Krasnodar tea is a drink that is widely known not only in its native locality, Krasnodar, but throughout Russia. Some varieties of this drink are popular in many countries of the world. Why does tea have a name indicating the territorial unit of Russia? What is the peculiarity of this product and how wide is its range?
Material Content:
Chemical composition
The component composition of Krasnodar tea is quite rich and extensive, since it contains the following components:
- Organic acids. Contribute to the improvement of the digestive tract and regulate the functionality of the pancreas.
- Tannins. Add viscosity to the drink, contribute to the oxidation of the remaining components. They take part in the formation of a unique aroma of Krasnodar tea.
- Pectin. Responsible for the quality of tea and the duration of its storage.
- Essential oils.
- Alkaloids. Caffeine in the composition of the drink does not provoke insomnia, and does not contribute to accelerating the heartbeat. It has a relatively mild effect on the nervous system and does not accumulate in the body, thereby eliminating the risk of caffeine poisoning.
- Vitamins: C, B1 and B2, PP. They improve the condition of blood vessels, regulate blood coagulation, improve well-being, and increase immunity.
- Carbohydrates. Their content in Krasnodar tea is small, which indicates the high quality of the drink.
- Minerals and trace elements (iron, potassium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus). A set of these components helps maintain heart health by improving brain function and combating signs of sclerosis.
Where is Krasnodar tea grown
For the first time, tea began to be grown in the Krasnodar Territory, in the region of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus under the name Dagomys. The cultivation of Krasnodar tea began in 1878. It was at this time that a gardener named Garbe planted the first tea bushes in Sochi. At first, the plants tolerated the climate of the area well, delighting residents with a plentiful harvest. But after 5 years, the region was engulfed in severe frost, which destroyed most of the vegetation. Nevertheless, attempts by local residents to revive the cultivation of tea continued until 1901.
In 1936, Krasnodar tea grown on local plantations began to be produced on an industrial scale.
Common species
The most famous types of Krasnodar tea are recognized:
- Black bouquet. This type of tea is available in limited quantities. The drink is famous for its rich deep taste and truly royal aroma.
- Mountain fluff. Top grade green tea. The process of creating this drink is associated with time-consuming manual processing. Tea owes its name to the light cannon present on young tea leaves. The drink has an original aroma and deep taste.
- Black gold. The original components in the composition of the raw materials are considered to be golden tips. The drink is distinguished from its brethren by its unique aroma and persistent aftertaste.
- Elite white tea. The collection and processing of raw materials for the drink are carried out exclusively by hand. The drink is distinguished by an unobtrusive aroma and a mild taste.
- White black. Valued by lovers of strong classic tea.
- Monastic. Includes medicinal herbs in the component composition.
- Suf Krasnodar steppe tea. It has an original taste and a set of healthy ingredients.
- Tea Krasnodar "Matsesta". A world famous drink with a unique composition and excellent taste.
Useful properties of the drink
The tea in question is very tasty, and undoubtedly useful.
Regular use of it can have the following beneficial effects:
- Improve the functionality of the digestive tract.
- Normalize sleep, calm the nervous system
- Improve male potency.
- Boost immunity.
- Normalize overall well-being.
How to make Krasnodar tea
Before you start brewing tea from the Krasnodar Territory, you should pay attention to useful recommendations:
- For brewing, you need to take boiled and soft. To achieve this goal, it is not out of place to let it through the filter.
- It is important to observe the temperature regime. For black varieties it should be 90-100С °, for green - 60-80С °.
- For brewing, it is better to choose clay and porcelain dishes. It is acceptable to use a French press.
- The recommended dose of tea leaves is 1-2 tsp. 10-150 ml of liquid.
- The kettle must first be warmed up, while the walls of the container must be dry. Tea is scattered on the bottom and pour water on 2/3 of the total. Ready tea can be poured into another storage container.
Thyme and Oregano Drink
The mixture of herbs in the tea in question has a positive effect on human health. An English classic of literature claimed that thyme could cure almost any disease, with the exception of a broken heart and a broken neck. Oregano is considered a strong expectorant, relieving cough symptoms.
The aromatic drink with oregano and thyme has the following beneficial effects:
- Helps in the treatment of impotence, helps to improve male strength and sexual stamina.
- It has a mild diuretic and choleretic effect.
- Eliminates the symptoms of insomnia, calms the nervous system, improves mood.
- Helps fight cold symptoms.
Krasnodar tea is a drink unique in its properties and taste. The unique aroma and bright finish in tandem with a wide range of domestic tea varieties make it popular not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Varieties of this product make it possible to please everyone - both lovers of classic black tea and lovers of a soft and delicate aftertaste of an emerald drink.The addition of various medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients to tea makes it not only tasty, but also beneficial to human health.