Since ancient times, delightful, striking in their beauty, red peonies have been known. They were cultivated in China more than 2 millennia ago and called the "divine flower." One traveler from Italy, when he saw the magnificent flowers for the first time, called them huge roses, reminiscent of cabbage. The viewer has a unique impression of the petals folded in a mess, sometimes having three color shades.
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Botanical description of varieties and their names
Grassy peonies are the most popular. This is a perennial. The stems die off before the onset of winter, and new ones grow in spring.
The following varieties are distinguished:
- late, medium, early - according to the timing of flowering;
- terry, semi-terry, Japanese, simple - in the shape of a flower;
- one-, two-, three-color - by color;
- dwarf, low, high - in height.
The leaves are strong and large with the next arrangement, dark green, less often - gray, shiny.
- Peony "Red Sarah Bernhard" (Red Sarah Bernhardt). Refers to terry in the shape of a flower. Purple-red flowers with a sweet aroma. The plant is tall with strong stems. The foliage is shiny, dark green. Mid-late flowering. Suitable for landscaping and cutting.
- “Command Performanse”. It was bred in America. This is a real red giant. Flowers reach 25 cm in diameter. Petals are arranged neatly, cut in the upper part. Blooms early - in May. Supports are needed, because the stems do not withstand gravity and lie on the ground.
- "Nippon Beauty." It comes first among peonies with a Japanese type of flower. The middle consists of burgundy-yellow staminodes, the edge is bordered by large dark red petals. The stems are burgundy green, the leaves are dark malachite.Height - 80-90 cm, blooms in the last decade of June.
- Mackinac Grand. In 2014 received a prestigious award. Unique beautiful. Huge semi-double flowers have a bright scarlet color. The petals are large, wavy. Fluffy yellow pistils complete the picture.
In addition to those listed, there are also known: “Peter Brand”, “Rubra Captivity”, “Diana Parks”, “Walter Mainis”, “Scarlet Haven” and others.
It is worthwhile to especially dwell on the Rubra Captivity. This is a leafy variety. It blooms in early spring. The shape of the flowers is bomb-shaped, the color is dark cherry. Unusual foliage and bright inflorescences will decorate the summer cottage in early spring. Frost resistant.
Famous varieties of red tree peonies.
- The Giant (Hu hong). Shoots are short and thick. Crown-shaped buds. Big green leaves. It blooms in June - July.
- "The red lotus." The bush reaches a height of 120 cm. The flowers are crowned. On the bush, up to 70 pieces can open and bloom for 3 weeks.
- "Kiao Sisters." Terry flowers with two-tone color: white and red.
- "Scarlet Sails". Early flowering frost resistant variety.
The variety of colors is simply amazing: white, purple, blue, pink, even green buds invariably delight the eye.
Agrotechnics growing red peonies
Planting and care depend on the type of plant that you decide to plant: tree-like or grassy.
How and when to plant flowers
Tree-like plants are best planted in late August - early September. It is important to choose the right place. The plant loves sunny elevated places, prefers loam. Clay, humus, peat, turf soil are added to the sandy soil. Organic matter and sand are added to clay soil.
- The hole is made conical in shape: diameter at the surface and depth 70 cm.
- 25-30 cm of gravel, broken brick or sand are poured to the bottom for drainage.
- With increased acidity of the soil, 200-300 g of lime or bone meal is introduced.
- They fill the hole with soil and plant a bush.
- A lot of water is poured into the hole - it will help the roots to straighten out.
- After the subsidence of the soil, add so much so as not to sprinkle the root neck.
- The distance between seedlings is 1.5 - 2 meters.
In contrast to tree-like, grassy peonies also grow with slight shading. The lack of light leads to the fact that the flowers are smaller, they become smaller.
For planting, it is better to choose sunny places protected from cold winds. Representatives of culture do not like denseness - they need to grow freely. Feel good on slightly alkaline or neutral soils. Soil is preliminarily improved.
- Pits are made with a depth and width of 70 cm. Sand, compost, peat in equal proportions, mineral fertilizers, a handful of ash are added to the soil selected from the holes, and thoroughly mixed.
- The bottom of the pit is covered with drainage, then with a layer of the resulting mixture. Sprinkle on top of ordinary garden soil.
- Wells are prepared in advance so that the soil settles and compacts. If this is not done, you need to spill and compact the soil in the pits.
Red grassy peonies are transplanted as they bloom, and the buds of renewal will mature. They do this from August 14 to September 20.
Plants are very sensitive to root damage. Transplant carefully.
When planting, the buds are buried by 3-5 cm. If planted very deeply, you can not wait for the flowering, and high - the bush will freeze.
At the end of planting abundantly watered. Before the onset of winter mulch.
Outdoor Care
Flowers are not demanding to care for.
Only 2 waterings are needed:
- at the end of June - for the formation of kidney renewal;
- at the end of August - for the formation of subordinate roots.
You can water more often: during the formation of buds and flowering. But this should be done only in case of drought. Flowers can not stand waterlogging. Watering is carried out in the evening, heated in the sun by water, pouring 2 - 3 buckets under the bush once a week.
Varietal bushes are planted once every 5 to 8 years.
Bushes with large flowers need a garter.
Pruning representatives of the culture is carried out in such cases:
- for bouquets;
- withered;
- side buds are removed so that the central flower has more strength and nutrients;
- on young bushes, flower stalks are cut to form buds and a strong rhizome;
- at the first frosts, pruning is carried out, leaving hemp 3-4 cm.
They feed plants three times:
- spring nitrogen-containing fertilizers according to the instructions;
- when budding - with complex additives;
- when flowering - phosphorus-potash.
Need weeding, cultivation, mulching.
Grassy peonies are frost-resistant. In places with cold winters, they must be covered.
Breeding methods
Representatives of herbaceous varieties propagated by division of rhizomes, cuttings of the root and stem. Reproduction using layering is also possible. Breeders use the seed method. In the conditions of your own garden, you can try to propagate the bushes by pruning.
Tree-like can be propagated by dividing the bush either by means of cuttings or layering. Experienced gardeners practice grafting, and breeders practice seed propagation.
Disease and Pest Prevention
Recent hybrids are susceptible to various pathogens. The main enemy is the rattle virus. Its characteristic feature is a marble or linear pattern on the foliage.
Often sick: gray rot, spotting of various types, rust, root rot.
The fight consists in treating bushes with fungicides: Fundazol, Vitaros, and Skor.
Prevention consists in proper agricultural technology: you can not use fresh grass and manure for mulching. It should be made with aged compost. Do not abuse fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Handle planting ACF. Do not thicken the flower beds.
Pests: moth butterflies, bronze beetles, ants, gall nematodes.
The fight against them consists in spraying with pesticides against ants and aphids - “Aktara” or “Kinmas”. Nematodes live on the roots. When replanting, it is important to inspect the roots, and if you find knotty swelling, burn the dividers.
It is very important for the prevention of diseases and pests to plant bushes further from raspberries, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes.
Peonies are very beautiful. They live next to a person for a long time, decorate gardens and parks. Modern hybrids are capricious, but with an ardent desire it is quite realistic to grow them and admire the unique beauty of beautiful flowers.