Such a cabbage variety like kohlrabi is rich in vitamins, and it is not difficult to grow an original vegetable on your site if you follow certain rules.
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Kohlrabi cabbage: description, variety of species and varieties
Cabbage, so similar to turnip, is considered a dietary product and has a delicate taste. From the species diversity, you can choose the varieties that will most suit the taste preferences.
- Gabis variety is an early ripe variety that has good taste, does not crack during storage;
- white Viennese variety - cabbage is also considered to be early: only 75 days pass from the moment seedlings are planted before harvesting. Heads weigh up to 1.2 kg. The pulp is especially juicy;
- white delicious variety is an early ripening variety, the maturity of which occurs within 45 days after a pick;
- Alka variety - cabbage gives juicy fruits, but ripens quite late. Therefore, it is better to plant it immediately after the retreat of frost.
It is important to note that breeding work is ongoing and new varieties appear every season. When buying, you need to check with consultants for what latitudes this or that type of kohlrabi is intended.
The nuances of growing seedlings from seeds
In order for the seeds to have friendly germination in the right period, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of experienced gardeners:
- Sowing seeds to produce in the second decade of February, but if the winter is long, then calculate that after six weeks the vegetable will need to be transferred to the open ground.
- Before sowing, soak the seeds in hot water with a temperature of no higher than 50 ° C, and then dip them in cool water for an hour. For 12 hours, the seeds are aged in biofungicides, and then another 6 hours in a solution with growth stimulants.
- It is better to place the seeds in a special germinator, in this case, germination will be better, and the seeds will not rot.
- If the seeds germinate in a damp cloth, the fabric should not be allowed to dry.
- Specifically, for planting seeds, it is necessary to purchase peat, because it will be difficult for seeds to hatch in another soil mixture, but plants need to be dived into fertile land.
- After all sowing work has been done, cover the seedlings with glass or film and shade. The optimum ambient temperature should be at least 24 ° C.
- After the appearance of green sprouts, it is necessary to provide seedlings with a sufficient amount of light. For this purpose, it is convenient to use phytolamps, place seedlings on a south or southwest window.
It is important to remember that strong seedlings will give a good harvest in the future, because the plant will form a good immunity.
Planting kohlrabi cabbage in the open ground
After the plant gets stronger, it is time to transfer it to the open air.
Soil requirement for planting cabbage
The cultivation of kohlrabi should take place in the soil that meets the following characteristics:
- the soil must be fertile;
- low acidity is not allowed;
- the soil should be loose.
It is best to prepare the following soil mixture for seedlings:
- 1 part cow rotten manure + 1 part fine-grained sand + ½ turf land.
The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed with earth from the ridge.
It should be noted that the more thoroughly the gardener picks the land, the looser it will be, and, consequently, the fruits will be larger.
Timing and landing technology
The timing of planting seedlings depends on the variety of cabbage:
- late ripe harvest, it is best to plant after the land has warmed up, and then the harvest will be closer to autumn;
- early ripening - can be harvested 75 days after planting;
- early cabbage will be born in just 45 days, so during the summer you can take about two crops.
It is important to remember that the ripening dates of vegetables are always given on the basis of an average assessment of soil and climatic conditions. In each individual case, everything will depend on how the seedlings were grown, and what the weather is like in the region.
Planting seedlings is best done in the evening, or when cloudy weather occurs, for better adaptation.
Before landing, the earth must be decontaminated, this can be done by spilling it with biofungicides or potassium permanganate.
Attention! You can not disinfect with boiling water, because in this case, not only the pathogenic flora dies, but also favorable.
After all the seedlings have been planted, it is best to cover it with a film if possible to allow the sprouts to take root. After that, remove the film in the daytime, and cover it overnight. After a week of hardening, the shelter is removed.
Outdoor kohlrabi cabbage care
To collect a good harvest, it is important to understand that caring for kohlrabi cabbage, although simple, but controlled.
Watering and feeding
Most of all, she likes the presence of water not on the earth, but in the air.
Watering is carried out according to the following scheme:
- The ridge is spilled with a disinfecting solution a few days before disembarkation.
- Before planting seedlings, you need to moisten the earth again.
- After that, water each sprout separately.
- Further, cabbage is watered as the soil dries.
It is important to remember that if the culture of water is not enough, then the fruits will crack, the flesh will harden, losing taste.
For good growth, the plant needs soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the plants throughout the season while the crop is ripening.
- In early summer, organic matter is applied directly to the ground.
- Through irrigation, it is periodically necessary to make potash and phosphorus fertilizers.
- Handle nitrogen additives very carefully so as not to oversaturated the soil.
Attention! If manure is introduced by irrigation, then vegetables must be thoroughly washed before use, or even better wiped with special solvents that remove all pathogenic flora. Cow and other types of manure contain a large number of larvae.
Pest and Disease Treatment
Unfortunately, cabbage is often affected by pests, so preventative treatment is necessary.
- pests are attracted not so much by the cabbage itself as by weeds growing in the aisle, so they must be constantly weeded;
- effective is the treatment of plants with mustard powder. To do this, mustard is bred in water, it should be infused for about 3 hours, then strain through fine gauze and spray the flowers with a liquid;
- so that fungal diseases do not disturb the plant, it is necessary to do the proper seed treatment before planting.
It is important to remember that kohlrabi will be eaten. Therefore, it is better to use folk and natural pest control.
Harvesting and storage
A good harvest is a reward to the gardener for his labors. Kohlrabi can be harvested when the stemblender reaches a height of about 10 cm, the weight of the ripened fruit should be about 120 g.
Harvested in dry weather. If it is rainy summer, then the fruits can be covered with a film, without closing the ridges from the ends, then the cabbage will dry out and you can start collecting. It is most correct to remove it entirely from the ground and put it in a shady, dry place so that the earth dries and falls off.
Storage of the crop is as follows:
- in the refrigerator, fresh fruit can be stored for a month;
- chopped fruit is stored in the freeze;
- kohlrabi can be packed with a home vacuum cleaner and stored for a long time in the refrigerator;
- in the cellar, cabbage is stored in boxes of sand.
It is interesting:kohlrabi cabbage recipes
The larger and more varied the vegetable collection in the garden, the more fresh vegetables will be on the table in autumn.