actions and try not to let the words diverge from the deed;
- Be honest with yourself when evaluating your own actions.
Any psychologist will say that the most precious victory is a victory over oneself, and you should not expect that it will be easy to cope with a deficiency. But if you set a goal and move in the right direction, sooner or later, efforts will succeed.
Relation to hypocrisy in religion
Hypocrisy and duplicity are condemned not only by people, but also by religions. And if most disciplines do not classify such a trait as such, then the acts that are characteristic of hypocrites can be found in this list. These include, for the most part, treachery and betrayal, and the hypocrite betrays not only others, but also betrays his own soul.
Orthodoxy equates hypocrites with liars, and in Islam, such behavior is tantamount to adultery.
Among the Jews, acts committed with malicious intent and for their own benefit are considered a terrible sin. A person who has done this is subject to anathema, that is, excommunication from prayers and religious rites.
In conclusion, we can say that hypocrisy is unacceptable not only for believers. People living by deception and falsehood will not be able to take their rightful place in society and earn the respect of others. They do not “take root” in any team and are unlikely to make friends.