Creatine Monohydrate has a special place among sports supplements. To date, this drug is quite popular among athletes. It allows you to increase muscle mass, increases endurance during training.

Composition and properties of food additives

Natural creatine, synthesized in the human body - the liver, kidneys, pancreas, takes an active part in energy metabolism. With its help, acids formed during training loads are neutralized, which leads to fatigue. In addition, the substance comes with food.

Note, a lack of creatine leads to low workout efficiency and muscle thinning.

Creatine Monohydrate is a synthesized product. Carboxylic acid is formed against the background of the interaction of cyanamide with sarcosine. At the beginning of the chemical reaction, the components are cleaned, the substance is dried and the finished product is ground. Nutritional supplement Creatine Monohydrate consists of pure creatine without the addition of excipients.

What is Creatine Monohydrate for?

Any movement requires energy costs derived from adenosine triphosphate, which is a specific energy source. The cells in the body produce the same amount of ATP. The amount of adenosine triphosphate can not be increased, but the use of sports nutrition can maintain the required level. Against the background of the use of Creatine Monohydrate, it is possible to increase the endurance of the body and the effectiveness of the training process.


Creatine is essential for the following people:

  • people professionally involved in sports. The substance improves the stamina of the body with short physical exertion of extreme tension. Creatine will be necessary for athletes involved in powerlifting, sprinters. He proved his effectiveness in sports, which are characterized by frequent accelerations: hockey, basketball, football. In classes aimed at the endurance of the athlete, the drug will not be effective, since it does not work to increase this indicator. The additional use of Creatine Monohydrate will be justified if necessary, muscle building. The combination of dietary supplements and strength training gives a good result;
  • people who eat only plant foods, since meat is the main source of natural creatine. An insufficient amount of this substance causes significant damage to health. To keep fit, vegetarians should eat a small amount of sports nutrition daily;
  • patients who, as a result of the disease, injuries have long been in an immobilized state. Supplements are taken during the rehabilitation period.
    People who lose weight with special diets should not drink Creatine Monohydrate. Against the background of its intake, weight gain occurs, while the selected diet aims to reduce this indicator.

The benefits and harms of the product for athletes

The individual effect of creatine on the human body is highlighted. But there are some common useful properties of the sports nutrition presented:


  • increase in muscle mass. If you follow proper nutrition, exercise constantly, then with Keratin intake it is possible to gain up to 5 kg per month. The strength of the athlete increases, as a result, the physical effect on the muscles increases, which affects their activation of growth;
  • greater muscle expression appears. As a result of taking Creatine Monohydrate, the volume of water in the muscles is replenished. If the cells become bulky, then protein production increases accordingly, its half-life decreases. Against this background, the relief increases, muscle growth is observed;
  • the stamina of the body increases. During the training process, tissues need more ATP. Creatine is the source of this substance, thereby increasing muscle endurance;
  • lactic acid is excreted. Intense sports loads lead to its development, which slows down the recovery process, causing a burning sensation. Against the background of taking Creatine Monohydrate, the production of lactic acid is restrained, the muscles more easily "come to their senses" after strength training.

It is known not only the beneficial effects of Creatine Monohydrate on muscles, but also on the body as a whole.

The following are distinguished as non-main effects of taking this sports nutrition:

  • adaptation of the central nervous system to an insufficient oxygen content in the cells of the brain;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • prevention of muscle atrophy, neuromuscular disorders;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes during their development in muscle tissue.

Creatine Monohydrate is represented by sports nutrition, which is harmless to the body, because it does not contain auxiliary substances that can cause irreversible damage to human health. Of course, such a specific composition can cause undesirable reactions on the part of the body, like any other medical preparation.

How to take dietary supplement in powder

Take Creatine Monohydrate should be 5 grams daily. On training days, you can drink at the same time as protein-rich amino acids and smoothies. On days free from the training process, the necessary portion of the monotherapy is used in the morning.

Tip: for better digestibility, the composition should be diluted in a glass of sweet juice or washed down with it.

Creatine Monohydrate in capsules is taken as well as in powder. The instructions for use of the drug describe in detail the number of grams contained in one capsule.It should be calculated how many capsules correspond to 5 g of a powdered product.

Note: Creatine Monohydrate in powder is taken within 2 months, after which a break is arranged for the same period. Further, the reception resumes.

It is possible to use the drug as a loading phase. This technique is based on increased powder intake in the first week. For 5 or 7 days, 5 g is drunk four times a day. On day 21, the supplement is taken in the usual way. In the next 3 weeks, the portion is reduced to 2 g per day, followed by a monthly break of 1, the course is repeated.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the complete safety of Creatine Monohydrate, this dietary supplement has side effects from the body that are not irreversible. If you stop taking, then unwanted symptoms will pass without any consequences.

Typically, these undesirable reactions appear as:

  • delays in the body of water. The substance helps to saturate the muscles with fluid, which becomes noticeable by weight gain. The athlete does not appear any tumor processes. After the withdrawal of the additive occurs, the water received with the intake of Creatine Monohydrate will be excreted. If you take medications with a diuretic effect at the same time as the drug, or limit your drinking, you can get dehydrated;
  • with insufficient fluid intake, muscle cramps can develop. Often, increased muscle tone occurs against the background of a sharp weight gain. This phenomenon is soon passing, not requiring additional interventions;
  • a sharp increase in weight causes increased synthesis of testosterone. As a result, usually all athletes have skin problems;
  • rarely, the result of taking Creatine Monohydrate was an allergic reaction in the form of desquamation of the epithelium, itching, hyperemia;
  • dehydration. The active substance promotes the distillation of fluid from the circulatory system to the muscles, which leads to metabolic disorders.


To avoid this phenomenon, to ensure the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to consume about 3 liters of water per day.

If this drug caused an allergic reaction, then you should visit a specialist who will help you choose another sports nutrition. There were no cases of overdoses on the background of taking Creatine Monohydrate. Even if you eat an excessive amount of the drug at one time, then the excess will simply be eliminated from the body. But the additional effect will not come.

Top Keratin Manufacturers for Sports Nutrition

Today, there are many domestic and foreign manufacturers offering this sports nutrition.

The following manufacturers are among the most popular:

  • Olympus company - produces a supplement that includes 6 different creatines and taurine;
  • manufacturer Optimum Nutrition - manufactures a product based on micronized creatine, which has the smallest structure, accelerating the process of absorption of the component and its delivery to the muscles;
  • Biotech company - produces the drug on pure creatine;
  • BPI Sport company - produces nutrition based on creatine, aspartic acid, taurine, antioxidants;
  • manufacturer Vader - offers a supplement with creatine, protein, carbohydrates, fats.


Choosing sports nutrition is better with a trainer. He will tell you what substances are needed in a given period.

Creatine Monohydrate is a diet popular today that allows you to quickly build muscle.