In childhood, everyone dreamed of an interesting profession. The boys wanted to become astronauts, pilots, lifeguards. Girls dreamed about the careers of actresses, ballerinas, doctors or teachers. Times change, and new professions come along with them. But the children still continue to dream of such a distant future for them. Whether dreams of babies will come true or not - time will tell. But whatever the path of life, childhood dreams are remembered for a long time. It was these dreams about the future profession that became the main theme of the work of a photographer from Boston named Kevin Le.
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A little about the photographer
Great influence on Kevin in terms of choosing a professional path had his grandfather. In the 40-50s in Vietnam, he also worked as a wedding photographer. Kevin Le grew up in an atmosphere of creativity and inspiration.
At the age of 14, Kevin first became interested in photography. By the age of 19, he had already begun to take his first professional photos. Since then, he has been engaged exclusively in this professional activity, capturing unforgettable shots of happy couples, children, as well as shooting fashion shows.
In 2007, Kevin Le founded his own company, the main activity of which was wedding photography. The photographer began to work with couples, trying to capture the happiest moments in their life. “I love photographing weddings, because people on this day are simply head over heels in love for each other!” Says Le. In general, the philosophy of his work is simple: “Capture the essence of every important moment in life, while maintaining the beauty and spirituality of the future photograph.”
A series of children's photos
In a series of pictures of him "When I grow up, I will become ..." childhood dreams of the future come true. To create them, Kevin interviewed the kids about who they would like to become when they grow up. Having received their answers, the photographer created his own gallery.
Well, whatever the dreams of these kids may be, we hope that in the future they will find their embodiment. Well, we will expect new interesting works from Kevin Le.