At the end of the last century, a new word appeared in the industry of dietary supplements - conjugated linoleic acid. It is not only a reliable support for the immune system, but also able to correct the figure. The capabilities of the means to create unique things in the body are simply amazing.

What is conjugated linoleic acid?

CLA are linoleic acid isomers. In the human body, its content is noted in very small quantities, since the substance enters along with food products of animal and vegetable origin.

CLA is a somewhat modified form of lipoic acid (LA). Essentially, these are omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which play a critical role in humans. KLK, of course, is not a panacea for all diseases, although in maintaining human health, it performs a crucial function, having a positive effect on all systems and organs.

Important. Take CLA only if necessary and after consulting a doctor.

This dietary supplement is especially useful for athletes and bodybuilders. And it is also necessary in cases when it comes to losing weight, because it has the ability to block the process of accumulation of fat.

When is CLA recommended?

Nutritionists unanimously recommend the use of CLA in the following cases:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (type II);
  • immunodeficiency, when dry skin is noted, hair falls out, legs are stratified;
  • violations of the biochemical processes of the blood, especially with an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • hypertensive diseases;
  • various forms of obesity;
  • memory impairment.

The benefits and harms of the substance

KLK has a number of useful properties. But, like any other supplement, if the instructions are not followed, it can be harmful. Such a natural substance has a powerful anticarcinogenic and antioxidant effect. In general, it favorably affects the digestive system, takes an active part in the synthesis of fats and proteins, and allows you to speed up the metabolism, which is very important for losing weight. Conjugated linoleic acid is essential for the body, since it has a stimulating effect on the immune system, and, as a result, reduces the risk of acute viral diseases.

The substance actively fights fat formed on the internal organs, contributing to the growth of dry muscle mass, improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and neuroendocrine system, actively participating in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Supports the reproductive system.

Despite the fact that omega-6 is a substance with only positive properties, it is also able to exert a negative effect. R. Brown in 2009 conducted a series of clinical studies and described that abuse of this substance will inevitably lead to the development of pathologies such as stroke, heart attack and even cancer.

What products are contained in?

The human body is not able to independently produce CLA, so its main source is the components that enter the body with food. These are dairy products and meat (mainly beef).

It is important to note that the level of conjugated linoleic acid is much higher in products made from animal meat, which were grown under natural conditions, than in artificially fed agricultural enterprises.

Note. Also, CLA can be obtained in the form of food additives.

Remarkable is the fact that the results of research by scientists have shown the presence of CLA in breast milk of women, which underlines the importance of this substance for the human body. Indeed, breast milk contains everything that is necessary for the full development of the fetus from the first days of its life.

There is a theory that there are microorganisms in the intestine that can process linoleic acid into CLA, but, according to scientists, consuming CLA-rich foods does not increase blood levels.

How to take KLK?

Since it is a substance of natural origin, it can be used regardless of gender and age. The dosage of the drug depends on the form of release. The optimal daily dose is 3 g. For the best effect, it is recommended to divide the composition into 2-3 doses.

You can use the drug at any time of the day, since conjugated linoleic acid does not exert an exciting effect on the nervous system. The course lasts an average of three months. During this period, you can not drink alcohol. CLA is a non-drug dietary supplement, therefore a doctor’s consultation is not necessary. However, if there are health problems, it becomes necessary to visit a doctor to get the necessary recommendations.

The use of linoleic acid in the form of a sports supplement makes it possible to assimilate all useful substances without a set of extra calories. The drug actively helps to reduce excess weight. But not so simple. The effectiveness of the CLA will be noticeable only if you do not neglect active physical activity. And also do not ignore proper and regular nutrition. Without this, losing weight is simply impossible. The result will be noticeable only after 2-3 months from the start of administration.

First of all, the fat layer on the stomach decreases. Along with weight loss, muscle mass will increase in parallel. The figure on the scales may not noticeably differ from the previous indicator, but it is not worth taking the weight gain for weight gain.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

To date, the drug has not been fully studied, it is undergoing a clinical research stage. Nevertheless, during scientific research it was found that with moderate use of conjugated linoleic acid, no harmful effects on the body were noticed. Exceptions are persons with individual intolerance to the components of this substance.

With the abuse of CLA, exacerbations of chronic diseases, disturbances in the digestive tract, allergic manifestations in the form of a rash were noted.

A clinical experiment conducted by Swedish scientists showed that only 47 out of 60 subjects were able to complete the course. The rest stopped participating due to health problems.


Preparations with a similar composition:

  • “Linofit” is an effective dietary supplement containing linoleic acid to reduce excess weight.
  • "Nutrex Lipo 6 CLA" - a drug that prevents the appearance of new body fat.
  • Reduxine Light Capsules is a gentle nutritional supplement for those who want to lose weight.
  • SuperFats Nutrabolics is a fat burner used to speed up metabolism and increase energy.
  • "Chocolate of life" in the form of a powder is whey protein used by athletes (bodybuilders) as a dietary supplement.
  • "Magnum Acid" - a high-quality dietary supplement to accelerate the metabolic process.
  • "Evalar Tropicana Slim KLK" - a drug designed for weight control, body shaping.
  • “Lipidex from SAN” is an indispensable tool for general healing and strengthening the immune system.
  • "Dymatize CLA Tonalin" is a naturally occurring substance that perfectly reduces subcutaneous fat.

And there are also analogues of foreign manufacturers: Zerofat, CLA, CLAextrim and others.