The use of the red brush in female diseases has long been proven to be effective. Moreover, you can take a decoction of this plant with completely different diagnoses.
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What female diseases helps?
Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of this tool. But nevertheless, this does not prevent the described plant from fighting many diseases of the genital area. Grass red brush acts as an anti-inflammatory drug, which affects the whole body as a whole.
Read also:red brush
Ovarian cyst
It is advisable to take tincture from the red brush for a long course - the only way to achieve some result. The course should last several months, after which a break of eight weeks is taken.
Tincture Recipe:
- Grind the root into small pieces.
- Pour them with diluted alcohol or vodka.
- Hold in a dark place for one month.
Then take 30 milliliters four times a day.
For douching grass, you need only half a small spoon. It is mixed with 400 milliliters of warm water and the procedure is performed every night. This mixture helps to establish a cycle of menstruation, but it is not recommended to use it more often than twice a year
When the disease first appeared, it is much safer to use herbal medicine. Tincture from this plant will regulate hormonal balance and have a lighter effect than pharmacy drugs. In addition, she will prevent a relapse of the disease, remove foci of endometriosis and adhesions.
The occurrence of frequent infections can lead to uterine erosion.Of course, you can use special drugs, but at first, when the disease has just begun, it can very well be cured and prevent possible hormonal imbalances with the help of a red brush. Effective therapy will require a douching course.
Polycystic Ovary
The use of tincture from the red brush in this disease allows you to normalize the level of hormones and prevent follicular cysts.
You need to drink the drug in a course, the duration of which is three weeks. During menstruation, you need to take a break.
- Mix 0.5 liters of vodka with 80 grams of the root of the red brush, pre-cut into small pieces.
- Close the container with a lid so that it fits snugly.
- Keep the composition for seven days in a dark place without sunlight.
You need to drink the broth in the morning, only half a small spoon and on an empty stomach.
Cervical Polyps
The use of tincture of Rhodiola cold (this is the scientific name of the red brush sounds like this) will lead to restoration of the thyroid gland, elimination of hormonal imbalance and will have an immunostimulating effect.
If inflammation occurs, it is recommended to use cold rhodiola-based products, which:
- relieve pain;
- help the body better resist the disease;
- destroy bacteria and remove inflammation;
- improve internal blood flow, which will lead to the speedy delivery of substances;
- restore the balance of sex hormones.
With menopause
Tincture of a red brush is an effective remedy for menopause.
Most often, this process goes hand in hand with unpleasant symptoms, such as pressure, insomnia, sweating, mood swings.
The broth helps not only to eliminate all these inconveniences, but also has an additional effect:
- frees the body from toxins;
- acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
- Prevents neoplasms in the uterus.
Female infertility
This process is influenced by a number of reasons, and the red brush, in turn, has a positive effect on the woman’s body and eliminates all possible barriers to fertilization.
In addition, it strengthens the immune system, removes inflammation in the genitourinary system. The main thing is to make the right decoction and take it in time.
Please note that it is suitable for those who can not get pregnant, but women in the position to drink it is not recommended.
- One and a half large spoons of a red brush (already crushed) should be poured with 350 milliliters of warm water.
- Hold the composition in a water bath for about 10 minutes.
- Strain and after 40 minutes add a little more water to get a glass of broth.
You need to drink it three times a day before meals for at least a month, and store it in the refrigerator, but not more than two days.
Red brush for cancer in women
The rich composition of this plant can not only fight hormonal disorders, but also can affect the occurrence of neoplasms.
The disease appears due to an increased level of estrogen, which regulates very well and normalizes Rhodiola cold.
- The root of the plant is cut into small pieces. In total, a tablespoon should be obtained.
- Mix with a glass of water and hold for 20 minutes in a water bath.
- Cool and let stand for 60 minutes, after which the broth should be passed through cheesecloth and drink three times a day for a large spoon.
Of course, this disease requires mandatory observation by a doctor, but at an early stage, you can improve the condition with a decoction, which will have a more gentle effect on the body than hormonal drugs. In addition, the grass can be used even for those people for whom drugs that affect hormones are contraindicated.
It is necessary to drink tincture three times a day or make warm compresses on the chest.
Uterine Fibroma
For internal administration, in the fight against the disease, tincture is taken, and douching helps to remove inflammation, improve the condition of blood vessels and establish a hormonal background.
- In addition to the red brush, other pharmacy herbs must be used for tinctures. Among them should be mint, peony, knotweed and celandine.
- All of them are taken in equal parts in the amount of two large spoons and poured with half a liter of hot water.
- The composition settles for 12 hours.
To drink the broth three months at least three times a day, 70 milliliters.
Tincture of the red brush: instructions for use
In order to get the desired result and not harm your body, you must correctly apply tincture or decoction.
The following are general guidelines.
- Consume 30-40 drops, diluting a little in water.
- Drink a ready-made product before meals and at least three times a day.
- It is necessary to conduct treatment courses. Sometimes they can last for several months, so you should observe a break of 14 days, after two weeks of admission.
- During the course of therapy with tincture of the plant, exclude alcohol and fatty foods, as well as synthetic hormonal drugs.
Do not take the solution before bedtime - this can lead to poor rest or even insomnia.
Proper use of the decoction
To get the right decoction, you need to pay attention to some nuances.
- If alcohol is indicated in the recipe, then it is better to use it instead of vodka, but in a diluted form (no more than 40 degrees).
- Do not fill the grass with freshly boiled water. The ideal option is 80 degrees.
- Be sure to let the broth stand for about an hour after boiling it. By the way, the boiling time is 15-20 minutes.
- Do not store long cooked broth. This is a dosage form that you need to use almost immediately. It is allowed to keep it in the cold for no more than two days. But the solution for alcohol can stand for a month.