This plant is widely used not only in cooking, but also in the treatment of various diseases. Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon determine the appropriateness of its use in each particular case. Therefore, before starting home therapy, you should definitely understand in more detail the composition of the plant and its effect on the body.

Types of cinnamon spice and its composition

Cinnamon contains a large number of different nutrients.

  • It is very high in calories (247 Kcal per 100 g of product) due to its high carbohydrate content.
  • The plant also contains proteins and a small percentage of fat.
  • The most significant place in the composition is occupied by dietary fiber (cellulose). This is due to the plant origin of the spice.
  • It also contains water, a small amount of ash and saturated fatty acids.

The benefits of cinnamon are due to the active substances in its composition.

These include:

  • calcium and potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, manganese and iron, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium;
  • choline;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) and niacin (vitamin PP);
  • a full range of B vitamins, including the most valuable folic acid for women (vitamin B9);
  • beta carotene;
  • phylloquinone (vitamin K) and retinol.

Other active substances include tannins, resins, coumarin, starch, polyphenol, aldehyde and cinnamon. They also affect the properties of the product and have healing potential.

The chemical composition of cinnamon varies by species.

  • The most useful plants grow in Sri Lanka. The concentration of active substances and their ratio in them are optimal.
  • In the Chinese form of Cassia, a large amount of coumarin and tannins was found. Therefore, harm from such cinnamon can exceed the benefit.
  • Malabar species and Cinnamon are of average quality and do not have a high therapeutic effect.

Cinnamon: useful and medicinal properties in detail

Due to its rich composition, cinnamon has a lot of useful properties.

These include:

  • pyridoxine toning;
  • cinnamon disinfection;
  • soothing due to coumarin;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract due to fiber;
  • decrease in the concentration of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevention of colorectal cancer due to the presence of vitamin K;
  • regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by polyphenol;
  • improved memory and ability to concentrate due to vitamin B1;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle due to folic acid.

Each active substance is responsible for the specific healing properties of cinnamon. This allowed her to have a wide range of indications for use and the vastness of the scope of application.

Cinnamon Applications

Many people know this plant only as a spice. However, the scope of its use is much wider. Due to its rich composition, cinnamon is widely used in the treatment of diseases with herbs, in cosmetology and nutrition.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases

Herbalists and healers have been respected since ancient times, but even now some of their recipes are relevant. Cinnamon is also used to treat many diseases.

These include:

  • the initial stage of atherosclerosis (removes dangerous cholesterol from the body);
  • diabetes mellitus (regulation of blood sugar due to polyphenol, which accelerates the action of insulin);
  • diarrhea (due to tannins in the composition);
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys (enhances urination, washing the inflamed areas naturally);
  • blockage of the biliary tract or liver pathology (is a choleretic agent);
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels, coronary heart disease;
  • systemic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • disturbances in the human nervous system (improved sleep, increased mood, antidepressant effect);
  • antipyretic for colds;
  • due to the pungent odor helps to cope with nasal congestion;
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity.

A wide range of uses in traditional medicine speaks of cinnamon as an indispensable drug.

How cinnamon is used in cosmetology

The main product of cinnamon, widely used in cosmetology, is its oil.

A massage for the body is performed with it, as well as various hair masks. But using this plant and just inside also improves the appearance. Vitamins K, E, A and group B help maintain the skin's water balance, trigger its renewal, and help synthesize collagen.

Also, these substances stimulate and awaken the hair follicles. This increases the density of the hairstyle.

Cinnamon tinctures are used to treat the skin, which help get rid of inflammation.

Slimming cinnamon

The main reason for gaining excess weight is a malfunction of the digestive tract and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Cinnamon does a great job of eliminating these problems. Due to the large amount of cellulose, it establishes the evacuation of food from the intestines. This helps to speed up metabolism, which is the main task of a person seeking to lose weight.

Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism also contributes to weight loss. This helps to spend more energy and accumulate less subcutaneous fat.

Importantly, a complex of vitamins allows you to maintain healthy skin and hair, even in conditions of malnutrition on a diet.

Cooking Application

Cinnamon, as a spice, is known to all. It is added to desserts, sprinkled with cakes and pastries. Also with this spice most dishes of oriental cuisine are cooked. Coffee is served with cinnamon in restaurants, which adds a soft, spicy taste to it, and also allows you to draw intricate patterns on its surface.

This cheers guests up, but in addition, the combination of cinnamon with coffee has a powerful invigorating effect.

The most famous cinnamon drink is mulled wine. It simply cannot be cooked properly without spicy spices. And the dessert, which is known throughout the world, has rightfully become an apple pie with cinnamon. This combination is considered a classic cooking.

Cinnamon is often served with alcoholic beverages. It drowns the taste of alcohol and gives an exquisite aroma. Sometimes a cinnamon stick is specially laid on the table during dinner - its smell increases appetite and improves digestion.

How to use cinnamon for health?

A powerful vitamin cocktail is a mixture of ginger, cinnamon and honey.

  1. To prepare it, take a liter jar.
  2. It is half filled with honey, and then 100 g of ginger and 25 g of cinnamon are added.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed with warm tea, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can also add orange or lemon to the composition. Citrus fruits will dilute the sweetness of honey, increase the amount of vitamin C in the medicine, and also add new notes of taste.

A healthy drink is cinnamon tea. It is cooked with milk.

  1. In the teapot, a traditional drink is prepared, which is then filled with a tablespoon of cinnamon.
  2. After thorough stirring, milk is added to the resulting solution.

The resulting tea drink stimulates the nervous system, gives strength and improves the functioning of the digestive system. As a result, lightness and good mood appear.

Coffee with cinnamon - beneficial properties

Coffee perfectly stimulates the nervous system. It has an invigorating effect, and also helps to start the work of the digestive tract. Cinnamon enhances its properties. A pinch of spice added to the drink softens its taste and adds a boost of vigor. In the cafe, waiters draw cinnamon drawings on coffee foam to improve the mood of the guest.

Such a drink remains tasty without the addition of sugar. This reduces the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which contributes to weight loss and improve appearance. And with the ease that has appeared, the person’s energy increases, which he spends on useful actions. This significantly improves the quality of life and helps to move forward with new forces.

What is the use of honey and cinnamon?

Cinnamon and honey are used as a natural sedative.

They soothe and eliminate sleep disturbances. In colds, this combination acts as a powerful antipyretic. A drink with cinnamon and honey allows you to quickly remove toxins through the skin, increasing sweat. This speeds up recovery and alleviates the condition of the patient.

The combination of cinnamon with honey acts as a detoxification therapy. This allows you to remove parasites in a natural way. This prevents a dangerous effect on the liver of modern drugs. To do this, mix cinnamon with honey in a combination of 1: 2 and diluted in a glass of water. The drink is consumed in 1 reception, and the next day it is prepared fresh. It is impossible to store the medicine, since it loses all the beneficial properties, leaving only a pleasant taste.

Useful properties and methods of using cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon oil has been widely used in cosmetology. It helps relieve inflammation, and also disinfects the skin.

Performing a massage with this oil helps:

  • improve the general condition of the skin;
  • smooth complexion;
  • make up for the lack of nutrition, remove peeling;
  • get rid of rashes;
  • accelerate resorption of hematomas;
  • improve metabolic processes in the skin.

If a stronger effect is required, essential oil is used. It is added to the mask or applied pointwise.

It helps to get rid of:

  • head lice;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • fungal diseases;
  • dermatitis and dermatoses.

Before using cinnamon oil, you should visit a dermatologist who will advise how to use it.

Contraindications for use

With uncontrolled use of cinnamon in unlimited quantities, the taste sensitivity of the tongue can decrease. In addition, headaches and a feeling of weakness occur.

To avoid side effects, cinnamon is not used in several conditions.

These include:

  • acute pathology of the digestive system;
  • the presence of problems with blood coagulation;
  • the presence of food allergies, including spices;
  • tendency to high blood pressure.

Cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. When carrying a child, she is able to increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which leads to childbirth ahead of schedule. On breastfeeding, cinnamon is not consumed due to a change in the taste of milk under its influence. The child in this case may completely refuse to eat.

Cinnamon is widely used to treat and prevent various conditions, as well as to prolong youth and beauty. This plant is rich in active substances, but do not take it yourself. Any therapy should be monitored by a specialist. This will help to achieve the best results without harm to health.