The causes of blood from the nose in an adult lie in defects in the structure of the mucosa, features of the surrounding microclimate, or associated pathologies. Epistaxis, so scientifically indicated by this symptom, causes a lot of concern. However, it is not always the result of serious illnesses. When identifying the causes, one must take into account the nature of the bleeding, their intensity and frequency.

What are the bleeding?

Bleeding can be triggered by external factors. They appear as a result of injury. Their nature is clear. In this case, it remains to find out the intensity of the lesion and provide the patient with first aid.

Spontaneous hemorrhages cause the greatest concern. They begin suddenly for no apparent external reason. They have varying degrees of intensity. May be episodic or regular.

Blood is secreted from the anterior and deep sections of the nose. When diagnosing, it is important to establish the location of the problem. Bleeding is unilateral (left-sided, right-sided). Blood can flow immediately from both nostrils. Unilateral bleeding is the least dangerous, as it indicates damage to the vessels of the anterior sections of the nose.

When describing a problem, the frequency of its occurrence is taken into account: single, rare, frequent. Indicate the duration of the process (short-term, prolonged bleeding). Pay attention to the nature of the lesion: only capillaries or vessels and veins are affected.

The danger of nosebleeds

The danger of periodic nosebleeds lies in the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia. With intense hemorrhages affecting large vessels, there is a risk of large blood loss.

Intensive bleeding from both moves is considered dangerous. It indicates damage to the distant parts of the nose. This phenomenon is given special importance, because it is not possible to stop it at home. Such bleeding can be the result of severe pathologies.

The event indicates damage to the large vessels of the skull. Blood in the nose through the common channel can be thrown from the lungs, stomach and trachea.


A single, not prolonged bleeding most often occurs as a result of injuries. A regular examination at the ENT will help to remove all fears. During admission, the anterior plexus of the capillaries is diagnosed. The doctor will determine if there has been an injury and if it has caused bleeding.

Read also:how to stop nosebleeds

To install the source in the deep sections of the nose, an endoscope is used. It penetrates directly to the large vessels of the skull.

To make a general diagnosis, the doctor measures the pressure of the patient, prescribes blood tests to determine the number of platelets and the coagulation parameter. The total amount of hemoglobin is determined by laboratory.

Causes of nosebleeds in normal condition

Common causes of nosebleeds in adults include a deviated septum. The specified factor affects the redistribution of air flows, as a result of which dryness, irritation, swelling of the mucosa occurs in one of the passages. All this provokes the appearance of nasal congestion and the fragility of the walls of small capillaries.

Causes of bleeding can be external factors. Dry and cold air can provoke the appearance of microtrauma on the inner capillary network of the nose. Bleeding often opens against a background of dry mucous membranes.

In men

Men are characterized by the presence of factors common to both sexes.

A change in capillary permeability is associated with cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis is one of the causes of decreased vascular elasticity. This disease is also accompanied by frequent manifestations of hypertension.

Bleeding may be due to changes in blood coagulation. This pathology is often accompanied by bleeding gums.

Specific factors are sometimes present. In some professions (divers, climbers, pilots of an aircraft), activity is associated with a sharp change in the pressure acting on the body. At some point, the walls of the vessels may not cope with the effect exerted on them.

Frequent bleeding occurs against a background of kidney and liver diseases. Pathologies of internal organs contribute to the development of hypertension, which will be the main cause of epistaxis.

The fragility of blood vessels increases as a result of taking certain medications. Blood viscosity lowering drugs increase capillary permeability.

Causes of nosebleeds can be attributed to genetic abnormalities, such as hemophilia.

Sometimes the only factor is age. Due to changes occurring in elderly people, the walls of the vessels of the distant sections of the nose lose elasticity. The result is bleeding from the deep parts of the respiratory organ.

Among women

In women, menopause factor is added to the causes. In conditions of a fall in the hormonal background, the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels is disturbed.

During pregnancy

Women in the first trimester of pregnancy are at particular risk. With an increase in the overall level of estrogens, blood vessel vascularity increases. The intercellular fluid tends to linger, which leads to swelling and fragility of the nasal mucosa in particular.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of bleeding may be associated with a deficiency of certain substances, due to which background pathologies develop.

During pregnancy, the load on the cardiovascular system increases significantly. Women often suffer from high blood pressure, which is also a factor contributing to the appearance of epistaxis.

Rare events do not threaten the mother and fetus. A woman must pay attention to a leading doctor for intense bleeding.

Frequent bleeding is the cause

Frequent bleeding can be dangerous, not life threatening. If the diagnosis does not reveal serious diseases, then the cause of the regular phenomenon becomes a constant effect on the mucosa of a certain factor.

These factors can be both physical defects, such as the curvature of the nasal septum or the presence of polyps in the region of the maxillary sinuses, and the constant effect on the mucous membrane of dry air.

Why is it going in the morning, in the evening?

A constant stay in a room with a hot climate leads to the appearance of signs of dry rhinitis. Overdried mucous membrane of the nose is easily injured. The presence of negative factors throughout the day can provoke the appearance of epistaxis in the evening.

Frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs results in degradation of the nasal mucosa. The disease is called atrophic rhinitis. The thinned vascular wall is fragile. Morning bleeding occurs even from slight blowing of the nose.

How can I stop the nose from bleeding?

With nosebleeds, you must adhere to the general rules:

  • to take a sitting position with a slightly thrown back head;
  • hold the bridge of the nose with two fingers for 10 minutes; during this time, the blood will have time to coagulate, the resulting film will block the crack of the vessel from which the blood flows; mouth breathing should be free;
  • use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar; the tampon is inserted in one or both strokes; after stopping the bleeding for two hours you can not blow your nose or make sharp breaths with your nose, you need to try to refrain from sneezing;
  • periodically press a cold compress to the bridge of the nose, which can be made from any piece of cloth dipped in ice water;
  • if blood flows only on one side, you can raise the corresponding arm up.

If the blood is very intense, then after first aid, you need to call a team of doctors.


As a preventive measure, it is necessary to identify and establish the cause of bleeding. Cure the underlying disease.

If the reason lies in taking medication, you should inform your doctor about this.

To prevent bleeding, aggravating factors must be eliminated. Refuse frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Humidify indoor air. While in the cold outside, cover your nose with a scarf or hand.

It turns out that the phenomenon of epistaxis can occur in a practically healthy adult. But in order to be sure that there is no threat, it is necessary to establish the exact reason why there is blood from the nose.