Every year, among gardeners and gardeners, strawberries are able to bear fruit many times a season. However, the farmers, bribed by such an interesting characteristic, in the pursuit of crops, do not know that the cultivation and care of remontant strawberries has a number of their own characteristics.
Material Content:
The best varieties of repair strawberries and a description
A large number of strawberry varieties with a long fruiting cycle have been developed, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.
The most popular among experienced gardeners are the following:
- “Queen Elizabeth” is a frost-resistant variety represented by abundantly flowering bushes. Fruits in the fruiting phase are painted in bright red color and have a dense structure.
- "Russian Size" is a high-yielding large-fruited hybrid variety, which is characterized by excellent frost resistance and good immunity to diseases.
- "Aromas" is a productive variety that demonstrates excellent immunity to damage by powdery mildew and strawberry mite.
- “Diamond” - a productive variety bred by American breeders with juicy pulp and fruits weighing up to 50 g, characterized by the ability to form a mustache.
- "Crimean remontantny" is a highly productive variety that has become the result of the work of Ukrainian breeders, with a continuous fruiting period, marked from late spring to mid-autumn. Saturated red berries with juicy pulp are formed not only on bushes, but also on rosettes.
Note! What does “remontant culture” mean? A plant that is able to bloom or bear fruit repeatedly throughout the season.
Growing seedlings from seeds
Although it is easier to buy strawberry seedlings at specialized points of sale, experienced and interested gardeners can grow seedlings from seeds.
For this:
- In late February, boxes for seedlings are being prepared, which are filled with a substrate of peat and sand.
- The substrate is moistened and seeds that are crushed by dry sand are laid out on the surface.
- The containers are covered with glass and installed in a warm, well-lit place.
- In the process of emergence of seedlings, crops are moistened from the spray gun and ventilated.
- When the Sentsi develop 1 pair of real leaves, the bushes dive into individual containers, where they are tempered before planting in open ground.
Technology of planting plants in the ground
Repair strawberries should be grown in well-lit areas after small seeds or legumes. If last year the territory was occupied by solanaceous or pumpkin crops, then you should look for another place. In order for the crop to be high and stable every year, the soil must be selected loose and fertile with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Soil preparation with the simultaneous removal of residues of weed vegetation is carried out in advance. The beds are dug up with forks and enriched with compost, wood ash and mineral fertilizers.
If the landing is planned in late spring after passing the threat of frost, then the site is preparing in the fall. In the case of the September planting of strawberries, preparatory work should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the planned date.
Landing technology
When landing in open ground:
- In the case of the carpet method, 20x20 cm holes are prepared.
- If the ordinary method is chosen, then the landing pits are dug with a distance of 25 cm from each other, and the row spacing is 70 cm.
- Seedlings with an earthen lump are lowered into the prepared recesses and filled with soil so that the heart remains above the ground.
- The earth in the near-stem circle is compacted and moistened.
The rules for the maintenance of maintenance strawberries
Since the repairing varieties are distinguished by large berries and high productivity, to obtain them, it is necessary to organize proper care in compliance with all agrotechnical requirements for cultivation.
Due to the superficial root system, the repair strawberry is unable to take moisture from the deep reserves, therefore it needs regular and plentiful watering. Humidification is carried out early in the morning or after sunset with the help of heated water. After planting bushes on the beds, strawberries are watered daily. The same irrigation regime is used in extreme heat and in the fruiting phase. The rest of the time, it is enough to moisten the soil every 4 days.
Loosening and mulching
After rainfall or watering, when the earth shakes, the beds are loosened to provide aeration. To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and save time on loosening, it is recommended to cover the trunk circles with a layer of mulch or agrofibre.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
Supplementary nutrition of strawberry maintenance provides the best yield results. During the growing season, the culture is fed 2 or 3 times a month, depending on the fertile soil layer and its preplant training. Top dressing is carried out both by organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring it is worth adding more nitrogen. With the beginning of the appearance of peduncles, phosphorus and potassium are necessarily introduced under the plantings.
Trimming and processing
You can cut strawberries in autumn or spring:
- After the completion of autumn fruiting, the foliage is carefully cut from the bushes, so as not to injure the upper leaf sinuses, where the fruiting buds are laid.After trimming and removing plant debris, the beds are processed from harmful organisms for prevention.
- If pruning was not performed in the fall, then with the advent of spring, yellowed, overwintered leaves are removed. Following is a preventive spraying of the beds.
Pest and Disease Control
In case of violation of agricultural technical requirements for care, the repairing varieties of strawberries can be affected by powdery mildew, gray rot, spotting and fusarium wilting. To save the affected bushes, immediate spraying of the plantings with a fungicide is required. Among the pests, thrips, aphids, weevils, ticks stand out, which preventive and protective treatments with insecticides will help to cope with. In the case of slugs due to the increased level of humidity, the gardener will have to deal with the gastropod pest mechanically.
Breeding methods
Bezosaya strawberry is propagated by dividing the bush, for which developed three-year-old specimens are selected. In addition, each piece must have a horn with a socket. If the variety is distinguished by the presence of a mustache, then after the first fruiting it is enough for the gardener to select the strongest specimens and dig the most developed mustaches into the grooves. After the formation and good development of outlets, the latter are separated and landed on a permanent place.
Harvesting and Aftercare
When the whole crop is harvested:
- watering is reduced;
- foliage trimmed;
- preventive treatment is carried out;
- after the first frost, the beds are covered with garden foliage or sawdust.
Possible growing problems
The main problems that may arise during the cultivation of maintenance strawberries are related to violations of agricultural requirements:
- shredding of fruits and further degeneration of strawberries due to lack of moisture, nutrition;
- the development of diseases and pests due to violation of crop rotation, irrigation regime, sanitary procedures.
So, if the gardener wants to feast on sweet and juicy berries throughout the summer and even in autumn, then planting a strawberry remontana will be a great solution.