Psoriasis can occur in people of different ages, gender. This disease occurs on any part of the body. So that pathology does not acquire a chronic course, a cream from psoriasis is used, which permanently removes the clinical picture.
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The mechanism of action of creams for psoriasis
The application of creams and ointments is a convenient way to treat psoriasis, which is associated with the following advantages of external agents:
- active substances have a therapeutic effect only on the area that has suffered from psoriasis;
- convenient to use;
- easy to calculate the dose.
Externally, ointments and creams are similar to each other, but there are persistent differences between them. Ointments from psoriasis have a more oily base, so they are recommended to be applied in the evening, before bedtime. The beneficial effect of creams is based on penetration into the deep layer of the epidermis. This dosage form penetrates even the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It is characterized by rapid absorption, faster affects the elimination of symptoms.
On a note. Psoriasis cream can be used at any time. He doesn’t get his clothes dirty; it’s easy to use away from home.
The mechanism of action of creams depends on which drug group the drug belongs to. Hormonal drugs have anti-inflammatory effects, they effectively relieve itching in a short period of time, reduce the amount of skin rashes.A hormone-based cream moisturizes the epidermis, cleanses it, prevents the formation of a new rash. But, using these tools, it should be remembered that they can lead to addiction. Therefore, their frequent use can cause regular relapses.
Non-hormonal creams may contain natural and synthetic substances that do not have such an aggressive effect on the body. They are used after relieving symptoms for further therapy. While treating psoriasis with non-hormonal drugs, the condition of the skin improves, it has an antipruritic effect, wounds heal, peeling is eliminated, the transition to the chronic stage is prevented, and relapses are not allowed.
On a note. Non-hormonal creams can be used as an auxiliary treatment, they are not able to completely eliminate psoriasis.
Ways to use drugs
Due to the individuality of the patient, so that everyone has their own manifestation of the disease, there is no classical treatment regimen. Some patients do without hormone cream therapy, but this is an exception. The same goes for the duration and frequency of the application of hormone-based ointments.
But there are general rules for using medicated creams. Before applying them, thoroughly clean the area affected by psoriatic plaques with soapy water, and dry the skin with a towel. The cream should not be rubbed, it must be applied and left until completely absorbed. Before the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the hands. Usually hormonal creams are applied 1 to 3 times per day, depending on the degree of psoriasis. The course of treatment can last from 5 days to 4 weeks.
After alleviating the condition, creams based on natural ingredients are used. They can be applied up to 3 times a day on pre-cleansed skin. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks. If necessary, these funds can be used for a longer time.
Types of remedies
Therapeutic external funds are divided into several types, among which the following cream are most common:
- hormonal;
- non-hormonal;
- tar;
- vitamin
- homeopathic.
Each of these species is used in a certain stage of psoriasis.
Hormonal creams are often used to treat psoriasis, but they are characterized by a large number of contraindications, side effects. However, against the background of their use, symptoms are quickly removed. These funds should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor, in a strictly recommended dosage.
Hormonal creams are of the following types:
- weak, based on hydrocortisone and prednisone. These funds are quite easily tolerated by patients. They relieve inflammation, have an antipruritic effect, but are not so effective compared to other creams in this category. This group includes hydrocortisone;
- moderately acting, based on flucortonol, flumethasone. These drugs also relieve inflammation, itching, have a therapeutic effect on metabolic processes, accelerate regeneration. The most prescribed are Fluorocort, Flucinar, Sinalar;
- potent, based on mometasone. These funds are able to relieve acute symptoms in a few days, accelerate the healing process. But they have a large number of side effects. With random use, they can cause quite serious systemic diseases. Such drugs include Uniderm, Skinlight, Momat, Beloderm, Soderm.
The appointment of this group should be done only by a doctor. In order to prevent serious health problems, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dose and duration of treatment.
Important! If it is necessary to use hormonal ointments in children, it is better to mix external medicines with a baby cream with a ratio of 1: 1.For these purposes, use only easily acting creams.
Non-hormonal creams can not save the patient from psoriatic rashes. They are able to alleviate his condition, soften the skin, accelerate the healing process, stop inflammation. These funds are widely used in antipsoriatic practice.
Most often, they are based on the following active ingredients:
- salicylic acid. The most popular drug is salicylic ointment, which has a drying effect, relieves mild inflammation. Often this tool is enriched with sulfur, zinc. These drugs can be applied up to 3 times a day, they have good absorbency;
- solidol. These funds are completely safe, they help relieve inflammation, are used as an antiseptic. The most popular are Magnipsor, Psorilam, Cytopsor. Creams based on solid oil are enriched with extracts of herbs, salts of the Dead Sea;
- herbs. This group has been gaining popularity recently. Homeopathic creams have a positive effect on the skin, are absolutely safe. But they require prolonged use, at least 2 months. The most prescribed is called Psoriaten;
- naphthalan, which is a product of oil. These funds are used in the recovery phase of psoriasis, when inflammation has passed. This group includes Naftaderm.
Non-hormonal creams should not be used at the stage of exacerbation, they are used to improve the condition of the skin, to prevent relapse after treatment with hormones.
Note. A highly effective remedy is a Chinese cream for psoriasis, which has an exclusively natural composition.
List of effective psoriasis creams
The most commonly used psoriasis creams include the following drugs:
With vitamin D
A cream with vitamin D not only relieves symptoms, but also does not allow plaques of psoriasis to spread further through the body.
The following drugs are the most popular vitamin ointments:
- cream "Dawn" is composed of phloralizin. The drug effectively eliminates peeling, promotes the regeneration of the epidermis;
- Dayvoneks incorporates calcipotriol. It helps to slow the division of affected cells, eliminates inflammation;
- Akriderm eliminates swelling, redness, itching. In addition to vitamin, it consists of betamethasone, which is a hormonal substance;
- Xamiol incorporates calcipotriol. The cream slows the spread of pathogenic cells, relieves itching, inflammation.
Creams with vitamin D are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a prophylaxis.
With urea
Urea, which is part of some external remedies for psoriasis, is characterized by a moisturizing, antipruritic effect.
The most commonly used drugs with urea are:
- Uroderm. The cream easily exfoliates scales, relieves itching, is used for psoriasis of the skin, nails;
- Losterin. The drug also contains an oil product, extracts from plants, vitamins. Against the background of its intake, metabolic processes of the skin improve, unpleasant symptoms pass.
Urea is often used to improve the absorption of other active ingredients.
With beeswax
Recently, psoriasis cream based on beeswax has begun to gain popularity. These funds give good healing, regeneration of damaged epithelium, have anti-inflammatory properties. The most commonly used cream is “Healthy” wax.
In addition to wax, it consists of the following therapeutic components:
- gum cedar;
- horse chestnut;
- olive oil;
- propolis;
- honey.
Creams on a bee product are quite allergenic drugs, which are forbidden to be used not only for people suffering from hypersensitivity to bee products, but also for patients with bronchial asthma.
Contraindications and side effects
Different groups of creams for psoriasis have individual contraindications and side effects.
Hormonal drugs should not be used in the following conditions:
- infections of the skin;
- tuberculosis
- acne;
- mycoses.
The following side effects may occur during hormone treatment:
- spider veins;
- loss of skin elasticity;
- stretch marks;
- accession of a fungal infection;
- hemorrhage;
- increased hair growth;
- acne;
- hives.
Non-hormonal ointments have a small number of contraindications, the most striking is the individual intolerance of the active components, the presence of wounds and eczema in the psoriasis site.
Against the background of treatment with these creams, the following reactions may occur:
- peeling of the skin;
- redness;
- rash;
- loss of elasticity.
Creams based on natural ingredients are contraindicated for people suffering from allergic reactions.
To date, there are many creams for psoriasis that are convenient to use and can cure the disease at any stage.