Birthday is a significant and significant holiday in the life of every person. Regardless of how the birthday person relates to this date, relatives and friends will probably want to make original and sincere wishes for him for many years of happiness. Especially for those who see beauty in trifles and small sayings, short birthday greetings have been created for men and women.

Beautiful short congratulations for a woman in prose

The modern world is very dynamic and multifaceted. Unfortunately, the minutes of life do not stand still, and people do not allow themselves to stop with them. Man always needs to rush somewhere. But even in a series of endless everyday life, congratulating a friend on a birthday person will count many people as his duty. In a whirlwind of cares and responsibilities, most congratulators will probably be limited to small congratulations. Despite the brevity, such sayings can become a full-fledged verbal present, especially if we talk about beautiful and sincere congratulations to the woman.

Tip. The choice of the format of congratulations for the birthday party, of course, remains with the congratulator. In this regard, both poetic lines and the original prose will become equally convenient and appropriate.

It is generally accepted that a poem is perceived faster due to the presence of rhymed lines in it. While the congratulation, composed in your own words, bears a bright emotional connotation - after reading sincere lines you can feel the efforts of the congratulator, who put his whole soul into their compilation.

  1. Honey, happy birthday to you! I wish you endless beauty, youth and femininity, joy and inspiration, health and wealth, abundance, wealth and prosperity. May your dreams please you with your fulfillment. Love you and prosperity!
  2. Happy Birthday! I wish you ups and achievements, plans and goals, surprises and loved ones nearby. To be a loving and beloved, always young soul, melodic heart, harmonious in everything.
  3. Lovely woman, sun creation, happy birthday to you! We wish you a maximum of pleasant compliments and surprises on this day. Love, care, smiles, joy, fulfillment of desires and enormous comprehensive happiness!
  4. Happy Birthday, wonderful and gorgeous woman. I wish you the nobleness of the soul, inspiration of the heart, unquenchable happiness in life and constant good luck in all matters.
  5. Happy Birthday! Never get tired of dreaming, always believe in the best and keep your femininity, in spite of any adversity!
  6. Happy Birthday, wonderful and gorgeous woman. I wish you the nobleness of the soul, inspiration of the heart, unquenchable happiness in life and constant good luck in all matters.

How to briefly congratulate a man in your own words

As a rule, men are very rational, reserved people who value every minute of life and really do not like to lose time. This is especially true for business and successful representatives of the stronger sex. Especially for such birthday people, short, laconic birthday greetings are suitable.

In this case, it is very important to rely on the quality of congratulations, and not on its volume.

Perhaps, having received a short, but sincere and touching congratulation, a serious and business birthday boy will slow down the pace for at least a couple of minutes and enjoy reading the original saying. Especially for such cases, succinct and short congratulations to the man on his birthday are suitable.

  1. Happy birthday, congratulations to a beautiful man. I wish you steel health, iron patience, daily inspiration, high success, true love, sincere happiness, home comfort and understanding of loved ones.
  2. Happy birthday to a beautiful man! I wish that dreams come true daily. May life be long and happy. Joy, prosperity, prosperity, love, devotion, fidelity, honesty and a sea of ​​pleasures!
  3. Be forever cheerful, happy, lucky, affectionate, well, loved! Never hurt, regret nothing! Congratulations!
  4. Happy Birthday. I wish every day to train my strength and health, improve my talent and success, achieve everything at once, because such a man will succeed!
  5. I congratulate the strong and strong man on his birthday. I wish you a steel endurance and a favorable fate, brilliant prospects and real happiness in life.

Small verses for beautiful ladies

The expression "beautiful ladies" in most people is still associated with magnificent dresses, magnificent balls, impregnable girls, beauties and the era of minstrels. Ancient poets knew a lot about composing magnificent songs and poems that could affect the heart of even the most real coquette!

The talents of the poet or bard are currently awakened by no means in every man. But is this really the reason to leave the birthday girl without an original and reverent birthday greeting in poetry? And let her dictum be not like a voluminous medieval poem, but contain only a few lines, their beauty, sincerity and sincerity are unlikely to leave indifferent the modern beautiful lady.

  1. Be always irresistible, Healthy, young, beautiful, As before joyful, smart. I wish you happiness with all my heart! And on the birthday - fun, good luck, laughter, mood!
  2. We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday! You are admired. Let became older - nonsense, You will always be young. Blossom, shine in all its glory - Let everyone be envious!
  3. I wish colorful bouquets, Male affection to be warmed.Love, warmth, still luck, Wealth, happiness. Happy Birthday!
  4. Always be happy, And let the soul sing, Do not be sad, Let it be lucky in life. Love, a lot of luck, Compassion. Happy Birthday!
  5. I wish a beautiful woman to Always be dazzling, May every day inspire you, And regardless of the years, Let the soul be young, Open, passionate, groovy!

Verses for the stronger sex

Ancient princes and knights of reverent poetry and songs, of course, no one dedicated. Magnificent ballads and poems about feats of arms, valor and courage fell on their lot. In general, in the modern world, little has changed, except that the vector format of the activity of the stronger sex has changed.

Now, instead of successes on the battlefield, in congratulations it is quite appropriate to note the successful struggle with a competitor for the workplace. As practice shows, these battles are no less hot than medieval battles. Another good option is to glorify the valiant warrior, taming the fierce sea monster. It doesn’t matter that in reality the warrior was using a fishing rod with his sword and the terrible monster is actually a small perch. And the feat of mining “gold and gems” in the family treasury is everywhere performed by many men in the country and even around the world.

And it does not matter at all that all these valiant deeds will be placed in one small congratulation in prose.

Indeed, for a man, recognition of his merits is very important, each of which is neither more nor less, but a real feat.

  1. Today is only your day! Let money come to you - by the river. Let your adversity go away. Man is colored by years! And let friends be faithful, All grievances will be forgotten.
  2. We wish courage and strength, Fortune, happiness, inspiration. Let everything that pleases a man, happen to you on your birthday!
  3. May they always be with you, Hope, faith, luck, peace, They will never leave you, I still wish you good and love.
  4. I wish you and soul with my heart: May great success await you in life. I wish you never to give up, And live and love, and dream, smile.
  5. Happiness, love, fun and laughter, To work is like joy. High flying, soft falls - All we wish you on your birthday!

Capacious and concise, but at the same time beautiful and original birthday greetings are a real decoration of the holiday. Small in volume solemn sayings will surely appeal to birthday men of both sexes. Despite the seemingly short and even modest content, such a format of congratulations is quite within the power to contain all the main thoughts necessary for a full congratulation on this solemn day.