In pursuit of a slim figure, women are forced to abandon many of their favorite foods, since most diets are based on the restriction of certain types of food. But there are more loyal ways to lose weight - a complete table of the Kremlin diet provides a completely different approach to weight correction.
It turns out that the extra pounds are gone, it is not necessary to torment yourself with starvation. It is enough to properly adjust your daily diet.
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Principles and rules of the Kremlin diet
The method of nutrition, known as the “Kremlin diet,” is based on a reduction in the amount of carbohydrates consumed and came to us from America. The prototype of the diet was a protein nutrition program developed in 1972 by American cardiologist Robert Atkinson.
Diet with a story
It is not known exactly who invented the new method of nutrition and why it was called the “Kremlin”. There are several versions of the origin of the name.
One of them says that special nutrition was developed to maintain the health of the leadership of the USSR. According to the second version, the products that form the basis of the “Kremlin” were not available to ordinary citizens in Soviet times, but were included in the daily ration of party leaders.
The essence of the methodology
The main idea of the Kremlin nutrition system is that you can control the level of carbohydrates in the diet, focusing on the degree of organic matter in different types of products.
In accordance with the diet, each product is endowed with a certain index - a point that determines its value.
The higher the total score of consumed products, the greater the likelihood of weight gain:
- 40 points - active weight loss;
- 60 points - a stable level of weight;
- above 60 points - weight gain.
Each person can independently compose a daily menu by adjusting the amount of points, using a simple calculation of their quantity in consumed products.
When compiling a daily food menu, you must remember that three meals a day is the minimum number of meals per day.
Basic principles
The ability to maintain harmony without limiting one's taste preferences is a cherished dream of most people who are inclined to be overweight. Therefore, the Kremlin diet, which allows you to save almost all types of products in the diet, has become widespread in the territory of the former Union.
The followers of the Kremlin should control the diet according to the following principles:
- in a daily menu proteins may be present - in large quantities, while the level of carbohydrates consumed should be reduced;
- the less carbohydrates, the less adipose tissue. For the human body, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. If the intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the body will begin to expend fat stores;
- alcohol is allowed. Unlike other types of diet food, alcohol is not regarded as a threat to slimness. The main thing is not to forget that excess alcohol increases appetite and leads to overeating;
- you need to adhere to a certain amount of servings of food. According to nutritionists, the optimal portion of protein foods should fit in the palm of your hand;
- physical activity is welcome. To maintain the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, it is necessary to provide daily exercise. Going to the gym is optional. It is enough to walk, do gymnastics, swim in the pool, or arrange cycling, roller skating.
The results of nutrition in the Kremlin system become noticeable during the first week. The best achievement is minus four kilograms in the first seven days. Over time, the intensity of weight loss decreases.
The main stages of the diet
The transition to the Kremlin food system involves a gradual reduction in weight, so it is carried out sequentially in four stages. Each of the stages of the diet differs in the duration and specificity of the diet.
Stage One.
It lasts two weeks. During this period, it is important to learn how to control the amount of carbohydrates consumed in food.
To start the process of burning body fat, it is recommended to limit carbohydrate intake to 20 points per day, temporarily do not eat foods containing starch, flour products, alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Sugar is best eliminated from the diet forever.
The basis of the menu is vegetable and animal fats and proteins, including seafood, green vegetables. During this period, dishes such as broccoli soup, fish and cheese salad, boiled pork, appetizer from zucchini and mozzarella, baked salmon are appropriate.
The first week of low-carb nutrition is a huge stress for the body. To avoid possible discomfort, it is recommended to relax more and walk in the fresh air.
Stage Two.
It lasts 1.5 months. Sometimes longer, depending on the intensity of the weight loss.
During this period, the number of carbohydrate points gradually increases. The main goal is to determine the amount of carbohydrates that will satisfy the needs of the body, but cannot prevent weight loss.
Nuts, raspberries and strawberries, cauliflower and asparagus, tomatoes and onions, seeds and melon are added to the diet - five additional points per week.
The third stage.
Lasts up to three months. It is characterized by the gradual introduction into the diet of foods with a high content of carbohydrates - cereals, beans, fruits (10 additional points).
Each new component is introduced into the menu regularly, but taking into account the reaction of the body. The main guideline is a measure of weight.If the weight remains at the same level or vice versa, increases, then you need to abandon products that worsen the overall dynamics.
Stage Four.
It can last a lifetime - it all depends on the result achieved and the desire to maintain it at the same level. The basis of the diet are products that bring maximum benefits to the body.
If body weight during this period increased by more than three kilograms, you should return to the diet of the previous stage of the diet.
Complete table of the Kremlin diet with balls
To select products when compiling a low-carb menu, use a special table. The index of each position corresponds to 100 g of product.
Meat | Vegetables | Cereals | Seafood | Dairy products |
Meat all types 0 | Boiled potato 16 | Hercules 62 | Fish 0 | All types of cheeses 0 |
Bird 0 | Cauliflower 4 | Polished rice 74 | Squid 2 | Brynza 0.5 |
Brains 1 | Pickle 2 | Buckwheat 57 | Shrimp 0.5 | Milk Pasteur. 2.5% fat 4.8 |
Language 1 | Carrot 7 | Millet 67 | Crab sticks 15 | Low Fat Kefir 4 |
Liver 5 | Salad 2 | Perlovka 67 | Seaweed 1 | Ghee 0 |
Eggs 0.5 | White cabbage 5 | Barley 65 | Red and black caviar 0 | Margarine 1 |
Dumplings 13 | Onions 9 | Beans 47 | Cod liver 1.2 | Low Fat Cottage Cheese 3.3 |
When choosing products, you should focus on the total amount - the final figure should not exceed 40-60 points, depending on the stage of weight loss.
Menu for the week
An approximate weekly diet at the first stage of nutrition in the Kremlin system provides for variations of the following products:
- breakfast - cheese, cottage cheese, fried eggs, boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms, sausages, squash caviar, unsweetened drinks;
- lunch - vegetable salads, boiled filet of low-fat fish, barbecue, steak or chops of low-fat pork, grilled chicken, kebab, mushrooms, savory drinks;
- afternoon tea - nuts, apples, olives;
- dinner - dry red wine, lettuce, boiled or fried fish, or meat, unsweetened yogurt and drinks.
Menu for 10 days
To determine the diet, it is necessary to focus not only on the carbohydrate value of the main products, but also on the nutritional qualities of additional components - the choice of breading, fat for frying, etc.
The best example of a menu for 10 days is a combination of such dishes:
- 22 points. For breakfast - scrambled eggs with ham, hard cheese, drinks. Lunch - a salad of chopped tomatoes with bell pepper and green onions, celery soup, boiled turkey. Dinner - steak with tomato;
- 21 points Low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, and ginger tea for breakfast. Boiled squid meat, cabbage soup and cucumber salad with sour cream for lunch. Steam hake fillet, bell pepper, kefir for dinner;
- 34 points. Fried eggs from two eggs, mushrooms, sugar-free drink - breakfast. Salad of cabbage and beets, ear, baked chicken - lunch. Low-fat sea fish fillet, cucumber, kefir - dinner;
- 36 points. Omelet with cheese and coffee for breakfast. Cabbage salad and chicken liver for lunch. Turkey fricassee with tomatoes and lettuce, kefir for dinner.
The menu options are vast. Therefore, choosing a diet to your taste is not difficult.
Recipes for the Kremlin diet
So that life on a diet does not seem boring, you can diversify the menu with delicious classics.
Caesar Sauce (7.1 points) - a delicious addition to traditional dishes that can be used for the Kremlin diet. A little parmesan is triturated and mixed with mayonnaise, chopped garlic, lemon juice and black pepper.
Edelweiss Salad (4.4 points) - simple and delicious. Boiled chicken breast, tomato, boiled egg and Adyghe cheese are cut into pieces and seasoned with sour cream 15% fat.
Advantages and disadvantages
The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet is not only a proven fact, but also repeatedly confirmed.
The main advantages of system power are:
- a wide variety of foods in the diet;
- eliminates the possibility of starvation, food is allowed on demand;
- The basis of the diet is ordinary dishes from available products. Diet does not require additional costs;
- there is no need to count calories;
- the ability to adhere to the usual daily routine, without reference to the hourly diet;
- healthy metabolism is restored;
- Protein foods take longer to digest than carbohydrates, so there is no feeling of drowsiness.
According to nutritionists, the "Kremlin" really helps to lose weight, and without limitation in the diet, the number of meat products. Nevertheless, a decrease in the level of carbohydrates in the menu may adversely affect the quality of physiological processes in the body.
Cons of the technique
Nutrition correction is, in fact, a gross interference with the natural functioning of internal organs. And the development of dysfunctions is the body’s response to forced weight loss.
Read also: polysorb for weight loss
The lack of carbohydrates in the daily diet affects many processes that are vital to humans:
- the main source for energy production is adipose tissue. After its processing, toxic substances accumulate in the body - ketone bodies, which provoke poisoning of the body. The consequences of such intoxication are usually manifested six months after a change in diet;
- a decrease in fiber in the menu reduces the intensity of the evacuation function of the intestine, which leads to the development of putrefactive processes and dysbiosis;
- following a diet helps to reduce the level of B vitamins, calcium and beta-carotene. As a result, immunity decreases, seizures occur around the mouth, caries develops, hair and nails become brittle;
- the load on the urinary organs increases. In the kidneys and gall bladder, congestion develops, stones and harmful deposits can form;
- along with the departure of fat, there is a loss of fluid and muscle mass. Cellular dehydration and a decrease in muscle volume occurs within a couple of weeks;
- disturbances in the endocrine system are possible.
In addition, adherents of the Kremlin diet have reduced quality of mental activity, because the brain does not receive the main substance necessary for its nutrition - carbohydrates.
Given the complexity of the processes that accompany the transition to the Kremlin diet, before deciding on a new nutrition system, it is necessary to assess the potential of the body’s health.
Nutritionists strongly recommend abandoning protein-fat nutrition in the presence of diseases such as:
- chronic pathologies of the renal and genitourinary system. Excess protein in the blood - fertile soil for the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout;
- heart disease. The consumption of large amounts of animal fat contributes to an increase in cholesterol and the amount of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Atherosclerosis and fatty liver hepatosis are the natural consequences of protein-oriented nutrition;
- any problems with digestion and gastrointestinal tract;
- diabetes. A lack of carbohydrates can contribute to the development of hypoglycemia or cause diabetic nephropathy.
In addition, the period of pregnancy, breast-feeding, and menopause is considered a serious contraindication to the Kremlin diet.
So that the diet does not cause health problems, you should be conscious of the recommendations provided by the nutrition system and focus on well-being, and not on the number of kilograms lost.