Appetizing hearty cutlets can be prepared not only from meat, but also from minced meat. Especially successful are the cabbage cutlets. The most delicious recipe can be selected from the options below.
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Classic Cabbage Cutlet Recipe
The finished dish is crispy, tender and goes well with any meat sauce. For it you will need to use: 450 g of white cabbage, 4 tbsp. semolina and breadcrumbs, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. thick mayonnaise, salt, oil, hot spices.
- Cabbage is rubbed on the largest canvas with a grater, mixed with salt and selected seasonings.
- The onion is finely chopped with a knife and poured out to other products.
- It remains to add mayonnaise and semolina to the mass. The ingredients are actively mixed with a spoon, after which the minced meat is left for 25 minutes until the semolina swells.
- Small cutlets are formed from the resulting mass, each of which is crumbling on all sides.
If desired, the finished treat after frying can also be stewed in tomato juice.
Cauliflower Recipe
You can also prepare delicious ruddy cutlets from colored vegetables. For this, 1 cabbage fork will be enough. You also need to take: 2 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. flour, oil, a mixture of peppers, salt.
- The forks of the vegetable are carefully disassembled for inflorescence, after which they are boiled until soft in salted water. It is very important not to digest the product so that it does not turn into porridge.
- The finished vegetable is reclined in a colander and transferred to a convenient dish for kneading minced meat.
- A bunch of inflorescences turn into mashed potatoes. Do not use a blender for this.
- Salt and a mixture of peppers are added to the vegetable mass.
- Eggs interfere with minced meat.
- Last added wheat flour.
- Products are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
- Thin cauliflower cutlets are formed from the mass and fried in hot fat on both sides.
Before serving to the table, it is laid out on a paper towel.
Mushrooms cutlets
Much more discussed vegetable dish will make mushrooms. In addition to fresh champignons (150 g), you will need to use: 350 g of young cabbage, large onion, 3 tbsp. semolina, 2 eggs, 120 ml of milk, a pinch of ground turmeric and red pepper, salt, oil.
- The vegetable is first chopped into strips, then cut into small cubes. Similarly, you need to do with onions and mushrooms. By the way, frozen champignons are quite suitable for such a recipe.
- Cabbage is transferred to thick-walled dishes, salted, filled with milk and stewed on the smallest light under a closed lid.
- Mushrooms with onions are fried until the latter is transparent.
- Semolina is added to the almost ready-made cabbage, after which the mixture is left on fire for a couple of minutes before the cereal swells.
- The cooled stewed vegetable is thoroughly mixed with frying.
- It remains to add eggs and seasonings to the minced meat.
- To make the mass thick enough, after stirring, it is removed for half an hour in the cold.
- Cutlets are fried on both sides in fat or oil.
A dish with sour cream sauce with finely chopped herbs is served.
With the addition of potatoes
This light and quick treat will perfectly replace the side dish. It is satisfying and tasty. In addition to potatoes (5 pcs.), You will need to take: 800 g of fresh cabbage, 2 white onions, 1 egg, 3 garlic cloves, a handful of breadcrumbs, salt, oil.
- The vegetable is cut into large pieces, after which it is boiled in salted boiling water, squeezed and chopped using a blender.
- Chopped garlic cloves and onions are fried in vegetable oil.
- Potatoes with fried vegetables are mashed, salted and, if desired, pepper.
- An egg is added.
- The cutlets formed from minced meat are fried until golden brown after breaking in breadcrumbs.
Serve with mayonnaise-based garlic sauce.
Cabbage cutlets with meat
Vegetable cutlets are loved not only by vegetarians. Especially if you add beef pulp (750 g) to the cabbage (550 g). You also need to take: a couple of onions, an egg, 50 g semolina, salt, pepper, oil.
- Cabbage is finely chopped with a sharp knife and poured with boiling water. After cooling, the mass is carefully wrung out.
- Onions are passed through a meat grinder along with meat.
- Soaked cabbage, egg, salt, pepper, semolina are added to the minced meat.
- After 15-20 minutes, you can form cutlets and cook them in breadcrumbs.
Before serving, the dish is poured with melted butter.
The most delicious recipe with semolina
Semolina is a very common component of vegetable cutlets, as it allows you to make minced meat more thick and dense.
For such a cereal recipe, 5 tbsp will be required immediately. And also: 650 g of fresh cabbage, 2 onions, a pair of garlic cloves, 2 eggs, 40 g of butter, a bunch of fresh herbs, salt, oil. How to cook cabbage cutlets with semolina, described below.
- All cabbage turns into thin straws. To do this, you can use a sharp knife and a food processor.
- The chopped vegetable is boiled in boiling water for 8 minutes until soft. Time may vary according to the variety of cabbage. The main thing is not to digest the vegetable.
- Onions are finely chopped and sautéed in butter. It should become golden, but not burn.
- Boiled cabbage is washed with cold water, squeezed, mixed with frying, chopped garlic, chopped herbs.
- It remains to add semolina, eggs, salt the minced meat and you can form miniature cutlets from it.
Semolina can also be replaced with oatmeal.
Dietary Cabbage Cutlets
Cabbage cutlets are a great diet dish. It will help to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time not to suffer from hunger. Such a treat is prepared from: 450 g of vegetable, 5 tbsp. Hercules, 1 egg, salt.
- Cabbage is thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel and rubbed on a grater with the smallest cells. If you choose a special shredder, you will not be able to make the dish tender.
- An egg is driven into the vegetable mass, salt and hercules are added. Stuffing should be thoroughly kneaded to make it thick and uniform.
- Cutlets are baked in a well-heated oven on a baking sheet, oiled. You can cover it with foil.
A dish with low-fat salted sour cream is served.
With minced meat and cheese
Such cutlets are liked by both adults and children. They are an excellent alternative to the usual meat dish and go well with any side dishes. For such cutlets you need to take: 350 g of cabbage, carrots, 150 g of minced meat from any meat, 120 g of hard cheese, 1 egg, 70 ml of fat yogurt, 180 g of flour, salt, pepper, oil.
- Cabbage is rubbed on a fine grater, and cheese and carrot are on a medium.
- Prepared vegetables and a dairy product are mixed with minced meat.
- Kefir is poured into a bowl of food, salt and pepper are added.
- It remains to add flour and egg to the vegetable mass, and then mix it thoroughly.
- Formed cutlets are rolled in flour and fried in oil.
Ready cabbage can also be stewed for a couple of minutes in sour cream.
Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya
This famous recipe from Julia Vysotskaya is very fond of modern housewives. It is simple and allows you to cook a delicious dish. To do this, use: 350 g of fresh cabbage, 60 g of semolina, 1 egg, 1.5 tbsp. vegetable broth, salt, spices, oil.
- Cabbage is washed, dried with a paper towel and chopped with a blender.
- An egg is driven into the mass, semolina is added. The products are thoroughly mixed and left for 12 minutes. During this time, the cereal should swell.
- Vegetable oil in a pan is heated well, and cutlets formed from minced meat are laid out in it. The food is fried until brown on both sides.
- Next, the broth is poured into the pan (you can use meat), in which the dish is stewed for another 7-10 minutes.
Cabbage cutlets with any sauce based on sour cream or unsweetened yogurt are served.
- Tatyana