Avocados are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In cooking, medicine and cosmetology, not only the pulp of the plant is used, but also its core. What is useful avocado seed, we learn in today's article.
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Useful properties of avocado seeds
The fruit core contains more beneficial trace elements than the pulp. Much more useful are the unripe, dense fruits. It is in them that the maximum concentration of potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, is observed.
And also the bone is saturated with a large number of amino acids (there are even more of them than in red fish and caviar). Amino acids are especially necessary for women. They contribute to better brain function, positively affect the nervous system, and slow down the aging process.
Useful properties of avocado seed:
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many antioxidants in the core. Correctly taking the powder that is made of it, you can strengthen the immune system, forget about chronic diseases.
- In the bone is a special substance flavonol. Modern scientists based on it are developing cancer drugs. And also these enzymes help prevent the development of tumors in the body.
- Significantly lowers cholesterol. This is especially true for overweight people. The bone contains a lot of fiber. It does not allow the digestive tract to absorb and digest fats.
- Eliminates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates vomiting, diarrhea, quickly removes toxins and toxins. The bone is indispensable during diets.
- Scientists have proven that avocados are a natural antibiotic. Its powder can easily cope with thrush.
The fruit has a lot of useful properties. The main thing is to correctly and moderately apply avocados so that no side effects occur.
Is it possible to eat a kernel
Having bought fruit, a logical question arises: is it possible to eat avocado seed? In its pure form, it will not work, the bone is very bitter. But it’s enough to work hard and it will be ready for use:
- peel off the brown peel. It is quite dense, so you need a sharp knife;
- thinly slice the white flesh;
- cover the baking sheet with baking paper, lay out the resulting slices;
- send to the oven for several hours. Check the readiness of the kernel for the color of the crust. Ideally, it should be brown;
- after the bone has completely dried, it is taken out, allowed to cool and ground into a powder in a blender.
Well-known chefs advise adding powder to meat, fish, vegetables. This will give the dish not only a specific taste, but also a pleasant aroma.
And also from the powder, you can easily prepare a decoction. Boil it in water (10-15 minutes) and let it brew. Good to take during weight loss. The broth reduces appetite, removes toxins from the body, breaks down fats, and normalizes metabolism.
Read also:how to eat avocado
Methods of use for medicinal purposes
Avocado stone is actively used in medicine. As already mentioned, on its basis produce cancer drugs. But the therapeutic effect and effectiveness of many of them has not yet been scientifically proven.
Decoctions of avocados are used as an antibiotic. Its healing properties are as follows:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antiviral;
- antibacterial;
- antifungal;
- regenerative.
Also, powder from avocado seeds can be applied to open wounds and suppurations. This will contribute to their rapid healing.
Use in cosmetology
The use of avocado seeds in cosmetology has been known since ancient times. According to legend, Queen Cleopatra herself based on it prepared scrubs, peels, hair masks and face masks.
What effect can be expected from the use of avocado seeds:
- Evens skin color, removes age spots, circles under the eyes.
- Smoothes out fine age wrinkles. This is possible thanks to the phytohormones that are part of the composition.
- Moisturizes the dermis, prevents peeling.
- Promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues.
It is not necessary to visit a beautician to take advantage of miracle means. Everything can be made independently.
Blend for skin scrubbing:
- Grind the bone.
- Mix with any oil (preferably linseed).
- Apply on face.
- Leave on for 10 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
Such a scrub cleans pores well, removes dust, dirt, prevents the appearance of acne and boils.
Hair Mask:
- Grind raw avocado seeds to a pulp state.
- Mix with burdock oil.
- Apply to hair.
- Leave for 1-2 hours.
Hair after such a mask becomes soft, obedient, and begins to grow faster.
There are a lot of recipes for cosmetics that use avocado seed. We offer only effective and proven options.
Contraindications and possible harm
There is a list of contraindications that you need to know about before consuming avocado powder in food:
- intolerance to the individual components that make up the core (an allergic reaction occurs);
- serious kidney problems;
- carrying a child (contributes to bloating and increasing uterine tone);
- lactation period (constipation may occur in mother and baby);
- dermatitis and skin rash. The composition of the avocado includes chitinase. This enzyme is a very strong allergen, it can provoke an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases.
Possible harm:
- The core contains tannins, they are quite toxic. Their excess leads to indigestion;
- Persin contained in the core is a fungicidal toxin. In large doses, it is dangerous, can cause serious poisoning, lead to severe intoxication. Some experts even attribute this compound to poisonous. It is even used to create poison for rodents;
- the product can cause diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
- everyone knows that avocados are an allergen.Skin rashes, itching, swelling may appear.
Having assessed the benefits and harms of avocado seeds, we can conclude that not everyone fits the seed. To eat powder, you need to carefully and moderately, just season them with salad or garnish.
But in cosmetology, avocado seed is an indispensable ingredient. It is a natural antioxidant for the skin, which helps smooth wrinkles and improve complexion.