If coriander is just seasoning for you, you don't know anything about it. This plant is very often used in medicine. The beneficial properties of coriander are widely known, however, there are contraindications that you must know before using the plant.

What is coriander?

Coriander is an annual herb belonging to the genus Coriander of the Umbrella Plant family. It has a fusiform root and a tall bare straight stem (can reach a height of up to seventy centimeters).

Has small white or pink flowers, which are arranged in the form of complex umbrellas in the form of three to five rays.

Flowering time: June - July. Ripening occurs in the southern regions - during July, and in the northern - in late August or early September.

Useful properties of coriander

The beneficial properties of this plant were known in the second millennium BC. This spice has since been widely used to treat many diseases. But this seasoning not only heals, but also has many other advantages.


In addition to the fact that it is added to baking and confectionery, meat or fish, liquid dishes, decoctions and infusions are made from it, which effectively treat various diseases.

Coriander contains a lot of organic acids, trace elements and vitamins (for example, vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP), a lot of calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper. Also, a significant proportion of the required daily allowance of selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine is available.

And all this is easily absorbed by the human body.

What diseases does it help?

This aromatic spice helps to lower blood pressure, which is a necessary condition for the treatment of hypertension. On the other hand, when using drugs from coriander, the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels improves in patients. For the same purpose, similar drugs are used in ophthalmology - the tone of the muscles of the eye is enhanced, which helps to combat visual impairment.

Due to the fact that coriander increases vascular tone, it is used to stop bleeding, including from the gums.

The plant helps to combat edema, which often occurs with pathologies of the cardiac and urinary systems. Its effect is soft and gradual, which is very convenient for practical use.

Since ancient times, plant seeds have been used to stimulate the digestive system. They increase appetite and allow better absorption of food, which is very important for peptic ulcers of the digestive tract and after surgical interventions. Coriander also helps with flatulence.

Coriander-based drugs are widely used to treat liver and gall bladder diseases. Such drugs are prescribed for cholecystitis, gallstone disease, the presence of torsions or narrowing of the biliary tract, hypomotor dysfunction of the gallbladder.

Due to the fact that the plant has the property of enhancing the secretion of gastric juice, it is used to treat hypoacid diseases of the stomach, with a deterioration in its motor function.

Also, after the use of preparations based on coriander, metabolic processes intensify, which allows you to treat many diseases, ranging from poisoning to obesity.

Coriander-based medicines are indicated for patients with diabetes. Since this plant helps to reduce blood sugar. What is the main goal of the treatment of the disease.

Due to the pronounced diaphoretic effect, the plant is used to detoxify the body and in the cosmetic industry.

Read also:useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon

Since ancient times, coriander seeds ground into powder have been used as an antiparasitic.

In ancient times, coriander was used to treat skin lesions and its diseases. Crumpled leaves help quick healing of wounds, and juice, which has antibacterial properties, prevents their infection.

Decoction from the seeds of the plant is used as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

In the course of studies, it was noted that the well-known spice improves the functioning of the immune system.

Benefit for men

People of antiquity have noted the benefits of coriander for men's health. This herb is a natural aphrodisiac - a substance that enhances sexual desire.


Due to its effect on blood vessels, coriander helps eliminate potency problems. Its use is indicated in the treatment of prostatitis, again due to its effect on the vascular system.

Due to the fact that among men heart attack is more common than among women, regular consumption of this spicy plant will be quite useful. After all, it is able to lower blood pressure. And hypertension is the main cause of heart attack and stroke. It is proved that people who regularly use this spice with food have higher cardiovascular performance than those who do not have coriander.

Useful properties for women

This herb helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. Due to the characteristics of the effect on the muscular and nervous systems, coriander relieves pain and reduces cramping during menstruation. Gynecological doctors also recommend cilantro for women who have pronounced premenstrual syndrome. Fresh herbs and tea from this plant make it easier to tolerate menopause.

Due to the peculiarities of the effect on metabolic processes, the use of coriander is indicated for women with dysmetabolic manifestations (including those who want to lose weight).

Since the plant has a calming effect, it is indicated for women prone to stress. For the same reason, it is used to eliminate insomnia and normalize sleep. Drinking tea with this herb allows you to quickly fall asleep and sleep well, provides a vigorous lift.

The positive effect of eating greens on mood was also noted.

For a long time, coriander has been used to combat headaches.

Coriander Essential Oil - Benefits

The oil from this plant, in addition to medicine, is widely used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

In medicine, oil is used to treat:

  • Colds. It warms well with chills and strengthens the immune system, has an expectorant effect;
  • Rheumatism, neuralgia and arthritis. Massage with this oil removes pain and spasm, improves trophism (nutrition) of tissues and their blood supply;
  • Congestion in the liver and gall bladder;
  • Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the male genitourinary system and problems with potency. Coriander oil also enhances sexual desire;
  • Ascaridoses and other parasitic infections;
  • Muscle overstrain and inflammation. Massage or a warm bath with the oil of this plant relieves spasm well and increases blood flow to the organ;
  • Lesions of the skin and soft tissues, including wounds;
  • Vascular pathology. There is an increase in the tone of the "decrepit" vascular wall and relaxation is too "tense";
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, apathy. Inhalation of aromatic oil quickly gives energy and tone the body;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Bad breath from the mouth.

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The use of seeds, fruits

Coriander seeds are an excellent raw material in perfumery. They betray perfumes with a delicate and soft aroma, and also go well with other aromatic substances.

It should be noted that the seeds of the plant are used in medicine so that the medicine has a pleasant taste, and not bitter.

Traditional medicine promotes the use of seeds of this herb in order to expel a number of parasites from the body.

Coriander seed paste has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, so it can be used to treat wounds and skin diseases.

Decoctions and infusions from seeds improve blood circulation, have an encouraging effect, improve brain and cardiac activity, increase appetite. They can be used to stop mild seizures.

In addition, the seeds of the plant can eliminate the smell of alcohol and slow down intoxication, facilitate a hangover.

Of the fruits make essential oil, infusions, tinctures and decoctions.

Benefits of Coriander Tea

Coriander produces aromatic and pleasant, albeit specific to the taste, tea. With it, you can fight stress, hypertension, edema.


And a cup of tea before bedtime provides quick falling asleep, good sleep and easy morning rise.

Coriander honey: what's the use?

Coriander is an excellent honey plant. Coriander honey is rich in trace elements. It contains a lot of iron, copper, manganese.

Such honey has a wide range of properties:

  • Choleretic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Mild aphrodisiac;
  • Painkillers;
  • Bronchodilator;
  • Antiarrhythmic;
  • Secretory;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Expectorant;
  • Stimulates the immune system.

Cooking Application

The fruits of the plant are widely used in the form of spices. It betrays a pleasant aroma to sausages, cheeses, canned and dairy fish, marinades, pickles and liquors. Often this spice is used in baking. The famous "Borodino" bread must be with coriander.


In small quantities, this seasoning gives a pleasant taste to confectionery. It is added to cakes and pastries, cookies, muffins, etc.

And the leaves of a young plant of certain varieties can be eaten fresh.

This spice gives a special taste to meat, especially pork.


Despite all the benefits, coriander can harm health.Therefore, you need to know exactly who it can be used for and who not.

The use of coriander and preparations from it is contraindicated in pregnant women.

With caution, it is taken with peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum about exacerbation of cholecystitis. It is better for such patients to exclude coriander from food.

In all other cases, there are no contraindications to use.

You need to know that as a product with a high content of mineral and vitamin substances, this plant with excessive consumption can cause poisoning.