This is one of the strongest pairs, as if created in heaven. The compatibility of Capricorn and Taurus is due to the fact that both partners are under the control of the elements of the Earth, so that the values ​​and goals in life converge in a pair.

Characterization of Capricorn and Taurus as zodiac signs

Capricorns seem balanced and calm, but inside they have a whole riot of emotions. They strive for leadership and love to take control of the situation.

  • It is much easier for them to complete a group task alone than to wait for everyone and try to explain the task to dull colleagues.
  • Capricorn egoists have been trying to get rid of complexes all their lives. Also, the Capricorns often think that they were underestimated, because they also have to deal with resentment against the whole world.
  • In words, Capricorn is restrained, it is difficult to get so crazy that he begins to raise his voice. Most often, after resentment or irritation, Capricorn goes into himself, and it is better not to approach him until he cools down. Taurus in this regard is fully in solidarity with Capricorn and will patiently wait for how long.

However, both of these signs are quite stubborn.

But if Capricorn is able to stop the pressure for the sake of a loved one, Taurus is often deaf to the requests of a partner and continues to bend his line.

Both signs are businessmen. They do not like noisy parties and often stay at home on weekends, but this is fraught with consequences. If Capricorns and Taurus mourn for a long time and lie on the couch, they can be seized with real apathy: they go deep into themselves, reproach themselves for inaction.Unsure Capricorns can have problems right down to depression.

Taurus is very important that others will think about them, because in public places they always behave appropriately. Capricorns are not too dependent on the opinions of strangers, but try not to cause inconvenience to anyone. They understand that their freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins. Therefore, if someone tells Capricorn that he is behaving improperly, his behavior will not be repeated again.

Compatible Capricorn male and Taurus female

These two are considered to be almost an ideal couple, and acquaintances speak of them with admiration and even envy. But, as in any relationship, Capricorn and Taurus have minor differences.

In a love relationship

For love, for a long and lasting relationship, Capricorns select people who are similar to them in goals and outlooks on the world. Judging by the horoscope, such are the representatives of the sign Taurus. Because the relationship of Capricorn and Taurus lasts a very long time, often developing into marriage and creating a family.

In this union, they value each other's personality, are not afraid to leave their partner alone with them, so that they take up their hobbies or meet friends.

None of this couple imposes their communication when he sees that the second wants to spend time with himself. Capricorns greatly value the honesty and loyalty of Taurus, because they themselves would never have changed. Having a lover or mistress when you already have a regular partner is not for Capricorn.

Read also: What is sociability?

Taurus hate the lie and try not to resort to it, which Capricorns really value. For them, lying is the worst thing that can be in a relationship. Capricorns can forgive betrayal, but after deception it will be almost impossible to restore their confidence.


Capricorn is sometimes unable to control his desire to seize all power over the situation. Often in marriage, they become real tyrants and dictators, because of which their partners suffer. But the wise, judicious Taurus try to remind Capricorn of personal boundaries and equality.

In this marriage there is no place for betrayal: not one of the partners will forgive the betrayal, and first of all - to ourselves. Taurus and Capricorn are constant in their affections and are looking for a person with whom they will be comfortable until the very end. The latter have fleeting novels, but this happens outside of a relationship: Capricorns cannot work on two fronts at once.

In friendship

Both zodiac signs are especially cherished by those friends whom they made at a young age. It is these friends who have been tested by time and more than once, and only they can be fully trusted.

But even if Taurus or Capricorn do not fully trust their friend, they themselves are the most reliable people you can rely on in any matter, whether it's just moral support or even money.

Sexual compatibility

The sex of the Capricorn man and the Taurus woman is usually very high-quality: the partners are not shy about their bodies and will gladly explain to each other how to bring true pleasure to whom. Capricorn is closed intimately, but the Taurus woman is persistent enough to help him reveal her passion and temperament.

In sex, this couple can have only one problem - the lack of experimentation.

Sooner or later, Capricorn will tire of diversity and will want to realize his hidden desires. And here the guy will have to face the stubbornness of his woman. Taurus is very traditional in sex and rarely let themselves be persuaded to change something.

For the sex of Capricorn and Taurus to become not just good, but beautiful, Taurus needs to relax and trust both the hidden desires of the partner and their own. There is no need to dwell on one way of satisfaction, because in this case from monotony to boredom is only one step.

How Capricorn women and Taurus men are compatible

If necessary, both in this pair can rely on each other, entrust important matters and support.But there are small nuances that need to be considered.

In a love relationship

In the love relationship of Taurus and Capricorn, everything is as if in a fairy tale: tenderness, the absence of loud quarrels, concern for a loved one.

Taurus and Capricorn try not to dissolve in their partner, as a rule, preserving their hobbies and cherishing communication with friends. Thus, both have time to rest from each other, if necessary.

Taurus and Capricorn trust each other, because there is no place for jealousy in this union. But Taurus, although they themselves can not stand the lie, can sometimes embellish and lie. If Capricorn finds out that he is being driven around his finger, he will be badly wounded, and it will not be easy to regain his trust.


As in the case of the male Taurus and the female Capricorn, there will be no major problems in such a marriage. Both partners do not accept cheating and lies, try to express their complaints as gently as possible. The only stumbling block may be the excessive stubbornness of Taurus. A Taurus man can be so stubborn that he will ignore all the requests of his wife. The usually gentle Capricorn girls value the family too much to quarrel with their husbands because of this, after unsuccessful attempts to discuss discontent with their beloved, they may become discouraged. Capricorn’s resentment for the whole world may aggravate, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

If at this moment Taurus thinks about the feelings of a loved one, with his tenderness and stubbornness he will be able to bring Capricorn out of a state of apathy. Then one more drawback of Taurus will become a plus, namely, the ability to manipulate people. In a situation where a loved one needs help, but refuses to accept it, manipulation is a good solution to the problem.

In friendship

Capricorn woman and Taurus man take the issue of friendship seriously. Human relations for them are something sublime, therefore they do not think about betraying a friend. They are very reliable, but can look at each other for years before completely trusting.

But after the friendship passes the test, these two are ready to go one by one even to the ends of the world.

Sexual compatibility

The Capricorn woman is not afraid of her sexual desires and opens them to a regular partner. Passionate and emotional Taurus strongly attract gentle Capricorns. The problem may be that, over time, a Capricorn woman can cool off for sex. The reason may be Taurus’ reluctance to experiment: he is an adherent of traditions both sexually and in other aspects of life. Therefore, even if a girl manages to persuade her partner to try something new in bed, the likelihood that the innovation will please him is small. As a result, the couple will again return to tradition, and the girl will only have to dream about something unusual.

Positive and negative sides of the union

As it was said, this pair has a huge number of positive aspects:

  • Taurus are confident in themselves and their partner, and by this they feed the notorious Capricorns.
  • This union has quality sex in which both partners enjoy.
  • Capricorn and Taurus are equally related to material values, because quarrels over money are extremely rare.
  • There are practically no cheating and lies in a pair.

At the same time, there are a number of problems:

  • The excessive self-confidence of Taurus leads to the fact that he is unable to hear his partner and understand his point of view to the end.
  • As a rule, outwardly calm Capricorns are very vulnerable and after betrayal or quarrels can go deep into themselves.
  • Tradition and some stiffness in sex do not suit Capricorn, who wants to try something new and realize his fantasies.

This couple has every chance to spend each other's whole life without parting for a day. The main thing is to learn to understand each other, and then harmony will reign in the Capricorn and Taurus pair.