Among the variations familiar to the modern consumer, the most famous drink in the world, frappe coffee occupies a separate niche. An unusual way of cooking, effective serving, hundreds of unique tastes due to harmonious combination with a wide range of additives, perfect quenching of thirst in the summer heat, invigorating and refreshing effects - all this contributes to the growth of the number of his fans in all corners of the world.

What is Frappe coffee

This word is translated from French as “beat, hit” and implies an original way of serving alcoholic beverages in a special “old-fashioned” glass, which is filled to the top with fine ice.

A free interpretation, popular in non-professional circles, by the word frappe means any drink based on crushed ice crumbs instead of water. To the question “What is frappe coffee?” The barista will answer that it is a cold coffee drink coated with milk white foam, prepared by mixing espresso or doppio, milk and ice cubes in a shaker.

It is rarely possible to say with accuracy up to a year when the world saw a certain dish or drink. Coffee frappe was lucky in this regard: it is known for certain that it was first prepared in September 1957 as part of Thessaloniki International Trade Fair.

Dimitrios Vakondios - a resident of Greece, and part-time representative of the world famous brand Nestle, wanting to make himself a cup of instant coffee, could not get hold of boiling water anywhere. Instead, (probably as a joke) the man was offered ice. The resourceful Greek decided to try his luck: he poured coffee powder with milk, covered it with ice and whipped in a shaker.The result exceeded all the wildest expectations, the resulting drink was a valuable find in the sweltering heat of the southern climate. The successful experiment of Dimitrios soon found hundreds and thousands of followers all over the world.

Today, the delicate, memorable taste of frappe with a pleasant light bitterness and soft, plentiful foam has successfully broken the stereotype that delicious coffee is exceptionally hot.

Coffee frappe - the main recipe

Important! In all proposed recipes, the ingredients are indicated for 1 serving of the drink.

The simplicity of the components in the basic formulation does not interfere with getting a thick foam, rich taste and dense aroma of the drink, which are deservedly appreciated in all corners of Europe.


  • 2-3 tsp instant coffee + 100 ml of water or a standard cup of chilled espresso;
  • sugar, milk to taste;
  • amount of ice - from 2-3 cubes.

For whipping: shaker (for lack of a blender or mixer is suitable).

Step by step cooking:

  1. We cook espresso, cool, strain from the thick, pour into a shaker. If you use granules of instant coffee, just pour them there along with sugar, pour water.
  2. Close the container tightly and shake it actively for several minutes. The output should be a relatively thick foam with a fragrant coffee smell.
  3. Pour ice to the top of the glass. If you do not like iced coffee, you can limit yourself to a few cubes or remove this component altogether, but then it will no longer be the original frappe.
  4. We pour the foamy cocktail into a glass, add cold milk to taste, making the coffee less strong.
  5. We mix the prepared frappe with a straw, through it we taste the resulting drink.

Cooking in Greek

At home, this coffee is considered almost a national drink; it is so harmoniously blended with the country's culture that the Greeks perceive its use as one of the most pleasant ways to spend time. In Greece, an entertaining record was even recorded - 4 hours of drinking frappe through a straw.


  • 2 tsp instant granulated coffee;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 50 ml of mineral water;
  • 100 ml of milk (fat content not less than 2.5%);
  • ice cubes (at least 7-8 pieces per serving).

The proportions are conditional, they can be adjusted to your liking.

Method for making frappe coffee in Greek:

  1. In a frappeshnitsa (a special device for making this drink, at home it can be replaced with a mixer) pour out dry coffee, sugar, add 5 tbsp. l water. If you wish, you can do without sugar, but then the foam will turn out not too lush and airy.
  2. Beat at least one minute until a very dense foam is obtained.
  3. We place ice cubes in a frappe glass that was previously chilled in the freezer, then carefully pour the coffee whipped with sugar there. We dilute everything with a mixture of cold milk and water, pouring them gradually so as not to damage the foam.
  4. We serve guests or enjoy ourselves!

Cooking technology in a blender

As experts note, the thickest, densest and longest preserving foam structure is obtained if you prepare coffee frappe in a blender.

When using this appliance, the cooking steps will be as follows:

  1. We cook espresso (or doppio, as is done in advanced coffee houses), cool it, dilute it with milk. Pour the liquid into the blender bowl, whisk for a couple of minutes at low speed.
  2. Add ice cubes, beat again for 1-2 minutes.
  3. With the last “touch” we turn on the device at maximum speed, pumping the ice into crumbs, achieving a stable foam of the drink.

Cold coffee "Frappe" with ice cream

In the strongest heat, we recommend preparing even colder coffee, supplementing it with ice cream. The recipe will appeal to the sweet tooth, for whom a regular drink seems too bitter and tasteless.


  • double espresso;
  • 100 g of cold milk and ice cream (or other ice cream);
  • 8-10 ice cubes;
  • grated chocolate to decorate a cocktail.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Brew espresso or any other strong coffee (this is an important condition!), cool, filter.
  2. Beat milk with ice cream in foam.
  3. Gently mix with coffee.
  4. We fill the glass with ice, pour in a milkshake.
  5. Sprinkle coffee frappe with grated chocolate.

If you leave the espresso hot and pour it into a glass already filled with ice and whipped milk mixture, the taste of the drink will turn out to be about the same, but the appearance will be very effective. Coffee stains will cover a snow-white milk surface with a beautiful pattern.

Italian drink

Hot Italians are gourmets, so the use of instant coffee in their recipe is unacceptable, you will need exclusively natural, freshly ground grains! Сappuccino freddo - so in Italy they call frappe made by mixing espresso and frothed milk. Espresso laccino - the second variation of the drink, there is no milk, only crumbs of ice and coffee.


  • 60 ml espresso;
  • 100 ml of milk 3.2% fat;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 5-10 ice cubes.

Step by step cooking:

  1. We grind the grains and make coffee in a Turk or a coffee machine. We send it to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, it should be not just slightly cool, but icy.
  2. We filter the drink from the thick, mix in a glass for whipping with sugar. Beat until the black liquid becomes a foamy, light brown dense mass.
  3. Pre-placed frappe coffee glass for 10 minutes in the freezer (this is done so that it is well cooled and covered with beautiful frost) Fill with the resulting foam.
  4. Pour in cold milk, doing it gradually, so that the foam rises up, and does not dissolve at all.
  5. Add ice, wait a couple of minutes to form beautiful layers in frappe.
  6. We supplement the cocktail with a straw, taste it.

Coffee cocktail with honey

For the winter season, you can make cold coffee with honey - the drink will turn out fragrant, exciting taste buds. It is better to use honey flower - so the taste of frappe will turn out to be especially bright and rich.


  • 100 ml espresso;
  • 1-2 tsp honey;
  • 75 ml of milk;
  • 20 g of grated chocolate;
  • 5-8 ice cubes.

Step by step cooking:

  1. We brew coffee, filter, cool. Then in a bowl for whipping, mix it with milk, honey, half grated chocolate.
  2. Beat for several minutes until a beautiful light shade and dense, thick foam are obtained.
  3. Fill 2/3 glasses with ice, carefully pour the resulting frappe over the wall.
  4. Sprinkle with the remaining chocolate, complement the cocktail with a straw.

Although frappe coffee is a fairly young drink, the recipe for its preparation has long been not limited to a couple of options. Someone whips it on the basis of doppio, others use cold espresso, and others mix with milk. And the number of possible additives is completely amazing: seasonal fruits, mint, chocolate, caramel, nuts, cream, cinnamon, honey, ice cream. An essential component is always ice in a significant amount! And if you use only ice and coffee as ingredients, the calorie content of the finished drink will be very low.