One of the most common problems that young mothers face is pain in the baby’s tummy. What to do with colic in a newborn, how to help - these are the most pressing issues in this period. And finding answers to them is not so simple. Sleepless nights, crying and anxiety of the child violate the normal rhythm of mother’s life.

Colic in a newborn: causes

When a baby is born, his body does not yet have those beneficial bacteria that would help all systems and organs to function normally. In the mother’s tummy, the child was comfortable without them, because he ate completely prepared foods, enriched with vitamins and mineral trace elements. Now it is gradually adapting to the new environment.

The main causes of colic in newborns include the following:

  • immature digestive system, insufficient amount of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes;
  • nervous strain resulting from the immaturity of the nervous system;
  • hypersensitivity to any products or components (components of the milk mixture or breast milk);
  • swallowing air while eating;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • violation of the rules of dietary nutrition by a nursing mother;
  • accumulation of air bubbles in the belly of the crumbs.

Colic can occur even if the child ate more than usual. Often this problem occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the chest or the choice of the wrong mixture for feeding.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of colic appear very pronounced at any time of the day or night. It is important not to confuse them with signs of other pathological conditions. The behavior of the baby changes, it becomes irritable, whining.

So, here are the characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • loud crying;
  • bloating;
  • the face blushes with tension;
  • the baby presses the legs to the stomach;
  • anxiety.

You can talk about infant colic if the child cries for at least three days a week, bothers with legs. The disease is paroxysmal in nature. Between attacks, the baby is completely calm, eats normally, sleeps.

When do they start and how long will they last

It is impossible to answer unequivocally to the question when colic begins. For all children, this happens differently. But in most cases, they occur in newborns in 2 months, up to 3 reach their peak and after that they gradually stop. In some babies (especially boys), symptoms may persist for up to 6 months. In the beginning, the duration of causeless crying is up to 15 minutes. In the most intense period, an attack can last up to 3 hours. The interval between breaks is 3 to 5 hours.

Colic in a newborn - what to do

If a child begins to cry for no reason, this must not be ignored. The baby should feel the care and warmth of the mother. To alleviate the condition of the baby, stroke the tummy, put a warm palm on it or a folded, heated diaper. If you put crumbs on your chest, it will help him relax. Special gymnastic exercises are effective when the legs are pressed to the tummy and straightened back. Some babies calm down in warm water, especially if you add a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm or other medicinal plants with a mild sedative effect.


If all else fails, your child is already tired of yelling, and you can no longer listen to his sobs, the time has come to use "heavy artillery." You can’t always trust advertising. Advertised drugs are not always effective, not always safe. It is best to give the baby those prescribed by the doctor.

  • “Bobotik” is one of the most effective and most popular remedies for colic. The drug is made on the basis of simethicone. The concentration of the active substance is 66.6 mg. Give the medicine after feeding 4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 14 drops.
  • "Sub Simplex" is a suspension that breaks the gas bubbles in the intestine, removes them naturally. The drug is prescribed for intoxication with detergents, bloating, before the diagnosis of digestive organs.
  • Espumisan acts on the same principle as the previous ones, that is, it destroys and removes gas engines. The tool does not affect the work of the digestive tract, does not penetrate the blood. The daily dose is 25 drops, divided into three doses.
  • "Infakol" is effective for flatulence, infant colic, eliminates discomfort and pain in the abdomen. The drug is available in the form of a suspension with an orange flavor.

There are other effective drugs: Kuplaton, Planteks, Bebikalm, Bebinos, Lineks, Acipol and others. They differ in composition, mechanism of action. Some medications are not prescribed for children under 3 months of age, while others can cause side effects. Before giving the drug to the baby, carefully read the instructions for use.

The pharmaceutical market offers many effective drugs that will help the baby cope with colic. There are effective folk remedies, for example, infusion of fennel, caraway seeds or dill water.

The main thing is to achieve the desired effect without harming the baby, so before giving him any medicine, you should consult a pediatrician.

Folk remedies

The arsenal of traditional medicine also has a list of effective remedies for colic. Their benefits include security and affordability. Herbal decoctions and infusions help well.Only 50 g per day, and your baby will be much calmer. For the preparation of home medicines, such plants will suit: chamomile, lemon balm, mint. Positive reviews leave about ginger. Its root can also be infused and given to children from colic.

Dill water for newborns

One of the most effective folk remedies for colic in babies is dill water. You can buy it at any pharmacy or cook it yourself at home. You will need 1 tsp. dried dill seeds and a glass of boiling water.

  1. Pour seeds, cover, leave to infuse for half an hour.
  2. When the infusion has cooled, pour into a bottle for drinking, give to the baby.

If the child refuses to drink at all (dill water has a specific bitter taste), you can sweeten it a little.

Massage and exercises for the disease

Great for colic massage. Put the baby on the back, move your palm across the tummy. He will relax, your movements will contribute to the destruction of gas bubbles. You can alternately bend-unbend legs, massage the back, until the child calms down.

How to avoid colic

The best way to eliminate colic is to prevent their occurrence. How to do it? Firstly, if your baby is breast-feeding, avoid eating foods that cause an increase in gas production (cabbage, green vegetables, salads, sparkling water, fresh bread). If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, choose for him a milk mixture made according to a special formula. It is designated differently (depending on the manufacturer): "anti-colic", "against colic", "relieves colic and constipation."

What other actions will help prevent colic?

  • At each feeding, check whether the baby has a good grip on the nipple or nipple.
  • After the baby has eaten, do not immediately put him in the crib, swear for a couple of minutes in the “column” position - this way food is better absorbed.
  • Do a tummy massage daily. This is an excellent prevention not only of colic, but also of constipation and regurgitation.
  • Periodically use a special sling or a kangaroo backpack to carry your baby.

If the child is often and severely suffering from colic, buy a vent pipe. It is effective in cases where gaziki have moved from the tummy to the rectum, but can not go outside. How to understand this? According to the behavior of the baby. He not only cries or yells, but also pushes. Only this device must be used very carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin and mucous membranes of the crumbs.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky notes that infants rarely suffer from colic. This problem begins to appear by the age of 2 months. The specialist determines such patterns: the more the baby eats, the more often and more intensively the colic (the intestines simply do not have enough enzymes for the entire amount of food eaten), the drier the air in the room, the more the child suffers.