The high price of rabbit meat, as well as the need to know some tricks of its preparation, practically exclude this dietary product from the daily menu. However, this does not detract from its merits: low calorie content and high nutritional value make rabbit dishes extremely useful. And the rabbit baked in the oven is a gourmet dish worthy of a central place on the festive table.
Material Content:
Whole baked rabbit
Since, as a rule, due to its high price category, rabbit meat is cooked on special occasions, we must not allow the dish to fail. Many experienced cooks in such circumstances suggest baking the whole rabbit.
For this, in addition to the main product, you will need:
- ½ lemon;
- 100 g mayonnaise;
- 15 g mustard seeds;
- ½ garlic head;
- salt.
The sequence of actions:
- The rabbit carcass is well washed and freed from the films.
- Mayonnaise and mustard seeds are mixed in the bowl.
- Lemon juice is squeezed into the mixture.
- The garlic gruel prepared with the help of garlic presses interferes there.
- The carcass is rubbed with sauce, laid out on a baking sheet and covered with foil.
- Rabbit baked for 80 minutes at 190 ° C.
Serve the rabbit in combination with a side dish of potatoes or friable rice.
Tender meat in sour cream
The rabbit in sour cream is an excellent dish that will give a lot of positive emotions to all tasters. Each guest will receive great pleasure by tasting rabbit melt in their mouths.
- 2 kg of rabbit;
- carrot;
- bulb;
- ½ garlic head;
- ½ liter sour cream;
- a stack of vegetable oil;
- salt and spices.
Stages of preparation:
- The carcass is washed, freed from the films and divided into parts, which are carefully rubbed with salt, pepper and crushed garlic. After, the preparations are sent to marinate for at least an hour.
- After the specified time, the rabbit is fried over an intense fire so that juice does not come out of it. The browned pieces are transferred to the coop.
- Onions and carrots are chopped in the usual way, passer in the same pan, and then distributed in rabbit meat.
- The workpiece is poured with sour cream and sent to a hot oven (180 ° C) for 40 minutes.
If the pieces are large, then it may take more time to bring them to readiness.
More materials:how to cook a rabbit in the oven
In the sleeve for baking
Spices give rabbit meat an amazing aroma and richness of taste palette.
To make sure of this, it is enough, except for the carcass itself, to have the following at hand:
- 3 piles of olive oil;
- 10 g of basil and rosemary;
- 5 g curry;
- some salt to taste.
Step-by-step instructions for executing a dish:
- Spices are carefully ground in a mortar and poured with olive oil.
- Next, the carcass is rubbed with the resulting aromatic mixture and pickled overnight. This allows her to enjoy the refined taste and aroma of a bouquet of spices.
- After the specified time has passed, the rabbit is placed in a sleeve, in which it is sent to the oven (180 ° C) for 1 - 1.5 hours.
Read also:how to cook a rabbit - recipe
Before serving, the rabbit can be divided into portioned pieces, since it will be quite difficult for guests to separate them independently: the animal has very strong bones.
Rabbit with potatoes in the oven
Novice housewives who are afraid to spoil rabbit meat, because they are preparing it for the first time, should use this recipe.
Moreover, in addition to the rabbit carcass, you only need:
- 2 carrots;
- 5 potato tubers;
- 2 onions;
- 50 g mayonnaise;
- 50 ml of soy sauce;
- salt and spices.
The sequence of manipulations:
- The carcass is soaked for about 12 hours in systematically renewed water.
- Then it is rubbed with marinade from soy sauce, salt and pepper.
- A rabbit marines for another similar length of time.
- Potatoes are cut into bars, like carrots. Rings are prepared from the onion.
- Vegetables are smeared with mayonnaise.
- After, the carcass is divided into pieces, which are mixed with vegetables and placed in a sleeve. It is placed on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.
Cooking time, as a rule, is 50-60 minutes, but may vary, depending on the weight of the rabbit and the power of the oven.
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Cooking in foil
Tasty cooking rabbit meat is easy.
It is enough to supplement the carcass dish:
- onion;
- carrots;
- a stack of olive oil;
- ½ stack of lemon juice;
- pepper, salt and a little water.
The sequence of actions:
- The onion turns into gruel, which in a bowl is mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, favorite seasonings and water.
- The carcass is marinated in the cold for about 12 hours, which will allow the meat to become juicier and tender.
- Then the rabbit is divided into pieces, laid on a baking sheet and supplemented with carrot mugs.
- The rabbit baking sheet is tightly covered with foil and placed in the oven, which continues to work at a temperature of 200 ° C for another 90 minutes.
To form a golden crust, 10 minutes before being ready, the foil is removed.
With vegetables
Despite the fact that rabbit meat is animal meat, it is not without reason that it is called white. It is rich in protein and phosphorus, which makes it very valuable. And if you cook a rabbit with vegetables, then it is impossible to overestimate the benefits of the dish.
Read also:stewed rabbit in sour cream - recipe
- rabbit carcass;
- 5 tomatoes;
- 1 kg of potatoes;
- 3 times less mushrooms;
- 2 carrots;
- ½ garlic head;
- parsley;
- several olives;
- salt, black pepper to taste;
- 200 ml of white wine.
Cooking method:
- Potatoes are cut in circles, as are carrots. Mushrooms are chopped with plates, tomatoes - slices.
- Garlic is passed through a press, and parsley is chopped.
- Before preparing vegetables, the carcass is rubbed with salt and spices.
- Lay out on a baking sheet: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms and chopped olives.
- The meat is laid out on top.
- The dish is sprayed with oil, sprinkled with garlic and herbs.
- The final chord is wine, after which the pan goes into the hot oven (200 ° C) for 60 minutes.
If you prepare such a dish for a celebration, the holiday will be remembered forever by the invitees.
Tasty rabbit with mushrooms in the oven
Connoisseurs of mushroom flavor and aroma will take note of this recipe, since it contains:
- rabbit carcass;
- 350 g of champignons;
- 150 ml of soy sauce;
- head of garlic;
- 3 onions;
- carrot;
- a stack of vegetable oil;
- 150 ml of water;
- salt and pepper.
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The main steps to create a culinary creation:
- The rabbit is washed, divided into pieces and pickled in a mixture of soy sauce, pepper, salt and garlic gruel for 30 minutes.
- The carrots are cut into strips, and the onion is chopped.
- First, rabbit meat is fried in a pan until a crust forms, and then vegetable frying is prepared from onions, carrots and mushroom plates.
- In the baking dish, half the fried vegetables with mushrooms, and then the meat, are laid out as a pillow.
- After the rabbit is covered with the remaining roasting, water pours in, and the form is sent to the oven for 60 minutes.
Important! Roasting is carried out under a foil, which is not required to be removed, since the meat already has a browned crust.
The rabbit in the oven is a gourmet dish that will not disappoint either households or invited guests.