Modern technologies have opened up new opportunities in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, as they allow not only to determine, but also to visually assess the condition of the digestive tract from the inside. If the preparation for the intestinal colonoscopy procedure has been carried out in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, an accurate diagnosis will not be difficult to establish.
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Principles of preparation for a colonoscopy procedure
A successful treatment result is laid at the stage of diagnosis. In most cases, it is the therapy that is adequate to the diagnosis that not only eliminates the disease, but also reduces the likelihood of relapse to a minimum. The main thing is to determine the cause of the disease as accurately as possible.
Until recently, intestinal examinations were not distinguished by either diagnostic accuracy or ease of use. Gastroenterologists collected information about the disease bit by bit, as many patients did not have the courage to decide to swallow a probe.
Today, the sounding method has not lost its relevance, but colonoscopy and other modern procedures have bypassed it in terms of popularity among patients.
And although colonoscopy is difficult to classify as pleasant procedures, the event is extremely informative.
The stages of preparation for a colonoscopy are designed to perform the following tasks:
- the release of the intestines from food debris and feces;
- prevention of pain;
- prevention of stress syndrome.
The first paragraph provides a set of measures performed by the patient independently, the implementation of the two following blocks is the responsibility of physicians.
Types and goals of preparatory activities
In order to be able to qualitatively evaluate the intestinal walls, it is necessary to eliminate all local obstacles that impede the study, that is, to free the intestines from organic deposits and foamy contents.
For this, the following methods are used in medicine:
- fast withdrawal of contents using drugs;
- mechanical cleansing of the colon through enemas;
- nutritional restrictions, diet.
If necessary, a combination of several methods of cleansing the intestine at the same time is acceptable.
The quality of bowel cleansing is the main prerequisite for the high efficiency of colonoscopy. With an unfair approach to preparatory measures, the assessment of pathological foci becomes difficult, due to their inaccessibility to visual examination.
As a result, many serious diseases, including tumors, may not be established in a timely manner.
If late colonoscopy is diagnosed with repeated colonoscopy, this may be the result of inadequate bowel preparation for an initial examination.
Diets before colon colonoscopy
Qualitative preparation for colonoscopy begins with bowel cleansing. To this end, gastroenterologists prescribe a slag-free diet and explain in detail to the patient what to eat and which foods are temporarily banned.
The main task that the diet performs before colon colonoscopy is the removal of dense, poorly digested pieces of food from the intestinal lumen. Completely purified mucous membrane of the walls is the main condition for high-quality endoscopy.
The preparation period for the study takes three days. At this time, it is necessary to exclude foods that impede digestion or promote gas formation from the diet. Careful adherence to a slag-free diet is especially recommended for patients suffering from constipation.
Allowed Products
A non-slag diet is aimed at eliminating harmful substances, toxins and toxins, including those that have accumulated over the years.
It is interesting: colonless diet without slag
Compliance with the rules of diet, you can cleanse not only the intestines, but the whole body. Therefore, doctors recommend observing a non-slag diet not only before treatment, but periodically - to normalize metabolic processes.
The essence of the diet is the use of certain foods and exclusion from the diet of dishes that contribute to clogging of the intestine.
For three days before colonoscopy, the following are recommended for use:
- meat without fat - in boiled form or steamed;
- low-fat fish broths, vegetable soups and decoctions;
- eggs
- buckwheat and rice porridge, better than unpeeled;
- low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt without sugar, kefir;
- White bread;
- dry unsweetened cookies - biscuits, crackers;
- semolina;
- butter, cheese.
The total amount of fluid taken should be at least half a liter per day. The list of allowed drinks includes green tea without sugar, jelly, mineral water, compotes.
In the preparatory period, sugar should be completely excluded from the diet. But if you really want sweets, you can eat a spoonful of honey.
Prohibited Products
The ban on diet time includes products that are of little use to the body. If you exclude fried, fatty, smoked, spicy and salty dishes, sweets and alcohol from the daily menu, then not only bowel cleansing will occur, but also a noticeable improvement in overall well-being.
In addition, products that promote gas formation and an increase in feces are prohibited:
- milk;
- all kinds of legumes;
- any vegetables;
- all kinds of fruits and berries;
- nuts
- dishes of pearl barley and millet;
- black bread;
- carbonated drinks.
Switching to diet can be accompanied by headache and nausea. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the cleansing processes in the body are already running.
It may be difficult for some patients to dramatically change their diet, so experts advise increasing the preparation period by several days in order to be able to gradually switch to dietary nutrition and have time to clear the intestines by the date for which the colonoscopy is scheduled.
The last meal is allowed no later than 12 hours before the start of the study.
Preparation for a colonoscopy procedure with medical preparations
Despite its overall effectiveness, a slag-free diet is not able to provide complete bowel cleansing.
Therefore, gastroenterologists additionally prescribe the forced withdrawal of the contents of the colon with the help of special medicines - the so-called "lavage" solutions.
The specificity of the effect of lavage is that the liquid drunk in the form of a solution is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, but is completely excreted naturally. And at the same time, it removes from the intestinal folds the remains of food particles and feces.
Colonoscopy preparation by Fortrans
One of the most famous and common means for cleansing the intestines before the colonoscopy procedure is Fortrans.
The drug Fortrans belongs to the category of linear polymers capable of retaining water molecules using hydrogen bonds. Compared with similar means for cleansing the digestive tract, the drug has a valuable property - not only does not upset the water-volitional balance in the body, but also prevents this.
Fortrans is available in bags designed for a liter of water. One liter of the finished solution corresponds to 20 kg of body weight. The number of sachets needed to prepare the solution is determined in accordance with the specified proportion.
The resulting solution was distributed so that the volume drunk within an hour corresponded to one liter.
If the study is scheduled for colonoscopy in the first half of the day, the solution should be started the day before, at 15.00.
The primary consequence of the action of Fortrans will manifest itself in the form of loose stools, approximately 1.5 hours after ingestion and will be periodically repeated for some more time. After 22.00, the urge will stop, which means the completion of the last stage of bowel cleansing.
If the colonoscopy procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, Fortrans administration is divided into two stages. The first stage should be started the day before, at 22.00 - drink two liters of the finished solution. The second stage is performed the next morning, on the day of the procedure, at 7.00 two more liters of Fortrans powder diluted in water are drunk.
Contraindications to taking Fortrans
The use of Fortrans is not recommended for:
- hypersensitivity to polyethylene glycol in the basis of the drug;
- severe forms of heart failure;
- the presence of extensive malignant lesions of the mucous membrane of the colon;
- intestinal obstruction.
In addition, patients under the age of 15 years are undesirable to take the drug. Pregnant women should be wary of taking the drug. Whereas during breastfeeding, Fortrans is allowed for use.
In order for the preparation for intestinal colonoscopy by Fortrans to provide the expected result, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for using the product indicated in the instructions.
Taking other drugs during the cleansing period does not make sense, since Fortrans significantly reduces the level of absorption.
Means Lavacol
Laxative Lavacol is a high molecular weight drug that contains an isotonic isotonite solution. Under the influence of the active component of polyethylene glycol MM4000, an accelerated evacuation of the aqueous solution from the intestine occurs.
At the same time, the product prevents the absorption of water by the walls of the intestine and provides effective cleansing of the mucous membrane without disturbing the water-electrolyte balance.
The drug is available in the form of sachets with powder. One sachet is designed for 200 ml of water. A patient whose weight is within 80 kg is recommended to take a solution prepared from 15 bags - this volume must be drunk for four hours in small sips.
Reception of Lavacol begins the day before the colonoscopy, on an empty stomach. The effect of the drug occurs two hours after taking the first dose and ends three hours after taking the last portion of the solution.
Lavacol is not recommended for use with:
- stenosis and perforation of the stomach;
- toxic expansion of the thick gastrointestinal tract;
- the presence of erosive and ulcerative sections of the gastrointestinal tract;
- kidney dysfunction;
- intestinal obstruction;
- heart failure.
During the administration of the product, only liquid food is allowed. The optimal period is from 14.00 to 19.00. After the completion of the cleaning procedure, eating is not recommended.
The drug fleet
Saline solution Fleet phospho soda is a popular laxative, the effectiveness of which is expressed in a soft and thorough cleaning of the intestines.
The product is available in bottles with liquid. One 45 ml bottle is designed for 120 ml of water. The purification of Fleet phospho soda begins on the eve of the colonoscopy procedure.
Before each reception, 120 ml of a solution is drunk a glass of cold water. After taking the drug, you need to drink another glass of water (as much as possible). The first portion of the drug is taken in the morning on the eve of the procedure, the second in the evening. During the day, it is allowed to eat liquid food.
The primary effect occurs half an hour after the application of the solution.
Enema preparation
Mechanical bowel cleansing with enemas is an alternative to drugs. Enema must be set several times, use warm water. The first enema is put on the eve of the day of the procedure, in the evening. A second session is carried out the next morning.
The intestines are considered to be cleansed if the contents of the stool consist of pure water.
Despite the effectiveness of mechanical cleansing of the colon, the use of an enema does not prevent the natural intake of feces from the small intestine.
This method of bowel cleansing is not very popular because it requires the help of other people and causes discomfort. In addition, enemas negatively affect the state of the natural intestinal microflora and can cause dysbiosis.
With bowel obstruction, as well as the presence of bleeding and inflammation in the digestive tract, enemas are strictly prohibited.
Colonoscopy is an important component of national programs to identify early forms of tumor formations. That only confirms the significance and informativeness of the procedure.
Therefore, if the doctor has prescribed a referral for a colonoscopy, you should take the upcoming event as responsibly as possible and perform all the necessary preparatory measures in a quality manner. Who knows, perhaps the result of the study will be a timely diagnosis. And this is always a chance to cure and maintain a long healthy life.