A landlady whose husband or family member loves to hunt should be able to properly manage “trophies”. You can find many recipes, but our article will help you learn how to cook delicious moose cutlets. The methods are suggested by the real miners of wild meat and culinary experts, already taught by experience.
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Classic recipe
It should be noted that the roasted meat of a moose turns out to be rather dry. Therefore, you should always add various products to the stuffing, which will help soften it and add juiciness.
Take the following products for our cutlets:
- lard pork or lamb - 200 g;
- a piece of butter - 150 g;
- elk - 1000 g;
- head of garlic;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- coriander or caraway seeds;
- white crackers - 100 g;
- dill;
- Apple vinegar;
- bulb.
Since you have at your disposal the meat of a wild animal, in order to get rid of the smell of needles (or other extraneous aromas), it must be soaked in water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (per liter - 20 ml).
- To prepare, first cut off all the veins from the pulp and remove the film. Cut the meat into large pieces and place in a liquid for soaking for 2 hours. Water can be changed. Last time, add lavrushka and chopped onions to the bottom of the bowl, lay the elk on top and pour. After half an hour, we begin to prepare the stuffing.
- Pass dried and sliced pieces of meat and fat through the meat grinder at least twice. Next, turn the butter, which should be frostbitten. We do the same with garlic and breadcrumbs (you can take breadcrumbs right away).
- Add cumin or coriander, chopped dill, eggs and 100 ml of water in the resulting mass, in which the salt is completely dissolved. Thoroughly mix everything with your hands and leave for a short period of time so that the crackers take away the excess liquid. We form cutlets and start frying.
In order not to lose meat juice, it is better to use batter. It should first fry the workpieces at high temperature on both sides. Then, under the lid, bring them to readiness by lowering the flame.
With pork
To dilute the taste of wild meat, you can cook cutlets of moose with pork. It is better to take its fatty part (brisket) and mix in equal parts with a moose.
For 0.5 kg of each type, we additionally take:
- 2 onions;
- 1 tbsp. l dried vegetables;
- favorite spices;
- black pepper;
- 3 eggs;
- 100 ml of heavy cream;
- breadcrumbs.
The preparation of elk meat and the preparation of minced meat practically do not differ from the previous recipe, with the exception of onions, which we twist together with other components.
- We breed salt in cream, and crackers will need so much that the mass is suitable for the formation of products. It is believed that if you beat the mince, it turns out more juicy.
- Having mixed all the products and seasoning, we make small cutlets.
- Fry them in the same way as in the classic version. You can bring them to readiness by tiring for several minutes in tomato sauce.
How to make in a slow cooker
If you often use this gadget in the kitchen, then it quite successfully turns out such cutlets. They can be fried and brought to full readiness in the "Extinguishing" mode or, as in our case, steamed. This is a great way to cook “wild” meat for people who monitor health.
- We will use any recipe from the above. Only replace the breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. l semolina.
- Stuffing will need to stand in a cold place for about an hour.
- We form small cutlets with hands dipped in cold water and lay the crock-pots on the grill.
- Pour 2 liters of water into the bowl of the gadget and add spices for flavor. Bring the liquid to a boil, turn on the “Steamer” mode and cook for 35 - 40 minutes.
Elk cutlets with vegetables
To cutlets saturate with vitamins and make them softer and juicier, they often resort to the help of vegetables.
- moose meat - 1 kg;
- stale loaf - 200 g;
- 2 eggs;
- butter –180 g;
- cabbage - 200 g;
- 1 large bell pepper;
- garlic;
- seasonings and salt.
Prepare the meat, as in the first recipe.
- First we pass it through a meat grinder, and the second time with solid oil.
- Soak the loaf in eggs with the addition of salt and seasoning. Spread in minced meat.
- We use a combination of cabbage (it should first be boiled until half cooked and chopped) and pepper (peel, hold over the fire, cut and sauté in sunflower oil). But, you can replace this set with twisted zucchini and carrots, baked in the oven.
- It remains to mix all the components and fashion cutlets. They can be fried in a pan or steamed.
It happens that minced vegetables produce more, which can lead to loss of shape of cutlets. If this is exactly what happened with your mincemeat, just add another egg or some breadcrumbs to it.
Unusual Cranberries
To add sophistication to the dish, many introduce wild berry into the stuffing. We will try too.
We will need:
- 600 g moose;
- 400 g of pork;
- 20 g cranberries;
- 1 onion;
- 200 g of white bread;
- 2 eggs;
- salt and pepper.
Twist the prepared meat with onions. Add bread soaked in eggs and pepper and salt. Mix the minced meat with our hands and at the end we beat off the edge of a large cup.
There are 2 options for adding cranberries: immediately to the mass or several berries to each cutlet. Please note that the berry needs to be thawed.
Bread each semi-finished product in flour, breadcrumbs or oatmeal flakes and fry. To prevent the meat from being raw inside, pour some hot water into the pan at the end and simmer until it is completely evaporated.
Cooking with Cheese
In the previous recipe, we made a “surprise” inside the moose cutlet in the form of a wild berry. Let's make a more satisfying “gift” by hiding the cheese there, which will melt during the heat treatment. Get a great dish.
To make it work, we take any option for cooking minced meat from moose. We cut hard cheese into small cubes, the size of which depends on the size of the patties, and wrap in a mass of meat. Cooking in the usual way.
Be careful while eating this meat dish. It can easily be burned with molten hot cheese.
Elk cutlets with lingonberries
Again, you can add the berry to the prepared minced meat and fry the patties. But there is an option to bring the dish to perfection. To do this, when serving, we use a sauce that goes well with wild meat.
Sauce Ingredients:
- a glass of dry red wine;
- 300 g of freshly frozen lingonberries;
- 4 tbsp. l granulated sugar.
We chop the berry using a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous. We mix it with wine and sugar and cook over low heat until thickened. Pour the composition into the saucepan and put on the table. You can be sure that no one will refuse to add it to their plate.
Tasty recipe:the Kiev's cutlets
Now you know that making moose cutlets is not so difficult. Just be sure to first soak the meat. Otherwise, this process is not so tricky, but the result is simply wonderful!