Most males prefer short haircuts. And this is no coincidence, because they are less demanding on care and styling, and if you add an active lifestyle to all this, then this is the best option. Let's talk about what men's short hairstyles are like, who gets haircuts with bangs and shaved temples, how does asymmetry affect the image of young people, and how to choose a model in a sports style?

Classic men's short hairstyles

For stylists not to invent, classics are always in fashion. And although most new hairstyles come from classic options, many do not even know about it.

So, what haircuts are we talking about:

  • the well-known haircut "Boxing" - the minimum hair length, with shaved areas in the temples, allowing you to maximize the facial features. In addition, the great advantage of this model is the ease of care, which is welcomed by young people who lead an active life;
  • no less popular model is the “Half Box” haircut - a hairstyle is characterized by short hair on the sides and on the back of the head, and elongated locks in the crown and bangs. If we compare this hairstyle in terms of style, then it looks much more interesting than the option considered above;
  • hairstyle "under the typewriter" - the easiest option in the performance, which can not even handle a professional. It is enough to take a clipper and adjust the desired level. A distinctive feature of the hairstyle is the same length of hair throughout the head;
  • "Canada" - a more stylish option with long strands in the bangs and crown.The temporal and occipital region are cut short enough, but there are no sharp boundaries. Long strands can be combed back and a small pile to add volume;
  • "British" is another type of stylish hairstyle with parting on one side. For its styling, fixing agents are used - gels that simulate a haircut;
  • “Bob” - for this hairstyle is characterized by the presence of elongated strands, with twisted tips inward. Round bangs effectively complement the image of any young man;
  • “Playground” is a youth-style haircut, which is distinguished by short hair on the sides and on the back of the head with a smooth transition to elongated strands in the upper part of the head that are cut according to the type of site. The only condition for performing such a model is hair that is tough enough so that the hairstyle does not lose its appearance.

If we talk about classic haircuts, then more likely we need to focus not on the technique of execution, but on their characteristics.

Typically, these models have several advantages:

  • practicality;
  • simplicity in leaving and technique of performance;
  • short hair length.

With shaved parts

Today, many young people prefer unusual solutions in hairstyles. On the one hand, it’s beautiful, and on the other, a great way to attract the attention of the opposite sex.


A non-standard solution can be considered men's hairstyles for short hair with shaved sides and the back of the head. First you need to decide who suits this option. Of course, these haircuts are more common to observe in young people, but this does not mean that representatives of the older generation cannot wear them. As for the lifestyle, such models are suitable for creative people, athletes or students.

If we talk about business style, then the chosen hairstyle is less appropriate, although most stylists are ready to argue with this statement and give convincing arguments of their innocence.

What haircuts look harmoniously with shaved parts:

  • repeating, let's call the classic “Boxing” or “Semibox”, in which the lateral and occipital parts of the head are shaved, leaving longer strands at the top;
  • “Canada” and “British” look good with shaved temples and a nape;
  • “Undercut” is a fairly new model that is very popular among young people. It does not imply smooth transitions from short to long hair, the borders are sharp and clear;
  • “Voyage” - this model is distinguished by short-shaven hair in the temples and on the back of the head, and the border between short strands and long is emphasized by a line around the entire perimeter;
  • "Pompadour" is a more youthful version, which is now at the peak of popularity. It is distinguished by lush hair in the upper part of the head and shaved temples. To give more volume, stylists use various cosmetics and graduated haircuts;
  • Iroquois is a bold enough decision that suits young people with a rebellious character. All the same shaved sides and ruffled hair, laid in the form of a comb;
  • a hairstyle with a ponytail - long strands on the top of the head are piled in a ponytail, and on the bottom are short-shaven, with a clear boundary between the two tiers of hair.

If you decide on a hairstyle with shaved sides and a nape, be sure to consider the option with drawings made with a razor.

Sporty style

Sports lifestyle affects a lot, including the choice of hairstyles. Such a rhythm of life requires a lot, so most young people prefer these models to more stylish options.

What are the advantages of sports style hairstyles:

  • its owners always occupy leading positions;
  • Ideal for all face types
  • convenient and practical;
  • have many varieties;
  • simple to execute;
  • suitable for any lifestyle and for different styles of clothing;
  • not tied to age limits.

Which models differ in similar qualities:

  • a “zero” haircut is the easiest option you can think of. The chosen haircut option provides a lot of advantages and free time. And although this model is not suitable for every person, it is difficult for some to imagine themselves in a different way;
  • haircut "under the nozzle" and "Boxing" - we have already written about these options, so we will not go deep;
  • the classic “hedgehog” is another type of short haircut, which is characterized by tousled hair in the upper part of the head, whence this name actually appeared.

As for short hair, everything is clear here. Are there any fashionable men's hairstyles for sports style for medium length hair? Yes, there are such options, because not all of the models listed above are for everyone.

Let's look at them too:

  • Among the most popular options on medium hair stands out "Canada." Her main "trick" is a uniformly increasing hair length from the nape to the forehead. It is ideal for all types of hair, except for owners of naughty curls;
  • no less popular “Half Box”, which is performed in almost the same manner as Canada. If you do not differ in the ideal shape of the head, then you have found what you were looking for;
  • Tennis haircut - there are very few restrictions on the use of this model. One of them is an elongated oval of the face. This is due to the specifics of the way the hairstyle is executed, since it has inherent shaved whiskey and a nape, as well as elongated locks in the crown area;
  • elongated “Hedgehog” - this option is suitable for young charismatic people who are used to constant attention. And although she looks very catchy, she brings a certain charm to the guy’s image. Of course, this style does not fit a business suit, but ripped jeans will be a great addition to the look. The only drawback is daily styling. But how stylish she looks!

Any short haircut can be considered sports. It is convenient and practical, but what else do young people with an active lifestyle need?

Trending Short Hairstyles

Keeping up with today's rhythm of life is quite difficult, and even more so, always being “in trend”. Oddly enough, this applies not only to clothes, but also to hairstyles. But we still try.

So, what haircuts are considered the most trendy:

  • the leading position belongs to Canada - this is due to the harmony of style and technique. It is unique in that it has no age limit, which explains its popularity;
  • haircut "Anderkat" - short whiskey with long strands on the top of the head create the image of a sophisticated and charismatic young man. Proper installation allows you to use this model both in the walls of the office, and at a cool party;
  • “Military” - the effectiveness of this model is explained by a multi-stage execution technique. Ideal for guys and men who are always on the "crest of the wave";
  • haircut "Grunge" - characterized by asymmetric strands of various lengths. It is noteworthy that such a model is gaining popularity among the young generation every year, creating an image of dudes for its owners;
  • model haircut "Tomboy" - perfect for impressive guys. As for convenience and practicality, there are no complaints.

Not even haircuts, but manners of their design become no less popular. More precisely, the shaved drawings and styling styles. The main thing in this matter is to find an experienced stylist who can create your chosen image.

Stylish ideas with bangs

Oddly enough, but a bang in a men's haircut performs the same functions as in female models.


  • makes it possible to hide the imperfections of appearance and emphasize the merits;
  • allows you to create a bright and unique image.

If you never wore hairstyles with bangs, then you just need to consult a specialist, otherwise you are very at risk.

What can a stylist advise:

  • long bangs of bangs are perfect for a round oval of the face;
  • the image with protruding cheekbones can be made a little softer if you comb long curls back;
  • with an angular chin and a square oval of the face, it is recommended to use a technique with long locks in the crown and bangs, which will allow to smooth out sharp lines;
  • with an elongated shape of the face, asymmetry or oblique bangs should be used, and the hair should be given more volume;
  • with the correct oval of the face, you can use bangs of various types: straight, slanting or asymmetric. The main thing is that they are consistent with the main hairstyle.

A lot has already been said about haircuts for short and medium hair, almost every model listed in the article can be worn with or without bangs. It depends on the lifestyle, lifestyle and type of hair.

Let's talk a little about stylish hairstyles for men with bangs:

  • it can be any graduated models with oblique bangs;
  • loved by many classic haircuts: “Boxing”, “Half Box” or “British”. They look great with bangs of different lengths;
  • from the range of sports haircuts can be distinguished "Canada", "Hedgehog" and "Tennis";
  • if you touch the retro style, then the leading positions are occupied by "Anderkat", "Elvis" or "Hitler Youth";
  • in the style of the avant-garde, the most suitable hairstyle with bangs may be "Grunge";
  • "Courageous dandy", made in an elegant style, goes well with bangs of any length and texture. The only condition is to do the styling correctly.

As can be seen from the above options, bangs fit almost any model, if used correctly when creating your image.

With asymmetry elements

The haircuts and hairstyles listed above belong to symmetrical models. And what to do if you want to move away from the established framework and create a bolder image. Asymmetric haircuts are ideal for this.

What can be attributed to these models:

  • classic "Bob" with elongated strands of bangs. Randomly falling curls add a touch of rebellion to the image, making it more courageous and bold;
  • “Torn cascade” - this model is used to correct the flaws of the face contour. There are no strict rules for its implementation, so the wizard will focus on your appearance;
  • haircut "Grunge" with a long bang - a rather original and extravagant style, suitable for confident guys;
  • the familiar “Canada” - is characterized by strands of different lengths;
  • and undercut haircut - with sharp transitions from long to short strands.

Asymmetry is always striking, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, then these options are just for you. A lot depends on the correct styling of the men's haircut. However, as a rule, this applies to more stringent hairstyles, where each strand should lie in its place. As for asymmetry, a certain liberty is allowed here, creating the impression of courage, emancipation and rebellion in the image.

As you can see from the article, there are a lot of options for stylish hairstyles for men, made for short or medium hair. Deciding on the choice of the desired model is quite difficult, but trusting an experienced specialist, you can easily solve this problem.