The question of when to dig hyacinths and how to store them properly so that next year they continue to delight with luxurious flowering, sooner or later arises in front of every owner of a personal plot. Dutch florists advise in no case to leave bulbs in the soil. This can lead to the fact that in the spring they will be very weak, and after a year the plant is generally able to die. Before the next planting, the bulbs must be inspected and sorted.
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How and when to dig hyacinth bulbs after flowering?
After the flowering process is completed, hyacinths continue to retain their foliage until about the end of June. After this, the green part of the plant begins to gradually die. The longer the hyacinth can keep its leaves, the more likely it is to get the necessary amount of nutrients from the ground and prepare for flowering next year. Therefore, experienced flower growers try to take care of the flower for as long as possible, even despite the absence of inflorescences.
If the foliage is in no hurry to turn yellow and continues to delight with its bright green color, then this may indicate that the plant plans to bloom again. Waters only flowering this time will not be long.
Digging hyacinths after flowering is necessary only after their leaves are wilted. About this period falls on the first half of July. You should not wait until the leaves of the plant completely fall off, otherwise it will be an order of magnitude more difficult to find the bulbs in the ground.
Remove the remains of the stalk with the help of special scissors, fold the bulbs in a box in two layers and leave to dry.
Do I need to dig hyacinths for the winter?
As you know, hyacinths are among the early flowering plants.After the flowering process ends, the bulb begins to ripen immediately. Then comes the period of rest and rest. It is very important at this time to save the bulb from excess moisture, sudden temperature fluctuations and other weather surprises.
It should also be borne in mind that rodents can live on the plot, for which hyacinth bulbs are a real delicacy.
A large amount of moisture leads to rotting of the bulbs, plus, in open soil, the survival rate of plant children is minimal. Thanks to the excavation, you can be sure that next year the plant will enjoy lush and incredibly beautiful flowering.
Digging Precautions
Dig bulbs with extreme caution. Choose them from the soil with enough land and at the same time try to avoid even the slightest damage to the root system.
The basic rules that should be followed during the digging of a plant:
- Engage in this process is in dry and clear weather.
- Use a conventional bayonet shovel or pitchfork to dig. Try to stick the soil deeper to capture the full level of the onion.
- Choose the bulbs carefully, including their small children.
- If you had to dig hyacinths from moist soil, do not rush to remove it immediately, since it is recommended to clean the bulbs only from dry soil.
Bulb storage rules
Storage of hyacinth bulbs is a responsible task. After all, only under the right conditions can the desired flowering be achieved next year. If the bulbs were dug too late or storage rules were not followed, then expecting a lush color makes no sense.
The entire storage process consists of several stages, each of which is characterized by a certain temperature regime:
- After the bulbs have been dug out of the soil, they are sent to a dark, well-ventilated room and left there for an average week to dry. Air temperature is about +20 degrees.
- Then the bulbs are freed from the remnants of the earth and put in a box in a maximum of 2 layers. Further, the plant is stored at room temperature for 2 months.
- The next stage is preplanting. It lasts 1 month. At this time, the bulbs should be stored at a temperature of + 17 ... + 18 degrees. It is very important to maintain a sufficient level of humidity so that they do not dry out.
Do bulbs need treatment?
Bulbs that are intended for artificial propagation must be processed. A solution of potassium permanganate (1%) is perfect for disinfection. The bulb can either be immersed in it completely, or sprayed with a spray bottle. After the procedure, it must be dried for 2-3 days at a temperature of + 23 ... + 25 degrees.
Dates of planting in the ground
It is recommended to return hyacinth bulbs to open soil in late September - early October. If this is done ahead of schedule, the plant will begin to actively develop, which will lead to its death in the winter. With late planting, hyacinth does not have enough time for rooting, which is also fraught with death.
Before planting, the bulbs need to be sorted out. For planting in the soil choose only medium size. Smaller ones need to be grown at home. Before planting the bulbs, they must be decontaminated. A fungicide solution is suitable for this.
So that the plant feels as comfortable as possible in the soil, the soil must be prepared. Dig the ground initially and select all the weeds and remains of other plants. Then flatten the dug area. Humus or compost should be added to the soil. In some cases, it is recommended to add sand and peat. Sandy soils need more potassium fertilizers.
If during planting the weather is unfavorable, then planted hyacinths should be well insulated. A layer of leaves or a protective film is perfect for this.
Based on the foregoing, you now know when to dig hyacinths best.Simple rules in the care will allow you to enjoy the magnificent color of the plant for many years.