Many wild flowering plants have become popular with gardeners. They are cultivated in gardens, new varieties are bred. The bell of a peach leaves belongs to such plants. This very beautiful flower successfully decorates modern flower beds. Its unpretentiousness allows growing even for beginners.

Botanical Description

The leaves of the plant are similar to peach foliage - hence the name of the flower. In the wild, it grows at the edge of the forest. The geography of its distribution is Europe, the Caucasus, and Western Siberia. The botanical name is Campanula persicifolia.

  • A rosette of leaves is located near the ground, a stalk comes out of it, strong and high, up to a meter.
  • The top of the stem is decorated with inflorescences similar to voluminous bells up to 5 cm long.
  • Flowers are white, purple or blue.
  • It blooms in June and blooms for a month.

You can extend the flowering period by cutting off dried flowers. Seed boxes are formed from them. The plant propagates well by self-sowing. You can propagate by sowing seeds for seedlings or immediately in open ground.

This kind of bell refers to biennials. Flowering begins the year after the shoots appear.

Common types and varieties

This kind of bell belongs to tall species. Its height varies from half a meter to a meter.

The following varieties were bred and became popular:

  • The Bernis variety has terry blue flowers.
  • The Tetam Beauty variety has large white flowers of light blue color.
  • "Exmaus" blooms in blue terry flowers, as if covered in dust.
  • The Snowdrift is strewn with white bells.
  • The mixture of "New Giant Highbridge" grows no higher than 75 cm. Large flowers are white and blue, in various shades.

For any garden, you can choose the appropriate variety or their mixture.

Growing a herb from seeds

Like any herbaceous plant, the peach-leaved bell is easy to grow from seeds. Seedlings grown in this way retain all the characteristics of a flower. In addition, this allows you to improve the planting material.

  1. Seeds are harvested in the fall. To do this, remove the darkened boxes, which by this time are fully ripe.
  2. They are very small, so sand is mixed with them.
  3. Raw materials are planted in the ground in the same autumn or left until spring.
  4. Thick shoots are then thinned out, and then dive.
  5. The grown seedlings are planted on the selected flower bed.

Propagation through seedlings is also possible.

  1. Seeds begin to sow in April in planting containers and contain them in a warm place.
  2. A mixture of equal parts of peat, sand, turf soil is used as soil.
  3. Small seeds do not deepen.
  4. The containers are covered with glass and contain wet plantings.
  5. Shoots appear after about two weeks. They are watered through a sieve or spray, preventing waterlogging.
  6. When they grow a little, they thin out.
  7. Subsequently, the seedlings are dived into separate containers.
  8. When steady warm weather sets in, young seedlings are identified on a seedling bed.

Planting a bell peach in open ground

For a permanent place in the flower garden, the plant is transplanted in August. The soil is loosened, cleaned of weeds, moisturized. The distance between the seedlings is maintained at least 40 cm. In the first year after planting, a leaf rosette grows.

The bell reaches its true beauty for the next summer season. He throws a high flower stalk, which in June is covered with large flowers of various colors.

In winter, a young seedling requires shelter. To do this, it is mulched with peat or fallen leaves with a layer of 15 cm.

Features of plant care

The bellflower flower is peach-leaved, it requires certain care knowledge that will help achieve its healthy appearance and abundant flowering.

  • This plant does not like stagnation of water near the root system, but a lack of moisture will cause shredding of flowers and foliage.
  • After watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil in order to avoid the appearance of a crust and, as a consequence, a lack of oxygen in the soil.
  • The appearance of weeds will impede the growth of the flower, so weeding should be a mandatory procedure for caring for the plant.
  • An important moment of care is the timely introduction of various dressings. In early spring, the plant needs nitrogen fertilizers with the addition of compost or humus. When flower buds appear, complex fertilizers should be applied. This can be Ammofoska, Azofoska, Agricola, Kemira, and many other compounds, which modern gardeners have a lot of.
  • For prolonged flowering, blooming bells are removed, which stimulates the appearance of new flowers. In October, the aerial part is cut off.
  • The roots should be mulched with peat or other suitable materials. In most regions, bells are not insulated, but in Siberia, a layer of mulch should be made up to 20 cm thick. With the onset of positive temperatures, the mulch is raked off to accelerate the germination of shoots.

Breeding methods

They are common, like all plants.

It could be:

  1. Propagation by seed.
  2. By dividing the bush.
  3. Cuttings.

About growing plants from seeds has already been described above. Let us now consider other methods.

The division of the bell bush can be carried out when he reaches the age of three.

  1. In the autumn they dig it out without shaking the ground, and cut off old shoots.
  2. The rhizome is divided into parts. Each should have a voluminous root lobe and several renewal buds.
  3. The resulting parts are immediately planted in prepared pits with water.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with the ground, lightly crush it.

Using this method, you can provide seedlings for yourself and your friends at no additional cost.

For propagation by cuttings, lignified green cuttings are prepared in the spring.

  1. They are buried in the sand of a greenhouse or garden.
  2. From above make a transparent shelter from a plastic bottle or glass jar.
  3. Maintain soil and air humidity.
  4. Periodically, shelter is raised to ventilate the stalk.
  5. By the autumn, it takes root. The following spring, the seedling is placed on the selected bed.

Protection against diseases and pests

It is a resistant culture to fungal diseases. But if it grows in one place for a long time, then the disease can not be avoided. Fungi such as botritis, fusarium and sclerotinia can attack. To eliminate them, the soil and flower are sprayed with Fundazol. This is repeated at the end and beginning of the summer season.

It is possible to avoid this scourge, leaving the flower to grow in one place for no more than 4 years.

In wet weather, slugs and slobbery pennies attack. To prevent this, granules of superphosphate are scattered around the bush. Spraying with infusion of garlic and hot pepper will help.

A bell will decorate the garden in a single planting among the lawn, and will also be in harmony with other plants, forming beautiful groups. Its simplicity will allow you to create spectacular compositions, making a minimum of effort for this.