Greater burdock is well-known and widely distributed throughout the world. The plant gained its popularity not only thanks to fruits, intrusively clinging to clothes. Both the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock root have long been studied by doctors, and on the basis of medicinal raw materials obtained from the plant, preparations of a wide spectrum of action are produced.
Using the healing properties of the plant is an affordable way to eliminate many diseases, without even resorting to the help of doctors.
Material Content:
Burdock root - useful properties
Burdock, popularly known as burdock, is always located near the places where people live or work - in gardens and gardens, along roads and in ditches, in landfills or pastures.
The plant looks quite presentable - large fleshy leaves, a long and powerful stem with lilac-purple inflorescences are hard to miss.
But the true value of burdock lies in the part that is hidden underground - in its rhizomes. Yes, and the rhizome looks no less impressive than the aerial part of the plant - its length reaches 60 cm with a width of about three cm.
Features of the biochemical composition of the plant
Thanks to a unique set of useful components, the healing properties of burdock root are relevant in the treatment of a huge number of ailments, even those with which official medicine can not cope.
As a part of roots:
- energetically valuable inulin polysaccharide, which promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, the normalization of metabolic processes and the strengthening of immunity, indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
- essential oils;
- trace elements - boron, manganese, iron and zinc;
- resins;
- saturated fatty acids;
- alkaloids with antitumor activity;
- tannins;
- proteins.
It is easy to imagine what treats burdock root if the compounds in its composition provide choleretic, wound healing, antibacterial, diuretic, antifungal, antiseptic, antipyretic, laxative, and also blood-purifying action.
The use of burdock root for medicinal purposes
Almost all substances, compounds and trace elements in the rhizome of burdock have healing power.
Therefore, the list of indications for treatment with agents prepared from the root materials of burdock is quite extensive:
- gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and other diseases of the digestive tract, including dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder, ducts, and pancreas;
- diabetes;
- joint pain with rheumatism, gout, arthritis;
- disorders in the work of the renal and genitourinary systems - cystitis, ICD, urethritis, prostatitis;
- colds, viral and infectious diseases;
- dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, diathesis, seborrhea, ulcers, psoriasis, acne, burns;
- childhood rickets;
- mastopathy
- tumor processes.
It is interesting: symptoms and treatment of prostatitis
Traditional healers say that with medical preparations prepared from burdock root, any diseases can be cured.
With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
The healing properties of burdock root can not only relieve painful symptoms in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also help to eliminate them. For pain in the stomach, drugs prepared from rhizomes will relieve inflammation, normalize the level of acidity, and accelerate the healing of ulcers.
In the treatment of chronic gastritis and ulcers, the raw root of the plant is especially effective - it must be washed, cleaned and eaten as soon as possible after extraction.
With colitis and constipation, treatment is carried out with the help of decoctions from the rhizome. With various types of hepatitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis, the use of juice from burdock root is appropriate.
For colds and sore throats
Any drugs from burdock root have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, they are indispensable in the treatment of throat diseases. To relieve pain, as well as reduce and gradually eliminate inflammation, it is enough to gargle daily with a herbal extract.
In the treatment of colds and viral infections, the antibacterial, diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic properties of burdock will help.
For joint treatment
Compresses and ointments based on oil from burdock root will help reduce inflammation, reduce soreness of affected joints. Medicines are used in a warm form. To prolong the effect of exposure, it is necessary to keep heat in the treated area. For this, sick joints are wrapped up, or covered with warm things.
Burdock root for diabetes
Thanks to burdock infusion, the results of diabetes treatment can be improved. The plant stimulates the pancreas, helps to reduce blood sugar and normalize metabolic processes.
In diabetes, the use of burdock root is permissible in any form, including raw or boiled. The course of treatment should last at least 20 days, accompanied by regular measurements of sugar levels.
If the dynamics of treatment with burdock is positive, a second course takes place after two weeks.
In gynecology
With the help of the rhizome of burdock, many gynecological problems can be solved. Douching with a decoction or infusion of burdock eliminates the inflammatory processes in vaginitis, colpitis and thrush.
The introduction of tampons moistened with juice of burdock root, honey and sea buckthorn oil will help in healing cervical erosion.
With uterine fibroids, any kind of burdock remedies is used as ancillary measures that bring about the restoration of health along with drug therapy.
The root of the burdock is no less effective in the treatment of functional ovarian cysts. Infusion of crushed burdock root is taken orally for two weeks.
In folk medicine, extracts from the roots of burdock are even used to treat sexually transmitted diseases.
Burdock root in oncology
The approval of folk healers on the effectiveness of the treatment of cancer with the help of burdock root has received the support of scientists. Studies have shown that burdock root, dug in May, contains the maximum number of lignan compounds that can withstand tumor processes.
The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and kept in a thermos for about 12 hours. Take half a cup several times a day for a month.
An additional effect of the use of herbal remedies is expressed in strengthening the body's immune forces, which prevent the appearance of neoplasms. In addition, burdock root is considered an excellent prophylactic in the prevention of cancer.
Hair Beauty Recipes
Most often, burdock root is referred to as a hair remedy. On the basis of dry crushed rhizomes or burdock oil, rinse agents are used to make restorative masks and creams, additives for shampoos and mixtures for rubbing into the hair and scalp.
If you regularly apply burdock root for hair, the hair will become thick, shiny and silky, and the curls will gain elasticity and strength.
Decoctions and infusions from burdock are also used to treat dermatological problems of the scalp and for baldness.
For weight loss
The rhizome of agrimony can be effectively used as part of diets or as an independent means for losing weight.
- will ensure the normalization of metabolic processes;
- removes toxins, waste and excess water from the body;
- help regulate the processes of natural cleansing of the body.
And what is important - it will relieve the desire to eat outside school hours. For weight loss, it is enough to take a decoction of burdock root several times a day.
And in the Middle Ages and in our time, burdock root remains in demand in cooking. In Japan, Italy, Brazil and Portugal, soups, salads and snacks are prepared from it. And in the UK, they offer a traditional soft drink from the root broth.
Use in traditional medicine
In the advice of traditional medicine, there are many references to how and from what the burdock root helps. The choice of plant-based products is optimal - juices, teas, decoctions, infusions and tinctures, as well as oil, ointments and extracts.
To prepare medicinal raw materials, the collection of burdock root is carried out in the fall. Moreover, only young plants are dug up, since the healing power of the rhizome is lost over time.
The collected raw materials are washed, dried and stored in glass jars away from exposure to sunlight.
Burdock tinctures
To prepare the tincture, use juice from fresh root or crushed dry raw materials. The second main component is alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, such as vodka.
Five parts of alcohol are taken for one part of the juice, shaken and kept for two weeks. Dry raw materials are poured in the following ratio - 20 g of root and 200 ml of alcohol. Also in the tincture, you can add several spoons of honey.
The use of the drug - 20 drops twice a day.
The preparation of the broth involves a long heat treatment of crushed rhizomes mixed with hot water. To preserve all the healing properties of the plant, it is better to use a water bath to prepare a decoction.
100 g of raw materials will need a liter of water. Cooking time - 40-50 minutes.Take in large sips several times a day.
Burdock Juice
The maximum amount of juice is found in young burdock roots. The rhizome of a one-year-old plant is thoroughly cleaned of the earth, washed and slightly dried. Then crush and squeeze the juice. Before use, it must be filtered.
The standard dosage is one or two large sips before eating.
The use of burdock juice is especially effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints.
Drinking tea from burdock root is the easiest and most effective way to improve your health and avoid many diseases. Making a healthy drink takes a minimum of time. Pour a sufficiently small amount of dry powder from the root and burdock oil with water heated to 85 ° C, hold for 15 minutes, strain and drink.
It should be remembered that tea from the rhizome of burdock has a pronounced diuretic effect.
Burdock root oil
Ready burdock oil is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in stores selling hair and face care products. But if desired, an oil solution can be made independently.
It is best to use a freshly dug root of the plant, as it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. But if this is not possible, apply a powder prepared from their dry rhizome.
Three tablespoons of raw material is poured into a glass of high-quality vegetable oil. Ideally olive. The resulting mixture should be warmed for 20 minutes in a water bath, then cooled and filtered.
The use of the finished product depends on the purpose and form of use. Burdock oil is an invariable component of most hair care products, compresses and ointments in solving dermatological problems, as well as douching solutions.
The use of burdock oil in its pure form is appropriate for exacerbation of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the genital and urinary systems, as well as in urolithiasis and diabetes mellitus. A small sip of oil several times a day to eliminate pain, discomfort, significantly improve well-being.
Burdock root extract - instructions for use
On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a tool called "Burdock root extract." This drug is a concentrated juice from the rhizome of May burdock, and has the same healing properties as funds from fresh or dried raw materials.
The method of treatment with the extract: half a teaspoon of the drug is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and used internally or externally, depending on the form of the disease.
Children under three years of age use the extract is contraindicated.
Some compounds in the burdock can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of funds based on burdock root should be treated with caution, and if a rash and irritation of the skin, cough and runny nose, it is necessary to immediately stop the course of treatment.
An absolute contraindication to the use of remedies from burdock is pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Big burdock is a vivid example of the fact that many medicines can be successfully replaced with the gifts of nature. And this remedy literally lies under our feet. You just have to bend down.