Until recently, strawberries were considered summer crops. However, after the removal of the repairing varieties, it was possible to feast on juicy, sweet berries until the colds. Strawberry "Vima Rina" refers to similar representatives of this fragrant berry culture.
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Characterization and description of the variety
“Vima Rina” is the fruit of the works of the Dutch company “Vissers”, which is the originator of a whole series called “Vima”, consisting of 4 varieties. But, despite the general ruler, each form has its own characteristics. Each type of Dutch selection to which the article is devoted is represented by semi-spreading bushes formed by strongly leafy shoots. After the beginning of active vegetation, the latter develop dark green serrated leaves located on medium petioles. White flowers are formed on peduncles, the height of which corresponds to a similar parameter of green mass.
During the fruiting period of strawberries in neutral daylight, meaning weekly budding of the kidneys, large, cone-shaped berries are noted. Their average weight is 40 grams. The taste qualities of glossy red fruits earned a rating of 4.8 points out of 5 possible.
Main characteristics:
- a repairing variety with late ripening is marked by fruiting, which begins in mid-summer, lasts until the frosts;
- strawberries can be enjoyed in the first year after planting;
- frost and drought resistance;
- the crop shows stable yields for 3-4 consecutive years without transplanting;
- poor take-up, which makes care easier, but with the propagation of strawberries "Wima Rina" there are difficulties.
On a note! An important characteristic of the variety is its excellent tolerance to the main fungal diseases, which is very important for obtaining a high yield.
Advantages and disadvantages of strawberries Vima Rina
According to the description of the Vima Rina variety, strawberries have a number of advantages:
- large-fruited;
- high taste;
- long fruiting period;
- excellent frost resistance;
- resistance to dry weather conditions;
- superior immunity;
- good transportability.
Among the minuses, only one stands out - a weak mustache formation, which is why problems arise with reproduction.
How and when to plant in open ground
Planting strawberries "Vima Rina" plays an important role in the success of further cultivation and obtaining a rich, as well as high-quality crop.
To seedlings of large-fruited varieties successfully rooted, significant points should be taken into account:
- Choice of location - for the strawberries, the southern or southwestern slopes with a deep bed of groundwater are suitable. With light shading, planting will also develop, but crop shortages are likely. The site should be protected from drafts, but a little blowing is also necessary, since it will become a prevention of fungal diseases. When choosing a territory, do not forget about the predecessors, the worst among which are nightshade crops (potatoes, tomatoes).
- Requirements for the soil and its preparation - the optimal soil composition should have such indicators as high fertility. lightness, friability and slightly acid reaction. In case the soil is strongly acidic, it is worth investing. With increased alkalinity, acidification with peat is necessary. The soil is enriched with nutrients in the form of organics and mineral agrochemicals 2 weeks before planting material is planted, when the site is dug up, it is cleaned of the roots of weeds.
- The choice of seedlings - preference should be given to well-developed seedlings with 3-4 leaves and roots 7 cm long. On the shoots there should be no visible signs of disease.
Having completed the preparatory work, when the optimum landing dates fall in mid-April - early May, you can begin the necessary work. It is worth noting that gardeners living in regions with a climate characterized by spring return frosts should prefer autumn planting (first half of September).
At the appropriate time, holes of 25x25 cm in size are dug in the selected area, while an interval of 50 cm is maintained between the holes. If the soil has not been previously enriched, then fertilizers mixed with soil should be added to the recesses. Next, water is poured, after which seedlings are placed, sprinkled with the extracted mass. At the end of the work, the trunk circles are compacted, moistened and covered with a layer of mulch from sawdust or peat.
Features of growing and caring for the maintenance of strawberries
It is not difficult to grow juicy and fragrant berries if you correctly and comprehensively approach the issue of caring for a berry culture.
It is interesting:strawberry care
Watering and feeding
The repairing grade Vima Rina needs constant hydration. This is primarily due to the surface root system, which cannot use the moisture reserves in the meter layer. Therefore, from the beginning of the growing season and before the fruiting phase, watering is carried out weekly with a consumption rate of 10 liters per 1 sq. Km. m. Since August, the frequency of irrigation has been halved. If possible, it is better to organize a drip irrigation system. This will prevent moisture from getting on the shoots, which can trigger the development of gray rot. When using a watering can, the water should be warm, and the procedure itself should be arranged in the morning or evening hours.
Like other strawberry varieties, Vima Rina responds well to top dressing, which is advisable to start from the second year of development if, when planting seedlings, the soil was enriched with nutrient complexes. After the snow cover disappears, nitrogen is introduced under the plantings, which is contained in both organic and mineral fertilizers. During the formation of the ovary, foliar top dressing is required, which involves spraying the bushes with a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 2 g of boron, a similar amount of manganese and zinc. At the end of fruiting, the beds are enriched with phosphorus-potassium complexes of mineral fertilizers.
Mulching and loosening
After watering, rows should be loosened to prevent the appearance of a crust and to provide free access of air to the roots of the culture. Another important soil treatment activity is mulching. The first time it is carried out immediately after planting seedlings. In the future, the mass layer must be regularly updated. The main advantages of this procedure: slowing down the evaporation of moisture, inhibiting the growth of weeds, protecting the roots from overheating.
On a note! Since strawberries have a superficial root system, loosening and weeding must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the roots.
Preparing strawberries for the winter
A distinctive feature and at the same time the advantage of the variety is its high frost resistance, therefore the Vima Rina strawberry does not need complex structures. However, it is still worth protecting, since the winter-hardy culture bears fruit until the frost and does not have time to prepare for the cold on its own.
- After the first severe cold weather, the remaining fruits and yellowed leaves are removed from the bushes.
- In specimens with a bare root neck, the latter is dug up with soil.
- The old mulch layer is updated by completely removing the past and placing the new composition.
- Plantings are covered with fallen garden foliage.
If the region is dominated by snowy winters, then as a warm "blanket" it is worth using fir spruce branches.
Protection against diseases and pests
Growing strawberries "Vima Rina" is associated with certain difficulties. Among them, the defeat by harmful organisms stands out.
The main diseases:
- gray rot - develops in wet summers or in violation of the irrigation regime, when moisture constantly stagnates in the roots;
- powdery mildew - stale air can provoke development if you erroneously determine the desired area, rainy weather, and the wrong choice of predecessor.
To protect the plantings from these ailments, it is recommended to conduct treatment with a copper-containing preparation before the formation of fruits. If the development was noted already during the loading of berries, then it is necessary to wait for the harvest, so that there is no pesticidal residue in the fruits.
Strawberries can also be attacked by pests, from which strawberry mites and slugs stand out. If an insecticide helps in the fight against the first one, which can be picked up in a specialized store with minimal risk of acquiring counterfeit, then it will be necessary to deal with gastropod pests mechanically.
Tips for increasing yields
Strawberry "Vima Rina" refers to high-yielding varieties, which still need to help realize their full potential.
Key recommendations for increasing yields:
- landing should be carried out in well-lit areas with fertile soil;
- You can not skip dressing, since the repairing variety consumes nutrients from the soil quite intensively;
- it is necessary to carry out all the procedures for soil treatment, which will saturate the roots of strawberries with oxygen, which contribute to nutritional processes, and also protect the soil from depletion due to weeds;
- before the arrival of winter, it is worth sheltering plantings, since freezing of shoots will lead to a shortage of crops in the next season;
- every 4 years, the bushes need to be replanted to prevent the fruit from fading.
So, observing simple agricultural technology, any gardener cultivating Vima Rina will be able to enjoy delicate and fragrant berries until the cold weather.