Red spots on the face are a rather unpleasant symptom that negatively affects the appearance and self-esteem of a person, interferes with communication with people around, and leads to the development of psychological problems. Meanwhile, such a phenomenon is far from always a disease. And in cases where the problem is still a symptom of a disease, it can be solved by using medications or folk remedies. So, what are the causes of red spots on the skin of the face? What needs to be done to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon?
Material Content:
- 1 Species of spots on the face
- 2 Red spots on the face - causes
- 2.1 Physiological redness of the face
- 2.2 Allergic reactions
- 2.3 Pathological redness of the face
- 2.4 Psychological causes of facial flushing
- 2.5 Infectious and inflammatory diseases
- 2.6 Heart and vascular disease
- 2.7 Digestive tract diseases
- 2.8 Individual features of the skin structure
- 2.9 Other possible diseases
- 3 After what can a face redden or red spots appear?
- 4 When is it already dangerous?
- 5 Why is the face covered with red spots after alcohol?
- 6 Diagnostics
- 7 Which doctor should I go to?
- 8 Home treatment
- 9 Ointments and creams for external use
- 10 Treatment with folk remedies
- 11 Lifestyle, Skin Care, and Nutrition
- 12 Red flaky spots on the face: what is it and how to treat it?
- 13 Red spots on the face of a child: what to do?
Species of spots on the face
Stains on the face may vary in shape, size, color intensity, presence or absence of an internal cavity. Formations can be accompanied by peeling, or have a smooth surface.
In total, about 30 varieties of skin rash are known, however, only 6 of them are suitable for the definition of “stain”:
- Roseola - a pale pink formation, the diameter of which does not exceed 1-2 mm.It has a round shape, does not protrude above the surface of the skin.
- Spot - the diameter of the true spot is usually 5-20 mm, it does not protrude above the surface of the skin, disappears when pressed, but after that it is restored to its original place.
- Erythema - extensive areas of redness, which may have a color of various intensities, from red to purple.
- Hemorrhage - hemorrhage under the skin. Depending on the prescription, it can have a blue, greenish, yellowish or gray color. The skin usually does not protrude.
- Papule - education with a diameter of 1-20 mm, rising above the general level of the skin. It has a domed structure.
- Tubercle - diameter 1-2 mm, surrounded by inflammatory infiltrate, dense, without internal cavities.
It is worth noting that in reality several elements of the rash can merge, or be extremely close to each other, which makes differential diagnosis difficult.
Red spots on the face - causes
The causes of red spots on the face of a woman, man or child are often associated not only with skin diseases, but also with the pathology of other organs and systems.
Physiological redness of the face
The physiological redness of the face is not a disease, but a feature of the structure of the body. The fact is that blood vessels can occur at different depths. In people who have a superficially located vasculature, the face has a reddish tint. In some cases, only part of the capillaries is located on the surface of the skin. In this case, the person’s face looks spotty. Such features are practically not treatable. Only cosmetics will help hide the defect.
Allergic reactions
If red spots appear on the face and itch, this may be a symptom of an allergic reaction. The rash with urticaria has a diameter of 3 to 50 mm, is painted in a bright red color, accompanied by itching, burning. With the accumulation of exudate and compression of the capillaries, the rashes become white, and later disappear, leaving no residue. Often around the elements of the rash, scratching can be observed. This is most common in pediatric patients.
Pathological redness of the face
Pathological redness of the face is a collective concept, under which all the causes of pathology that are not physiological are combined. This includes diseases of the stomach, bloodstream, heart, allergic reactions, and more. In this case, redness can be fragmentary (spots, roseola, erythema) or total, when the color of the entire face changes.
Psychological causes of facial flushing
The causes of red spots on the face of a man or woman can also have a psychological origin. Most often, this happens against the background of a stressful situation. A normal reaction to stress is the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, one of the nerves of which innervates the tone of the vascular network of the face. In this case, the capillaries expand, increase blood flow and the appearance of red spots of irregular shape.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases
One of the most common causes of a red rash on the face is infectious and inflammatory diseases.
These include:
- pyoderma - red spots, in the center of which there may be a tubercle with an internal cavity filled with purulent contents;
- furunculosis - a volumetric formation surrounded by a spot of hyperemia and rising above the surface of the skin;
- sycosis - spilled areas of hyperemia in the area of growth of bristly hair;
- erysipelatous inflammation - areas of hyperemia, often localized in the nose, on the cheeks and in the corners of the mouth. The spots merge with each other, protrude above the surface of the skin.
- lichen - small blistering rashes that do not turn into another type of rash.
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Note: it is generally accepted that psoriasis is also included in the group of infectious and inflammatory diseases.In reality, this is not so. Despite the inflammatory nature, the disease develops for reasons not related to the presence of an infectious agent.
Heart and vascular disease
Red spots can be a manifestation of cardiovascular disease. First of all, hyperemia develops with pathologically dilated vessels. The cause of the expansion may be atherosclerosis. In this case, the plaque interferes with the normal flow of blood, which leads to its accumulation and stretching of the vascular wall. As a rule, spots in this case have an irregular shape. With strong stretching, the dilated vessel itself (vascular asterisks) can be seen. The second reason may be a deficiency of magnesium in the body, leading to the development of heart disease.
Digestive tract diseases
In most cases, a rash occurs with liver disease. Rashes can take the form of red spots or spider veins. Spots may indicate liver veins, cirrhosis or cancer. In some cases, the rash also develops with bowel diseases. The mechanism for the development of pathology is quite simple here. Toxins released during the pathological process are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause allergy phenomena.
Individual features of the skin structure
As mentioned above, the shallow occurrence of blood vessels is referred to the individual structural features of the skin. In addition, hyperpigmentation may occur when certain areas of the skin are colored more or less intensely than the rest of the body. An example of individual characteristics is vitiligo.
Other possible diseases
Other autoimmune processes and psoriasis, which is becoming more common due to the growth of stress factors and cases of genetic predisposition, can be attributed to other diseases accompanied by the appearance of spots on the face. The disease is characterized by red scaly spots on the face, elbows, knees, armpits. In severe cases, plaques cover almost the entire body of the patient.
A characteristic feature of psoriasis is a wave-like course characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission, persistence of plaques on duty at the elbows or knees during remission, a symptom of blood dew and puffiness of the nails, peeling of the plaques and their protrusion above the skin surface.
Note: a symptom of blood dew is multiple capillary bleeding that occurs when the upper layer of the plaque is mechanically separated. Tucking of nails - the presence of multiple through holes on them, reminiscent of a needle prick.
After what can a face redden or red spots appear?
Why do red spots appear on the face if there are no skin diseases?
The answer to this question contains several points:
- A long stay in a room with high air temperature - heat contributes to the expansion of the intradermal vessels, which leads to flushing of the skin.
- Alcohol use - Ethyl alcohol also leads to the expansion of the capillary network, which increases heat transfer and promotes facial redness.
- Allergy - Red spots on the face may appear suddenly when in contact with an allergen. The reaction development time sometimes is only 1-2 minutes.
- Intensive washing or rubbing of the face - physically acting on the skin, it can cause irritation, which is usually accompanied by hyperemia.
All of the above conditions do not pose a threat to life. Allergy is an indication for taking antihistamines. All other types of hyperemia pass independently a few minutes after the end of the action of the provoking factor.
When is it already dangerous?
Red spots on the face are dangerous if accompanied by signs of anaphylactic shock (pallor, decreased blood pressure, confusion, a sharp deterioration in well-being) or angioedema of the respiratory tract (hoarseness, difficulty breathing, blue tint of the lips, earlobes). In this case, immediately call the ambulance team and, if possible, give the patient an antiallergic drug (Zirtek, Suprastin).
Spots that indicate diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system or intestines can also be considered dangerous.However, here they are only one, far from the most objective, of the symptoms of the underlying disease. The spots are of diagnostic value only as part of the overall clinical picture. Infectious skin disease, as well as hyperemia of stressful etiology and physiological vasodilatation during rubbing, overheating or drinking alcohol, are not life threatening.
Why is the face covered with red spots after alcohol?
The redness of the face that occurs after taking alcoholic beverages is usually due to the expansion of the vessels of the capillary network. At the same time, more blood rushes to the surface of the skin, which is the cause of hyperemia. This phenomenon is not considered pathological, and independently disappears some time after the end of the feast. In people with chronic alcoholism, redness of the face can be a constant symptom.
Diagnosis of skin diseases is carried out on the basis of the patient's complaints, anamnesis of his life and illness, as well as a visual examination of the rashes. In most cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis. If there is a suspicion of an infectious origin of spots, a scraping is taken from the patient for bacteriological examination. If the etiology of the disease cannot be explained by skin problems, a person is assigned a comprehensive examination for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys and other body systems.
Which doctor should I go to?
Any skin diseases require a visit to a dermatovenerologist. As a rule, dermatovenereological offices are available in each locality. If necessary, the doctor sends the patient for consultation with other specialists (therapist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, oncologist).
Home treatment
Treatment of spots on the face at home is possible only after diagnosis by a competent specialist dermatovenerologist. The manifestations of skin diseases can be so atypical that it is almost impossible to independently determine the disease.
Soaps and shampoos containing birch tar can be used to treat psoriatic rashes, as well as irritations. Washing with such soap should be done 3-4 times a day. Before going to bed, you should use a perfume-free moisturizer, since tar dries the skin.
You can quickly remove inflammatory and allergic rashes with the help of such drugs as Sinaflan, Celestoderm, Acriderm. These funds are applied in a thin layer on the lesion, they should not be rubbed into the skin. Use the drug 2-4 times a day, depending on the clinical effect and severity of symptoms.
Note: the described ointments are hormonal in nature and can be used only as directed by a doctor. As a rule, hormones are contraindicated in infectious processes of a dermatological profile. In this case, antibacterial or antifungal drugs are used.
Ointments and creams for external use
The choice of ointment or cream that will be used to treat skin disease should be carried out in accordance with the diagnosis.
Most often, experts prescribe the following medicines:
- Losterin - cream for skin care in chronic dermatitis. It has an antipruritic, emollient and moisturizing effect. It is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day, it is used as an addition to the main therapy.
- Naftader - anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic ointment. Used for atopic dermatitis, furunculosis, ulcers. It is applied 1-2 times a day, as prescribed by the doctor, the frequency of use can be increased.
- Exoderyl - bactericidal and mycocidal ointment, often used to treat fungal diseases. It is applied to the lesion site 3-4 times a day, can be used as part of a compress.
- Akriderm - a steroid drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.Quickly relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces exudation. It is indicated for seborrhea, psoriasis, chronic non-bacterial processes. It is applied from 1 to 5-6 times a day, in a thin layer. Prolonged continuous use is not recommended.
It is not recommended to independently use this or that drug, since each of them has its own contraindications and side effects. Wrong drug choices can make the illness worse.
Treatment with folk remedies
In some cases, a good therapeutic effect can be achieved by using folk remedies to combat skin diseases.
Face masks are an excellent treatment for both infectious and non-infectious skin diseases. With psoriasis, eczema and other pathologies that are not related to the development of the bacterial process, the following recipe is used.
- Take one part of the nut-kerosene extract, two parts of birch tar and 3 parts of fish oil. The components are mixed and applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 time per day for 30-40 minutes. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. To prepare the extract, take 0.3 liters of green walnuts, chop, pour into a liter jar and pour kerosene to the top. After that, cover the jar with foil and leave for 3 weeks. After this time, filter the mixture and use for the constituent base for the mask.
Inflammatory diseases require the use of a different mask prescription.
- The grated mass, consisting of equal parts of carrots and turnips, is kneaded until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The mask should be done daily for 1-2 weeks. Rinse off the composition with milk.
To treat skin diseases, rubbing can be used:
- Sea buckthorn oil - 5 grams of sea buckthorn oil should be mixed with 95 grams of a greasy base (jojoba oil or melted badger fat). The resulting mixture is rubbed on the face 2-3 times a day. The drug has a calming, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
- Blackberry leaf decoction - 100 grams of leaf is poured into 900 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes. After the product is filtered, cooled and used as a grind or for washing with lichen, eczema or infectious skin diseases.
Grindings are used as an auxiliary, and not the main means of therapy.
Skincare before bedtime
With skin diseases, skin care is of particular importance. Before going to bed, the necessary medical procedures should be carried out, after which wash with cool water without using chemicals, remove makeup and apply a moisturizer on the face, if this is not contraindicated in case of an existing disease. Cream for skin diseases should be perfume-free, that is, have a minimum of chemical additives.
Lifestyle, Skin Care, and Nutrition
The lifestyle of a patient with skin diseases is not much different from the generally accepted norms of healthy lifestyle. Psychological stresses, the use of foods that contribute to the sensitization of the body (citrus fruits) should be avoided. You need good nutrition and sleep.
It is recommended to include products containing a large amount of bioflavonoids in the diet:
- nuts
- beans;
- eggs
- cereals;
- meat;
- carrot.
Skin care should be done regularly. The remnants of drugs and masks should be carefully removed after their use has expired. It is better if pure running water and tar soap are used for this. Alcohol-containing liquids are undesirable. To combat dryness, a cream is used that does not contain perfume additives. Cosmetics can be used in minimal quantities.
Red flaky spots on the face: what is it and how to treat it?
Red flaky spots on the face are usually a sign of psoriasis - a presumably autoimmune disease, the causes of which are not fully understood. Spots can appear and disappear in this case, combined with the above symptoms of puffiness of nails and blood dew. In some cases, patients have joint damage.
Psoriasis is treated using the following drugs:
- preparations based on birch tar;
- sulfuric salicylic ointment;
- corticosteroid ointments;
- antihistamines;
- sedatives.
Unfortunately, a full-fledged treatment of the disease today does not exist. Psoriasis is considered an incurable disease.
Red spots on the face of a child: what to do?
The primary action for the appearance of red spots on the face of a child is to see a doctor for diagnosis and prescribing the necessary therapy. Other actions should not be taken before consulting a specialist. If the spots appeared suddenly, after eating allergenic food or contact with a new substance, it is permissible for the child to give a tablet of an antihistamine to prevent severe allergic reactions. Also, washing with cold running water is not considered harmful.
In general, spots on the face can be a symptom of many diseases, which are unrealistic to consider in the format of one article. Some of them are practically safe, but they are an esthetic problem, others indicate the presence of severe pathology. Therapy varies depending on the origin and type of the disease. In some cases, there are enough folk remedies, in others - the use of medicines is required. Therefore, to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you should consult a doctor.