Botox has long been considered the only drug used to inject beauty injections and improve appearance. One of its main competitors is Xeomin. Is the difference between the two drugs significant and which is better - Xeomin or Botox? We will understand this article.
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Comparison of botulinum toxin preparations
Botox (botulinum toxin) is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria clostridium botulinum. Xeomin is an analogue of Botox, the basis of which is also botulinum toxin. In other words, both drugs are, in fact, protein-based poison. Are there any differences between them?
Composition and form of release
The composition of Botox includes:
- botulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin;
- human albumin;
- sodium chloride.
The drug is sold in the form of a powder, on the basis of which solutions for injection are prepared.
Xeomin also goes on sale in powder form, from which a solution for injection is subsequently prepared. The main active substances of Xeomin are hemagglutinin and type A botulinum toxin.
Note. Well-known botulinum toxin preparations - Botox and Dysport - are made on the basis of a protein that acts as a preservative. Xeomin is made without protein. Its peculiarity lies in the content of botulinum toxin of the highest degree of purification. The lack of protein makes Xeomin one of the safest drugs, since it is it that provokes edema and the body's response to botulinum toxin.
Principles of action of drugs
Botulinum toxin-based drugs act according to the following principle:
- After the injection into the muscle area (usually mimic), the neurotoxin molecules fall into the junction of muscle fibers and nerve endings.
- Botulinum toxin provokes protein blockade, resulting in the release of acetylcholine, a substance responsible for the transmission of impulses that reduce muscle cells. The result - they stop contracting, temporarily paralyzed, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.
- Over time (for Kseomin this indicator is 3-6 months, for Botox - 6-9 months), new nerve endings begin to form at the injection site.
Pulse transmission gradually resumes, and the effect of the injected toxin ends.
Contraindications and side effects
Wrinkles from wrinkles, so popular among modern women, are by no means as harmless as they seem at first glance.
Both Botox and Xeomin have a number of contraindications, including:
- age up to 18 years;
- syphilis, HIV;
- lactation, pregnancy;
- acute stages of the disease (infectious or non-infectious);
- cancer formation;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- allergy to the components of the input substance;
- clotting problems;
- impaired neuromuscular transmission;
- drug or alcohol addiction;
- diabetes;
- menstruation.
If the injection technology is not followed or if the existing contraindications are neglected, Botox can provoke a number of negative consequences.
Among them:
- swelling
- loss of muscle tone;
- amyotrophy;
- loss of motor ability of the facial muscles;
- overhang of the century;
- lack of effect;
- headache;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- toxic damage to the liver and other organs;
- tumor development;
- allergic reactions.
Xeomin due to the lack of protein and a high degree of purification of botulinum toxin does not cause such serious health problems.
However, risks are also likely after Xeomin injections, as the following side effects may occur:
- Microhematomas (bruises). Usually disappear on their own in the first week.
- Painful sensations at injection sites (also do not last more than 7 days).
- The relaxing effect of muscles in the area of injections given (often the result of facial asymmetry or tissue prolapse).
The patient must be informed by a specialist of all possible risks and consequences.
Efficiency mark
Before deciding on beauty injections, one should take into account all the pros and cons of Botox and Xeomin.
And although these drugs are similar in composition and principle of action, there are a number of differences between them:
- The Botox molecules are larger than the Xeomin molecules. Nevertheless, the latter migrates much more often to tissues located near the injection site, reducing the risk of sagging facial tissues.
- Botox drugs undoubtedly benefit in comparison with Xeomin in eliminating excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
- The Xeomin effect is less persistent (from 3 to 6 months). Botox lasts almost twice as much - up to 1 year.
- The main advantage of Botox is the speed of its action - a positive effect is observed after the first injection. The skin of the patients becomes toned, rejuvenated already three days after the session. Xeomin due to a lower concentration of the main substance begins to act much later - on 10-11 days.
Note. The indisputable advantage of Xeomin is its resistance to external factors. In other words, immediately after the injection, the client can go to rest at sea to the sultry sun. An additional bonus is the preservation of active facial expressions without the effect of a “stone mask”.
Price Comparison
Xeomin and Botox vary in price. The average cost of 1 unit of Botox in the salons is about 350 p. The same figure when choosing Xeomin's injections will be approximately 50 p. cheaper.
It should be noted that for the implementation of one procedure, a certain amount of one or another drug will be needed.So, to rejuvenate the whole person and impact on the main problem areas, you will have to spend from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.
Xeomin or Botox - which is better, expert opinion
And here is what cosmetologists and dermatologists say about Xeomin:
- The drug Xeomin can be stored at room temperature (up to 25 degrees).
- The patient can almost immediately return to his usual life, the composition is insensitive to manifestations of the external environment.
- For an injection, a small dose of the drug is required.
- However, Xeomin and its composition have not been thoroughly studied.
- Ineffective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.
- Short durability in comparison with Botox.
- Extremely effective in the rejuvenation of the mouth, eyebrows and eyes.
- It is considered a world brand known in cosmetology for more than 20 years.
- Favorite in matters of eliminating excessive sweating of the armpits, palms, etc.
- A significant drawback of Botox is the risk of becoming the owner of a "stone face" after the injections.
- In the case of unqualified actions of the master, the patient's face shape may change.
So, which is better to choose - Xeomin or Botox? Customers of cosmetology clinics should be aware that both drugs contain the same substance - botulinum toxin. This means that they act almost identically. The main differences are in the concentration of the basic component, the duration of the effect and the cost of the procedure. Before stopping on any drug, it is better to seek the support of a doctor.