In science, interest in coffee is increasing every year, especially after claims that it has a positive effect on health. Although until recently, almost no one dared to call the drink useful. Consider the benefits and harms of coffee for the human body, depending on the variety.
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Coffee - benefits and harm to the human body
Caffeine (trimethylxanthine) is an alkaloid that is found not only in coffee beans, but also in cola nuts and tea leaves.
Alkaloid helps strengthen positive conditioned reflexes, increase motor activity and working capacity, reduce drowsiness.
Consider the benefits the drink has on the body:
- When you drink two cups of coffee every day, it helps reduce the risk of cancer of the pancreas, rectum and colon, liver.
- Parkinson's disease prevention. Women need to consume constantly moderate portions of the drink, and men need a large dose.
- Helps prevent diabetes. To reduce the risk of illness by a third, women need to drink six glasses of coffee. A drink helps men better. If you use the same amount, the risk of getting sick is reduced by 50%.
- The risk of asthma, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, heart attack, hypertension, migraine, and atherosclerosis is reduced.
- Improves reproductive function in men, increasing sperm motility.
- Helps to lose weight.
In medicine, caffeine is used:
- with diseases that depress the central nervous system;
- with insufficiency of the cardiovascular system;
- with infectious diseases;
- with spasms of blood vessels.
What is the harm of coffee?
- It has the ability to cause physical dependence. You can easily check whether you have such a dependency. Refuse for a few days from the drink. If you have an unreasonable headache, irritability, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, your mood worsens and muscle pain appears, then you are very dependent. Symptoms may appear all at once, or only some.
- With prolonged use, the nervous system is constantly in an excited state, while experiencing systematic stress. From which nerve cells are depleted and the normal functioning of the body system is disrupted.
- A large number and regular consumption of a drink is likely to lead to the development of epilepsy, psychosis and paranoia. There is a risk of unmotivated aggression.
- When consumed, the pulse quickens, cardiac activity intensifies, the vasomotor center is excited. Briefly increases the pressure, so the drink in any quantity is harmful to people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. But in healthy people, drinking a large amount of the drink can be harmful to your health.
- Coffee interferes with the absorption of important trace elements and leaches them out of the body. Due to the insufficient amount of calcium that the drink washes out, the teeth deteriorate, brittle bones appear, which causes osteochondrosis. The balance in the system of calcium and magnesium is disturbed, this causes constant pain in the cervical and dorsal spine.
Instant coffee
Helps to cheer up and increase the production of “hormones of happiness”, thereby prolonging life.
It is proved that when you use a soluble drink, the body is more resistant to stress and depression. It promotes weight loss, but when applied without sugar and cream.
Drinking coffee over four cups a day is addictive. Due to the property of increasing pressure, hypertension is contraindicated. The substances that make up the drink have irritating effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa and lead to the development of ulcers and gastritis. Pure coffee without the addition of milk tends to cause heartburn and adversely affect the functioning of the stomach.
Ground or Grain Coffee
Useful properties are diverse.
- Natural coffee helps increase physical activity. Drinking an hour before training, notice that endurance is significantly increased.
- It blocks the feeling of hunger and reduces cravings for sweets, which contributes to weight loss.
- Caffeine helps burn fat.
- When consumed in reasonable amounts (3 cups per day), espresso helps reduce mental fatigue and improve response.
- Coffee lovers are less likely to suffer from a variety of diseases. With moderate use, ground coffee will reduce the risk of developing cancer, will be a good prevention against Parkinson's disease and stroke.
- Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the grains, which fight against free radicals, the aging process is significantly slowed down.
The harm of ground and grain coffee depends on the dosage.
With large, excessive use:
- causes insomnia;
- blood pressure rises;
- coffee machines have problems conceiving and bearing the fetus;
- the drink provokes cardiac vigorous contractions;
- calcium is washed out of bones;
- A large and regular amount of drink can decrease your hearing.
Decaffeinated coffee: what is it good for?
This coffee has a number of advantages.
- Caffeine-free drink is allowed to drink hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- The lack of caffeine allows you to drink more. Moreover, the taste and aroma remain the same as regular coffee.
- Helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes, improves memory and brain activity.
- It is allowed to use without risk to pregnant women.
The most popular coffee drinks: benefits and harms
Let's look at the most popular and favorite drink options.
Coffee with milk.
Helps to increase efficiency, relieve apathy and drowsiness, focuses, increases the functioning of the digestive system. Reduces the development of urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus (2 degrees), diseases with age-related changes in the psyche, myocardial infarction. It is useful to use hypotension, as it increases blood pressure.
It is forbidden to use for people with gastrointestinal diseases, with ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. The drink negatively affects the work of the heart, therefore, people suffering from heart diseases drink it is contraindicated.
Coffee with lemon.
More often it is called espresso romano. The drink has an unusual taste, so you can either love it or hate it. The combination of citrus and coffee does not harm health, and many doctors agree that it will only benefit.
Vitamin C helps to neutralize the effects of caffeine, therefore it is suitable for those who are unpleasant to drink a drink in large quantities. It is prepared only with natural coffee, soluble for the drink is not suitable. It is useful to use for people suffering from low blood pressure. Moreover, the effect on blood vessels due to lemon is milder. Helps improve appetite and recover faster.
It has a negative effect on people with atherosclerosis. Deplets the nervous system.
Coffee with cinnamon.
Helps maintain normal weight. Cinnamon has long been prized for its ability to effectively reduce weight.
In combination, two products help:
- to provide antiviral and antibacterial action, thereby saving from colds and facilitating its course;
- make blood circulate faster, invigorate and tone the body;
- relieve spasms of the liver and bile ducts;
- reduce blood sugar, normalize insulin production;
- improve brain function and lower cholesterol;
- speed up metabolic processes.
The drink has the property of increasing pressure and exacerbating chronic headaches. Negatively affects women whose menopause and painful periods are severe.
Coffee with cardamom.
Helps to refresh, energize and tones the body. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps relieve depression. Helps reduce the risk of tachycardia and hypertension.
Such a drink is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with diseases of the duodenum, as well as with stomach ulcers
Coffee with ginger.
Helps prevent cancer and female diseases, has a positive effect on brain activity, and has a rejuvenating effect. Improves digestion, fights against viral diseases, helps the body recover faster after illness.
Children, pregnant and elderly people are not allowed to drink this form. Harmful to hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.
Green coffee: the benefits and harms
With systematic use, the benefits of green coffee for the body are undeniable:
- metabolic processes improve;
- prevents aging;
- activates the brain;
- reduces the risk of cancer;
- increases vitality;
- strengthens hair;
- eliminates brittle nails;
- fights cellulite;
- removes toxins;
- eliminates headache and spasmodic pain;
- improves the functioning of the higher nervous system;
- stimulates lymphatic drainage.
When used excessively, it causes:
- insomnia
- irritability;
- headache;
- anxiety;
- rapid breathing;
- palpitations;
- stomach problems;
- joint diseases.
Can I drink a drink during pregnancy?
The drink can be consumed in moderation. If you are a lover of ground coffee, then the norm is one cup.But soluble, you can drink up to three cups without harm to health. To reduce calcium loss, drink a drink with added milk.
Helps to cope with problems with edema, because it has a diuretic effect. But if you suffer from high acidity or peptic ulcer - coffee is contraindicated.
How to cook
The most delicious is natural coffee. The drink will turn out to be more saturated in taste and aroma, if prepared from freshly ground grains, which should be grinded almost like powder.
- Prepare a Turk and pour water, preferably spring.
- Pour a couple of small spoons of coffee and sugar if desired. Put on low heat. As soon as the boiling process begins and a light foam forms on the surface - remove the Turk from the heat.
- Wait until the foam settles and again put on low heat. This procedure must be repeated three times.
After this method of making coffee, it will become unforgettably aromatic and delicious.
Drink helps stimulate digestion, therefore it is contraindicated to drink on an empty stomach. Use only after eating. If you do not follow these recommendations, gastritis and pancreatitis may occur.
Who is contraindicated in coffee and possible harm from it
It is forbidden to use:
- people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- with diseases of the stomach and ulcers;
- lactating women;
- with reduced vision.
Use with caution in pregnant women.
Drinking provokes leaching of calcium from the body, and in large doses develops osteoporosis. Causes physical dependence and insomnia. Provokes the appearance of acne. May cause indigestion and stratification of nails, stains on teeth.