"Dimexide" is a popular pharmaceutical product used externally to reduce pain and stop the processes caused by inflammation. The solution also has pronounced antibacterial qualities. Compress with Dimexidum is indispensable in dermatological and gynecological practice, as well as in the treatment of some pathologies of the respiratory system and joints.
Material Content:
Form of release and composition of the drug
"Dimexide" is a pharmaceutical product, endowed with the ability to reduce pain of varying intensity and stop the processes caused by inflammation when it comes to the treatment of pathologies of bones and joints. In addition, with his participation, other pharmaceutical formulations penetrate tissues much faster and better.
Two forms of Dimexidum are available:
- bottles with concentrate, which is used externally;
- aluminum tubes containing gel.
The concentrate contains undiluted dimethyl sulfoxide, which accounts for 99% of the total volume of the pharmaceutical product. The gel composition contains dimethyl sulfoxide at a concentration of 0.25 mg / g or 0.5 mg / g. In addition, nipazole, nipagin and other formative components were found in it.
Indications for the use of compresses with Dimexide
The liquid form of "Dimexidum" is especially in demand in patients who know firsthand about diseases that affect bone tissue and joints. The composition also copes well with skin diseases.Compresses prepared from a healing solution will surprise you with the ability to withstand viruses, relieve inflammatory manifestations, and have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.
So, the drug under discussion:
- claimed as a neutralizer of streptococci;
- an excellent fighter with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
- can be used if the area of the joints and soft tissues is injured;
- It is used for the rapid healing of sprains and ligament ruptures;
- effective in the treatment of eczema;
- able to treat thermal tissue damage.
In addition, the solution is also an excellent conductor, helping drugs to quickly and deeply penetrate the plane of soft tissues.
Due to this property, "Dimexide" is in demand as one of the components in the appointment of complex therapy. It is often added to ointments or cosmetic creams so that nutrients better achieve their goal.
"Dimexide" almost immediately passes into the deep tissue layers, and after 5 minutes the patient senses the onset of its action. After 4 hours, the maximum concentration of substances is recorded. It is retained in the body for no more than 3 days.
Instructions for use of the drug
Compresses are the most common form of Dimexidum.
The drug requires mixing with water, comfortable for skin temperature. As soon as the treatment mixture is prepared, you need to dip gauze or a flap of natural tissue into it.
How to breed concentrate for solution preparation
It is important to breed "Dimexidum" correctly. Only under this condition can it be expected that the result of therapy will be positive. The most common dilution method is to a concentration of 40-50%. However, care must be taken to ensure that such a solution does not fall into sensitive areas. In such areas, an even less concentrated composition is used - only 10 or 30%. Therefore, the concentrate for the preparation of the Dimexidum solution is used differently in different areas of the body. Certain proportions should be maintained here.
Let's bring them to the table:
The required concentration of the solution | 10% | 20% | 25% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 90% |
Water volume (ml) | 18 | 8 | 6 | 14 | 6 | 5 | 2 |
The volume of "Dimexidum" (ml) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 18 |
There are situations when the use of "Dimexidum" should be carried out together with novocaine. Such compresses are excellent helpers not only in treatment, but also as a blocker of pain that accompanies various diseases.
Important! Such a mixture can become a serious threat to human health. Therefore, it is impossible to engage in dilution of the medical composition on their own. This procedure should be performed exclusively by a specialist.
"Dimexide" with novocaine is a good analgesic composition. But this mixture can also provoke side effects - a bright rash, an unbearable itch. If you find alarming symptoms, you will have to forget about using this composition for a while, finding an alternative to it.
How to apply a compress
Making a compress solution is not so difficult. But for proper use requires knowledge of certain subtleties.
- Before placing the compress, be sure to add water to Dimexidum in accordance with the recommendations described above.
- Once the composition is ready, cooked gauze or cloth should be well moistened in this mixture.
- Then a moderately moist piece of matter is wrung out so that excess moisture does not flow down the patient’s skin.
- The tissue must be applied to the affected area.
- An ordinary plastic bag is laid on top (to enhance the effect).
- The final touch is wrapping the bandage with a warm scarf or scarf.
Patients who have experienced inflammation of the knee joint are well aware of the pain this diagnosis may accompany. The compress for joints made by the following recipe will help relieve suffering: 1.5 tablespoons of Dimexidum are mixed with water of a comfortable temperature, taken in the same volume.To stop the debilitating pain, it is advisable to pour novocaine into the mixture.
How much to keep a compress with Dimexidum
The compress is aged for 45 to 50 minutes. As an exception, an increase in time of up to 1 hour is allowed, but no more. If prolonged exposure, burns will remain on the patient's body.
The frequency of therapeutic actions is once a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Apply compresses with extreme caution.
In order to avoid undesirable consequences, compliance with certain rules is required:
- Keep the medicine away from the organ of vision. If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with running water.
- You can not apply the compounds with "Dimexidum" on the face.
- It is necessary to remember the enhancing effect of Dimexidum. Unwanted consequences can only be avoided provided that all the recommendations of the attending doctor are followed.
Can I use it during pregnancy and lactation?
Pregnancy or breast-feeding for a woman is a special period that requires caution in everything. This also applies to Dimexidum, which will have to be abandoned for a while, as well as all products containing dimethyl sulfoxide. The reason for this is the lack of clinical trials in this group of patients. Therefore, it is difficult to say about the possible negative consequences of using the discussed pharmaceuticals. It is possible that the effect will be completely unpredictable.
Contraindications and side effects
Instructions for use mention that Dimexide is not shown to everyone. In some cases, it is able to provoke negative consequences.
So, for example, you can not use the composition:
- if the liver and kidneys function abnormally;
- patients who have recently experienced a heart attack or stroke;
- if a person is in a condition that threatens his life;
- patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease;
- women during the period of bearing the baby and in the lactation period;
- children under 12 years old.
Important! Compress is forbidden to impose to people whose body temperature is elevated. The restriction applies to the neck area under any conditions.
Before you start using the composition, you should check if there is an allergy. To do this, a small part of the solution needs to be dripped onto the wrist area. If at this place any changes occurred in the form of redness, itching, or a rash, then you will have to refuse to use Dimexidum.
"Dimexide" also has many side effects. Many have to deal with them. The degree of their manifestation depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
Among the most common side symptoms, there are several:
- the occurrence of pigmentation;
- dyspeptic disorders;
- dermatological reactions of various intensities (itching, burning, dry skin);
- contact dermatitis, erythematous rash;
- in rare cases, bronchospasm is possible;
- due to the use of the gel, a specific “garlic” bad breath may appear.
Compress with "Dimexide" - a proven tool, endowed with the ability to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. But in order to achieve the desired effect, certain safety measures should be followed, and the preparation of the solution should be carried out strictly according to the instructions.