Today, manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry offer women a variety of formulations designed to treat thrush. However, suppositories are recognized as the most effective, since they act directly on the very focus of inflammation - the vaginal mucosa. Among the presented assortment, it is worth highlighting clotrimazole candles, which differ not only in a powerful effect, but also at an affordable price.
Material Content:
Composition (active substance)
Clotrimazole acts as the main active ingredient. The substance is used to treat gynecological diseases caused by yeast-like bacteria of the genus Candida. One vaginal suppository contains 100-200-500 mg of the active substance.
In addition to clotrimazole, auxiliary components are also included, such as:
- lactose monohydrate;
- corn starch;
- lemon acid;
- starch.
In one package you will find 6 small candles of a white or slightly yellowish hue. In addition to the drug, a special applicator is included in the package, which facilitates the process of entering suppositories.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Clotrimazole is a powerful antifungal substance, the action of which is aimed at the complete destruction of the causative agent of thrush. It has antiseptic, bactericidal and antiprotozoal properties. This component affects the membrane of yeast-like fungi itself, thereby inhibiting their further reproduction in the vaginal microflora.In addition to the harmful effects on the fungus, clotrimazole is able to prevent the synthesis of the following microorganisms:
- dermatophytes;
- Trichomonas;
- streptococci;
- staphylococci and others.
It is worth noting that a small dosage of the component can only stop the rapid reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Fatal for microorganisms is considered a high concentration of the active substance.
After getting into the vaginal environment, clotrimazole has a detrimental effect on the main component of microorganism cells - ergosterol. Stopping its synthesis leads to further death of Candida yeast-like fungi, which are the main culprits of the development of the inflammatory process. The action of the substance lasts for 48-72 hours, after which the drug is completely excreted from the body.
What is Clotrimazole prescribed for?
It is unlikely that in the modern world there is a woman who does not know what vaginal suppositories are and what they help from. With the unpleasant consequences of thrush, at least once in a life, every representative of the fair sex faced. Painful itching and burning cause a lot of inconvenience at the most inopportune moment.
The complexity of the treatment of infection lies in the fact that it is able to return again and again, provoking a number of concomitant gynecological disorders. The tool in the form of vaginal suppositories is prescribed by the doctor in those cases when fungi of the genus Candida were found in the smear of the patient taken for analysis.
Suppositories clotrimazole with thrush act most effectively. They immediately eliminate pain and discomfort, thereby facilitating the general condition of the woman. In addition to candidal vulvovaginitis, an indication for the use of suppositories can be trichomoniasis and a number of other inflammations caused by streptococci or staphylococci.
In addition, the medication is often prescribed by gynecologists to prevent:
- before childbirth, to prevent infection with the thrush of the newborn;
- before surgery on the female pelvic organs.
Note! Self-treatment of candidiasis, as a rule, only worsens the further symptoms of the disease. Improper therapy is the main culprit in the transition of the acute stage to a chronic form, which is much more difficult to treat.
Instructions for the use of candles
The treatment regimen is selected by a specialist taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the severity of the form of the disease, and also based on the analyzes taken from the patient. Often, the drug is recommended to be used only once a day before bedtime. For this, the suppository is injected into the vagina, using the special applicator from the kit.
As a rule, the duration of treatment does not exceed one week. In the event that therapy did not help to achieve a sustainable result, the gynecologist can extend the treatment course. If necessary, Clotrimazole suppositories are combined with other forms of the drug for a more intense effect on the causative agent of the infection. For the rehabilitation of the birth canal before giving birth, a single use of one suppository of 200 mg is prescribed.
Note: remember that even if all the symptoms of thrush completely disappeared after several injections of the drug, it is imperative to complete the full course of therapy prescribed by the gynecologist.
During pregnancy and lactation
In the first months after conception, the use of suppositories, as well as other forms of the drug, is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, against the background of sharp changes in the hormonal background, serious complications are possible, up to the risk of miscarriage. In the subsequent second and third trimesters, the appointment of the drug is acceptable, however, only after a preliminary examination and consultation with the attending physician.
Clotrimazole suppositories are also allowed to be used during breastfeeding, but under the close supervision of a competent specialist. Pregnant women should be especially careful when administering a suppository.In no case should you use the packaged applicator. Input must be carried out manually to avoid damage to the mucous membrane and cervix.
During various clinical trials, scientists have not proved the negative effect of suppositories on a woman's body during pregnancy. Nevertheless, doctors claim that it is better to use candles or clorimazole tablets after a preliminary diagnosis.
Drug interaction
Local topical use of clotrimazole with oral administration of immunosuppressants, which can increase the quantitative indicator of tacrolimus in blood plasma, is not recommended. During treatment, the doctor should monitor the level of this substance in order to avoid signs of an overdose.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The main contraindication is the use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, clotrimazole is not recommended for patients with an increased risk of an allergic reaction to the components included in the suppository.
In addition, the following adverse reactions may occur during therapy:
- cramping pains in the lower abdomen;
- hypersensitivity of the vessels of the vaginal mucosa;
- uncomfortable feeling of itching and burning;
- redness of the genital mucosa.
In pregnant women, cramping pain in the abdomen may appear. If any of the above symptoms have been noted, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Doctors urge the patient to stop having sex with her partner during therapy.
It is worth noting that the right approach involves the treatment of both a woman and her sexual partner. Otherwise, the unpleasant symptoms of thrush will again be transmitted to the patient during intercourse. Local use of high doses of the active substance is not able to lead to any complications that pose a threat to human life. Overdose cases have not been reported by specialists.
Analogues of the drug
- Candide B6 - A complete analogue of suppositories clotrimazole, characterized by antimicrobial and antiseptic actions. One candle contains 100 mg of the active ingredient. The budget cost of the drug does not exceed 75 rubles.
- Nystatin - the drug is presented in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories. The main active ingredient, nystatin, disrupts the cell structure of the membrane of Candida yeast-like fungi, thereby preventing the multiplication of pathogenic vaginal microflora. The price varies from 65 to 120 rubles per package.