Comedones are a type of acne that often accompanies various gastrointestinal diseases and hormonal disruptions. They can be considered a cosmetic defect that does not threaten life and health, however, they negatively affect self-esteem, make a person ashamed of their own appearance and even lead to depression. In addition, such aesthetic imperfection is often only a reflection of internal problems, which are extremely unwise to let go of their own accord.
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Comedones - what is it
Small lumps in the pores of the skin, which are commonly called acne, are called comedones by doctors. Doctors also call them cysts, because in structure they resemble similar formations on the internal organs. In addition to fat, they also contain microscopic exfoliated flakes of the upper layer of the skin and particles of dirt with dust. Due to the obstruction created, sebum has no way out, cannot be excreted and accumulates inside. The same thing happens with toxic substances that must reach the skin surface through the pores. Because of the obstacle in the form of a clot of fat, they simply cannot do this and react with it. The result is a sticky and thick white-gray or white-yellowish mass in the form of clots under the skin.
These unpleasant formations are most often found in young people aged 11 years and up to 25. In older people, as a rule, the rate of sebum secretion decreases, and therefore comedones bother them much less often.
Comedones on the face cause a lot of inconvenience.Young girls are the most complex about this, as it has formed the opinion that comedones are a sign of groomed and non-observance of personal hygiene rules. However, everything is not so clear.
Causes of comedones on the face and body
The reasons for the appearance may be different:
- Heredity. If one of the relatives suffered from this problem, then with a 50 percent probability it will manifest itself in the younger generation. And if one of the parents had comedones, then their children are at high risk. The probability of such a deficiency reaches 95%. However, much depends on the lifestyle that a person leads.
- A side effect of using synthetic hormones or contraceptives. Imbalance of hormonal balance almost always entails a worsening of the dermis.
- Increased concentration of testosterone. Often observed in adolescents in the puberty and the beautiful half of humanity at different stages of life. After normalizing the hormonal background, the disease often disappears by itself.
- Stress and nervous strain. All experiences are reflected on the skin, in addition, during stress, a person, as a rule, completely forgets about the rules for caring for a person, can constantly touch him with his hands and unconsciously pick out pimples. Therefore, before treating comedones, you must definitely take a course of sedatives.
- Allergy to cosmetics. Many creams and tonals have a too oily oily base, which is not suitable for certain skin types. All cosmetics must be selected very carefully and in accordance with the type of skin.
- Wrong food. Food with a lot of fats and simple carbohydrates, the lack of enough plant foods, the abuse of sweets and high-calorie dishes is one of the main factors that trigger the occurrence of comedones.
- Errors in hygiene. You need to deal with skin and not let the situation drift. Oily skin must always be degreased, since excess sebum always leads to various inflammations, acne and acne.
Owners of oily skin should be especially carefully looked after. The habit of going on a night's rest without washing, using inappropriate cosmetics and neglecting skin cleansing is a direct way to the formation of comedones.
However, it is worth noting that an overly fanatical desire to dry the skin to solve the problem of rashes leads to the opposite effect - the sebaceous glands begin to work with a vengeance and the situation only worsens.
In very rare cases, ecology is to blame. If the air contains too many carbon oxides and metal salts, this can also trigger such a disease.
Types of rashes
It is difficult to notice the onset of the disease, since suspicious seals at this time are not yet observed. The skin just becomes rough, pores - enlarged. The complexion changes, it becomes painful, with a grayish-earthy hue. Because of the rapidly increasing fat content, cosmetics do not hold well and simply “blur”. It was during this period that therapy would be most effective, but, unfortunately, people are in no hurry to treat their skin and begin to sound the alarm when nodules with fat - comedones - are already appearing. They come in two forms.
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Closed Comedones
So called acne white-yellow in color from a dense sebaceous clot with dead scales of the epidermis and the accumulation of various pathogens. This is similar to nodules ranging in size from 1 - 2 mm to 5 mm, which can be very painful. Often they are a stage on the way to the appearance of purulent eels, boils, suppuration. The place of their localization on the forehead, chin, nose, shoulders, back and chest - where there is always a lot of sebum.
Open comedones
They are often called black eels.The contents of the nodules are in contact with air, which is why their surface darkens. When squeezing it out, it is seen especially clearly: a piece of solid fat with a black head resembles a small worm.
How to get rid of comedones
Solving a problem is not always easy. Most often, women turn to cosmetologists with her, go to all kinds of procedures or experiment with different home remedies ... forgetting that first you need to eliminate the causes of the formation.
Drug treatment
Before treatment of comedones, it is necessary to undergo a consultation with physicians of specialization. Most often, the reasons are hidden in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and improper production of hormones. Only on the basis of a full examination can a doctor prescribe adequate therapy. As a rule, it is always accompanied by a certain diet and external procedures aimed at removing comedones.
- The drug "Differin" has proven itself well. This tool has an excellent antibacterial effect. You can find a gel or cream on sale.
- Positive feedback is heard about the Tretinoin lotion.
However, the drug that came up with someone may be completely useless to another. It is also very important to consider contraindications. In any case, the effect will never be noticed right away. To see the first results, you need to regularly use the medicine for 5 to 9 weeks.
It is worth considering that such tools solve the problem only partially. If the root cause is not eliminated, then comedones after a successful cosmetic “treatment” will return almost immediately.
Beauty treatments
The purpose of such procedures is to normalize the production of sebum and remove dead cells. This helps to heal the skin and return it to a tolerable state. For this, peeling with fruit acids and microdermabrasion are often used. After these procedures, the patient is treated with special medicines with anti-comedogenic properties.
In less advanced cases, manual or special tools are used for cleaning. But to prevent the re-formation of comedones, it is recommended to undergo laser peeling, which completely renews the epithelium, normalizes the activity of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and stabilizes the metabolism in skin tissues.
Folk remedies against comedones
Just at home, you can use time-tested masks. The main thing in this business is zeal and constancy.
Possible options for therapeutic mixtures:
- Cucumber. Grind into pulp, add a little olive oil. Spread over the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Instead of cucumber, you can use zucchini or a young fruit of carrots.
- Protein. Beat 1 protein with sugar (1 tbsp. L.), Divide into 2 parts. Apply the first part to the face and leave for 5 minutes. Apply the remaining masses with tapping movements to the dried up first layer.
- Oatmeal. Mix oatmeal with milk until gruel. Apply in a circular motion.
A homemade face mask is always applied to previously cleansed skin, and then washed off with warm water.
It is also good to wipe your face with citrus-based tonics.
Self-extrusion of comedones is not the best option, as this leads to the formation of scars, abscesses, crusts from dried blood with a bloodberry and a general aggravation of the skin condition.
Preventive measures are simple and that is probably why they are often ignored. It seems that solving a major problem should also be difficult.
However, it is often enough to follow simple principles to significantly improve the condition of the skin:
- Follow all hygiene rules, do not touch it with your hands and wear such hairstyles so that hair does not fall on the forehead and cheeks. With oily skin, the hair is also very quickly contaminated. Touching the skin, dirty curls only exacerbate the situation.
- Avoid using regular soap: it dries the skin very much.
- In the period of exacerbation, refuse decorative cosmetics.
- Regularly cleanse your face with special tonics, lotions and scrubs.
- Make masks based on essential oils of tea tree or eucalyptus.
- Eat right.
- More to be in the fresh air.
Subject to these precautions, comedones, if they appear, there will not be many of them and it will be much easier to deal with them.