In recent years, the world has again faced a disease such as measles. This happened due to the refusal of many people from routine vaccination. In today's article, we will consider how the incubation period of measles proceeds and find out treatment methods.
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Description of measles and its causes
Measles is a disease that causes an RNA virus. According to statistics, every hour in the world about 15 people die from this. The measles virus grows and multiplies in the cells of monkeys and humans. You can get sick with the disease only 1 time, after which a person develops lifelong immunity.
Measles virus quickly dies in the environment. He is afraid of:
- high temperatures (over 38 degrees);
- ultraviolet rays;
- actions of disinfectants.
Basically, measles is transmitted through the air from a sick person to a healthy person. The virus, entering the body, is securely fixed on the mucosa. There he begins to breed. Then it enters the respiratory system and bloodstream. As soon as the virus is in the blood, the incubation period ends and the acute stage of the disease begins.
To protect against measles, you need to do routine vaccinations (at 1 year and 6 years). Then the vaccine is repeated every 15 years.
The incubation period and its duration
As soon as measles virus enters the body, the incubation period begins. It can last from 7 to 19 days. It all depends on human immunity. As a rule, the incubation period of measles in adults is 14 days, in children - 10 days.
Doctors say that the susceptibility to the disease is high.The statistics are as follows: with one-day contact with the sick, the risk of the disease is 40%, with three-day contact - 80%.
At risk are preschool and school facilities. If a case of measles has been detected, institutions are quarantined.
The peculiarity of the disease is that during the incubation period a person has no symptoms of the disease, but it is already contagious and dangerous to others.
The first signs of a viral disease
Measles in children and adults begins acutely. Body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, while it practically does not go astray. The general condition of the patient worsens. There is weakness, fatigue, constantly want to sleep.
The doctor should be warned that there are no other symptoms besides the temperature.
Symptoms of measles in children and adults
A rash is not the only symptom of measles. In addition to it, the following signs are distinguished:
- lack of appetite;
- body aches;
- malaise, loss of strength;
- headache;
- conjunctivitis (with both eyes);
- redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
- fever accompanied by fever. As a rule, indicators reach 39-40 degrees;
- profuse runny nose;
- cough (dry);
- sore throat, hoarseness of voice.
In adults, in addition to these symptoms, lymph nodes in the neck and jaw will be enlarged. Since the disease is acute, signs of intoxication may be observed.
Stages of the disease
The course of the disease can be divided into 3 stages. The catarrhal period in children lasts up to 3-4 days, in adults up to 7 days.
The disease manifests itself acutely: body temperature rises, lymph nodes increase, intoxication is observed. In order not to confuse measles with another disease, the doctor needs to pay attention to the patient's oral cavity.
Already 1-2 days after high temperature, white small pimples appear on the cheeks, larynx, gums. They have a clear outline, some may be with a red border. In just a couple of hours, raspberry spots in the sky will be added to them. This phenomenon is called measles enanthema.
In the second stage, rashes appear on the body. At this time, the maximum concentration of the virus in the bloodstream is observed, and microorganisms are most active.
The rash appears cyclically, gradually filling all areas of the body:
- The first rashes can be found in the head area. The lesion is the ears, scalp.
- On the second day, the rash drops lower, affecting the upper body and arms.
- After a time, rashes appear on the legs.
Papules with measles are small (up to 2 mm), pink or red. Over time, they merge, forming one large spot.
In severe cases of the disease, the entire body of the patient is covered with a rash, hemorrhages appear. Rashes can be observed even on the palms and feet. In this case, the patient requires hospitalization and the introduction of special hormones that improve the patient's condition.
The stage of active rashes lasts an average of 3-4 days. After this, the spots change color, become burgundy or brown. The patient gradually normalizes the temperature. This suggests that the pigmentation stage has begun, and the patient has begun to recover.
Over time, the spots begin to fade, peeling of the skin occurs. This process will last 5-7 days. It all depends on the strength of the body of a particular person.
Measles is contagious in the last days of the incubation period and another 4 days after the start of the first rashes.
Treatment methods
There is no cure for measles virus. Doctors eliminate only the symptoms of the disease.
The scheme is as follows:
- Antipyretic. For children, "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen" is suitable. If the temperature is very high, you can put candles "Analdim." Adults can use Nurofen, Analgin, Aspirin, Nise.
- Antiviral. We need it so that the patient copes with the disease faster. Children are allowed candles "Viferon" tablets "Anaferon." Adults can drink Groprinosin.
- Antihistamines. Reduce itching, relieve swelling. Doctors recommend “Zodak”, “Agistam”, “Diazolin”, “Suprastin”.
- Expectorants. Among them are "Lazolvan", "Mukaltin", "ACC".
- The rash can be treated with Psilo-Balsam or Delaxin. The powder is diluted with water according to the instructions.
- Antibiotics. They are necessary for a severe course of the disease, when a bacterial infection joins the ailment. The doctor prescribes antibiotics after a series of tests.
After the disease, immunity decreases sharply, so you need to take care to strengthen it. To do this, you can drink vitamin complexes ("Duovit", "Alphabet). And also add to the diet fresh fruits, vegetables, berries.
Infectious Disease Prevention
The only measles prevention is vaccination. Vaccination can be done with a domestic vaccine or imported Priorix. Dates:
- year;
- 6 years;
- revaccination every 15 years.
As a rule, vaccination passes without complications. But doctors warn that within a month there is an incubation period after vaccination. This means that the child at this time can get measles in a mild form (rashes, fever), there will be no complications.
In order to have a stable immunity to the virus, do not forget about revaccination. Before vaccination, it is better to give the child an antihistamine to reduce the risks of allergic reactions.
After vaccination, it is advisable to follow a diet for a couple of days: do not eat citrus fruits, sweets, exclude chocolate.
Measles is an acute infectious viral disease. In people with reduced immunity, it is difficult. The disease is dangerous for its complications, so doctors offer measles vaccination. The vaccine gives a stable immunity to the virus, 98% protects against the disease.