If you believe the legends, then the first cappuccino learned in Italy in the 16th century. True, not everyone could afford such a drink. One was not available due to the high price of coffee beans, while others believed that coffee has a devilish power. Today, you can enjoy a delicious and invigorating drink in any cafe or make cappuccino coffee at home.
Material Content:
Classic cappuccino coffee without coffee machine
You can make a real classic cappuccino only from natural ingredients.
Cream, like milk should be fat, but not powder, otherwise it will not work to whip the right foam. To prepare the drink you will need milk (cream), natural ground coffee and, if desired, sugar.
Cooking method:
- We take a Turk and brew strong coffee in it. To do this, pour 1, 5 tablespoons of ground coffee and pour cold water (100 ml). Bring to a boil, repeat this 5-6 times.
- In a container, it is better to take a high, pour the milk and put on fire. In the process of heating, we begin to whisk it gently until a thick foam appears.
- Before combining the prepared ingredients, the porcelain cup needs to be heated in the microwave or just doused with boiling water.
- First, pour coffee, add sugar to taste and spread milk froth on top.
Yolk Recipe
Such a combination as coffee with an egg can surprise many. But they drink the drink for a long time and at the same time very willingly, because its taste is original and refined. Unlike the classic cappuccino, it’s not such a heavy cream that is used, and the froth is whipped from the yolk and vanilla sugar. As a result, the coffee is thick, with a delicate taste and aromatic viscous foam.
Cooking method:
- First of all, we brew coffee in a Turk or a coffee machine. To do this, you need natural ground coffee (1.5 tablespoons) and 100 ml of water.
- Pour the finished espresso into a cup in which cappuccino will be served.
- Pour cream into the container (10%), heat, but do not bring to a strong boil. Beat them in thick foam and add to coffee.
- Now take the yolk and 1.5 tablespoons of vanilla sugar, beat it until it grows in volume and becomes lush. Gently spread on coffee and immediately serve a drink. Under the influence of hot coffee, the whipped yolk begins to thicken, and becomes viscous, like a custard that melts in your mouth.
How to make vanilla cappuccino
Perhaps the most popular dessert is a vanilla cappuccino. Of course, those who have a coffee machine with the function of a cappuccino machine are lucky, they can quickly and easily brew a drink. But, do not despair, because you can enjoy aromatic coffee with airy foam without a special machine, if you have at hand a Turk and an ordinary whisk. You can simply make vanilla cappuccino with cream (milk) or with egg yolk.
Cooking method:
- We make an invigorating black drink at the rate of two tablespoons of ground coffee and 150 ml of water.
- Filter the brewed coffee and pour into a cup.
- Heat the cream, bring it to a boil, add vanilla to taste. As soon as the foam begins to rise, we begin to whip the cream, not removing from the heat. Put the whipped foam on the coffee.
- On top, you can lay out a mass of beaten yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla.
Chocolate coffee
Adding chocolate to a cappuccino is an original way to change the taste of a drink, and an opportunity to please all the sweet tooth. Making cappuccino coffee with chocolate is quite simple.
Cooking method:
- The technology for making cappuccino with chocolate is no different from the classic. We also take 1.5 tablespoons of ground coffee, pour water and brew espresso.
- For foam it is better to use cream with milk to get a rich taste. Spread whipped foam on coffee, and sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.
Instant coffee cappuccino
Making instant cappuccino coffee is as easy as making a cup of tea. It’s not necessary to buy expensive equipment, all you need is instant coffee, some milk, sugar and cinnamon for flavor.
Cooking method:
- Pour milk into a small container, heat it on a stove or in a microwave, the main thing is that the milk does not boil.
- In the cup we put the right amount of instant coffee, if you want to make coffee stronger, then the portion can be doubled. Add a little sugar and a few drops of hot water, mix. If the coffee does not dissolve, you can add a little more water.
- Pour hot milk into a mug with coffee mass, mix the ingredients and fill the bowl to the top with water. If you prefer coffee only with milk, then adding water is not necessary.
- From poured hot milk into a mixture of instant coffee, a foam will form. For the texture, you can add a little cream.
- Sprinkle the finished cappuccino with cinnamon, grated chocolate or nutmeg.
Cooking in Irish
Coffee with cream and whiskey is considered a traditional drink in Ireland. For its preparation, only Irish whiskey is used and served in a special glass with thick walls.
Cooking method:
- We make strong coffee in a way convenient for you. The glass for serving cocktails needs to be warmed up, since such a drink is collected only in a heated glass. To do this, simply douse it with boiling water.
- First, pour 40 ml of Irish whiskey, which, from contact with hot glass, will wrap the glass with a fragrant cloud. Next, quickly pour the prepared coffee, add sugar and decorate with whipped cream.
Chilled Cappuccino
Among all coffee lovers, cappuccino is one of the most beloved drinks.It is pleasant to drink it on cold winter evenings, but on hot summer you can enjoy chilled delicious coffee with whipped cream and ice cream.
Cooking method:
- We make coffee in the traditional way in a Turk or a coffee machine. Add a spoonful of cocoa powder, mix and allow to cool.
- In chilled coffee, add a spoonful of chocolate or vanilla ice cream, wait until it melts.
- Garnish with whipped cream on top.
It is not at all difficult to make a tasty and fragrant drink at home, the main thing is to choose high-quality grains. Old or unripe grains deprive the drink of its specific aroma and taste.
Table: Proportions of coffee and milk presented recipes
Cappuccino | Coffee ml | Milk (cream), ml |
Classical | 100 | 100 |
With yolk | 100 | 100 |
Vanilla | 150 | 150 |
With chocolate | 100 | 80 |
Instant coffee | 1 teaspoon | 100 |
In Irish | 100 | 45 |
Cooled | 100 | 100 |